

【摘要】 目的 探讨如何做好输卵管绝育术,以降低失败率及预防并发症的发生。方法 收集2000~2004年输卵管结扎术2017例,分析手术时期、妇科炎症结扎部位、手术方式与失败率的关系及并发症的发生情况。结果 月经后手术失败率低于哺乳期(P0.05);无妇科炎症优于有炎症期(P0.05);峡部结扎失败率低于壶腹部(P0.05);抽芯包埋法手术优于双折压挫结扎切除法(P0.01);手术并发症14例,均与术前检查、术中操作、术后护理不细致有关。结论 输卵管结扎术要严把“三关”:术前检查关、手术操作关和术后护理及随访关,以减少手术失败及并发症的发生。

【关键词】 输卵管结扎术;失败率并发症   A clinical analysis of 2017 cases of ligation of oviduct。

【Abstract】 Objective To study the ligation operation of oviduct,and lower the occurrence that fail to the rate and prevention complications.Methods Collected 2017 cases of ligation of oviduct between 2000 and 2004,analyze surgical of period, gynecological inflammation,tubal ligation part,surgical operation method and failing rates and complication.Results The failure rate in menstrual period was lower than that in breast feed(P0.05).The gynecology has no inflammation to surpass the inflammation(P0.05).The tubal ligation failure rate on a film length was lower than that on a belly(P0.05).Release the core to wrap up and bury the law operation pair was better than ligature excise law to keep to roll over(P0.01).There were 14 surgical operation complications,which were all have something to do with the checking before operation,the operating and the nursing not meticulously after operation.Conclusion The ligation of oviduct should be strict to “Three”:Checking pass before operation,surgical operation pass,nursing after operation and with visit pass,reduce surgical operation failure rate and the occurrence of complications.

【Key words】 fallopian tube;ligation oviduct;failure rate;complications。


1 资料与方法。

1.1 一般资料 2000年1月~2004年10月,共2017例育龄妇女在本中心行输卵管结扎术,其中2000年施术135例(占6.69%),2001年504例(24.99%),2002年331例(16.41%),2003年519例(25.73%),2004年528例(26.18%)。受术者年龄为20~43岁,24~32岁最多,占71.29%。受术者产次:一胎12例(0.59%)二胎886例(占43.93%),三胎及以上1119例(占55.48%)。

1.2 手术方法 麻醉采用0.5%~1%利多卡因做1针4处局部浸润。术后给予阿莫西林胶囊0.5g,3次/d,连用5天,手术方式有2种:输卵管双折压挫结扎切除法659例,输卵管抽芯包埋法1358例。

1.3 资料统计 由手术医师认真填写术前检查记录和手术记录表。术后随访人员均为专业技术人员,利用入户随访和优质服务等活动对手术对象进行随访,并将随访记录上报至本中心后由专人负责收集、整理,资料采用χ2检验进行统计学处理。

2 结果。

2.1 施术时期、妇科炎症结扎部位、手术方式与失败率关系 见表1、表2、表3、表4。表1 手术时期与失败率关系 例(略)注:*相比较,χ2=4.60,P0.05 表2 妇科炎症失败率关系 例(略)注:χ2=4.62,P0.05 表3 结扎部位与失败率关系 例(略)注:χ2=8.34,P0.05 表4 手术方法与失败率关系 例(略) 注:χ2=7.84,P0.01。


2.2 手术并发症 发生手术并发症共14例,其中膀胱损伤2例,腹壁血肿1例,附件炎性囊肿3例,切口感染9例,盆腔粘连1例,神经官能症2例。

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