
[摘要] 目的 分析研究低肺功能肺结核毁损肺患者采取全肺切除手术治疗临床应用价值。

方法 选取2013年7月―2014年10月在该院接收的患有低肺功能肺结核毁损肺的病人一共有58例,对58例病人采取全肺切除术,对其手术效果给予分析研究。

结果 临床手术以后,痰菌转阴率为96.55%),治愈率为96.55%。

另外,临床手术以后6个月,病人FEV1以及最大通气量明显要比手术之前和手术以后3个月高(P毕业论文网   [关键词] 低肺功能肺结核毁损肺;全肺切除手术;疗效观察   [中图分类号] R6 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674—0742(2015)08(c)—0061—02   Efficacy of Pneumonectomy in Treating Patients with Low Lung Function Tuberculosis Destroyed Lung   CAO Xue—gang   Tuberculosis Hospital in Jilin Province, Jiutai, Jilin Province, 130500 China   [Abstract] Objective To analyze the clinical value of pneumonectomy in treating patients with low lung function tuberculosis destroyed lung. Methods A total of 58 patients with low lung function tuberculosis destroyed lung admitted to our hospital between July 2013 and October 2014 underwent pneumonectomy, and the operative effects were analyzed and studied. Results After clinical surgery, sputum—negative conversion rate was 96.55% and the cure rate was 96.55%. In addition, 6 months after operation, the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) were higher, partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) was lower than those before operation and 3 months after operation, and the differences above were statistically significant, P   1.3 临床观察指标   密切观察病人手术以后痰转阴情况、并发症以及治愈率情况,同时对比临床手术之前和手术以后3个月、6个月的肺部功能情况,肺部功能主要的临床指标包括有FEV1、MVV(最大通气量)以及PaCO2(二氧化碳分压)[3]。

1.4 统计方法   采取SPSS12.0统计学软件对数据进行分析



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