
作者:谭小芸, 刘兴峰, 陈星浩。

【关键词】 慢性乙型肝炎;,,甘利欣胶囊;,,优思弗胶囊;,,疗效


关键词: 慢性乙型肝炎; 甘利欣胶囊; 优思弗胶囊; 疗效

Observing the Effect of Glycyrrhizinate Comownd Ursodeoxycholi acid on Treating Chronic Hepatits B。

Abstract: Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of compound glycyrrhizin combining ursodeoxy—cholic acid in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.Method: 87 patients with chronic hepatitis B were enrolled to,on whom, the anti—viral therapy proved to be ineffective and who suffered a long— term abnormal liver functions, of the total ,47 were randomly assignesd to receive compound glycyrrhizin plus ursodeoxycholic acid(treatment,group), and 40 to receive compound glycyrrhizin plus vitamin C(control group). Course of treatment for both groups was 8 weeks. Result: As compared with the control group, the liver function and immune function for the treatment group had a better amelioration(P0.05) );the total effective group, the liver function and immune control group were 89.4% and 67.5%(P0.01), respectively. Conclusion: Compound glycyrrhizin plus ursodeoxycholi acid is effective in treatment of chronic hepatitis B cases when anti—viral therapy is ineffective and whose liver function are abnormal for a long time.

Key words: Chronic hepatitis B; Glycyrrhizinate capsules; Ursodeoxycholic acid capsules; Therapeutic effect。


1 资料与方法。

1.1 病例选择:来我院就诊的慢性乙型肝炎患者共计87例,均为抗病毒治疗失败或无抗病毒治疗指征而肝功能长期异常者,诊断符合2000年9月“第10次全国病毒性肝炎会议”修订的诊断标准[1]。随机分为治疗组和对照组,2组基本情况详见表1。

表1 两组病例基本情况比较(略)。


1.2 治疗方法:治疗组:口服甘利欣胶囊(江苏正大天晴药业股份有限公司50mg/粒)150mg/次,3次/d;优思弗(熊去氧胆酸,德国Falk大药厂,250mg/粒)250mg,/1次/d。对照组: 口服甘利欣胶囊(同上)3粒/3次/d;维生素C片0.3g/3次/d。疗程均为8wk。

1.3 观察项目。

1.3.1 症状及体征: 包括乏力、纳差、肝区不适、黄疸、肝脾肿大等。

1.3.2 肝功能检测:包括丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、C—谷氨酰转移酶(GGT)、总胆红素(SB)、总蛋白(TB)、白蛋白(ALB),每2周检测1次。

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