

【摘要】 目的 比较相同剂量的罗哌卡因左布卡因布比卡因腰麻用于剖宫产的效能,以探讨剖宫产的最佳局麻药。方法 将120例ASAⅠⅡ级择期行剖宫产病人,随机分成三组,用0.75%罗哌卡因左布卡因布比卡因各2 ml,分别用脑脊液1 ml 配成等比重溶液,用25G腰麻穿刺针,于L2~3间隙穿刺,在60 s 内缓慢将2 ml 药液注入蛛网膜下腔,比较各组感觉、运动阻滞起效和恢复时间的异同点。结果 在感觉阻滞起效时间上,左布卡因罗哌卡因布比卡因;在恢复时间和最大阻滞时间上罗哌卡因布比卡因左布卡因;在最高麻醉平面上布比卡因罗哌卡因左布卡因;在运动阻滞起效时间上,左布卡因罗哌卡因布比卡因,在最大运动阻滞时间和恢复时间布比卡因罗哌卡因左布卡因;在镇痛效果及肌松上布比卡因罗哌卡因左布卡因;在低血压、呼吸困难等不良反应上,布比卡因罗哌卡因左布卡因。结论 罗哌卡因不仅具有布比卡因左布卡因的优点,而且能克服后两者的缺点,是腰麻下行剖宫产的理想局麻药

【关键词】 罗哌卡因左布卡因布比卡因剖宫产腰麻

Abstract: Objective To compare the effects of the same dose of ropivacaine, levobupivacaine and bupivacaine for spine anesthesia in the patients undergoing caesarean section.Methods total of 120 women (ASAⅠorⅡ) who would be given caesarean section were at random divided into three groups in order to receive one of the following isobaric intrathecal solutions (containing ropivacaine, levobupivacaine and bupivacaine, respectively) with cerebrospinal fluid as diluent. The difference of sensory block, motor block and recovery was compared.Results There were differences among the three groups in onset time, block height and the longest duration time of sensory block. As for onset time, block height, and the quality of analgesia and muscular relaxation, various ranks were listed as follow: levobupivacaineropivacainebupivacaine, bupivacaineropivacainelevobupivacaine, and bupivacaineropivacainelevobupivacaine.Conclusion Ropivacaine might be the appropriate choice when Caesarean section is performed.

Key words: ropivacaine; levobupivacain; bupivacaine; Caesarean section; spine anesthesia。


1 资料与方法。

11 将年龄20~35岁,ASAⅠⅡ级择期行剖宫产病人120例,采用随机双盲法分成三组,即左布卡因组(L组)、罗哌卡因组(R组)和布比卡因组(B组),每组40例。进入手术室前30 min 均常规肌注苯巴比妥钠0.1 g 和阿托品0.5 mg。

12 局麻药配置。

三种药物均采用等比重配方,L组:0.75%左布卡因2 ml+1 ml 脑脊液,R组:0.75%罗哌卡因2 ml+1 ml 脑脊液,B组:0.75%布比卡因2 ml+1 ml 脑脊液

13 病人。

进入手术室后面罩给氧3 L/min,乳酸林格液10 ml/kg 快速扩容,20 min 内完成。取右侧卧位,选择L2~3间隙穿刺,先用16 G Tuohy针穿刺,进入硬膜外腔后置入25 G 腰麻穿刺针,脑脊液通畅流出后将局麻药1.8 ml(9 mg)缓慢注入(约60 s),而后将硬膜外导管向上置入3 cm。

14 取仰卧位并以软枕垫臀部保持身体轻度左斜位,监护仪监测无创血压和心率,1次/2min,胎儿娩出后改为1次/5 min 直至产后2 h。收缩压90 mmHg 或基础值25%为低血压,静注麻黄碱5~15 mg,心率50次/min,则静注阿托品0.2~0.5 mg。

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