
本篇论文目录导航:【题目】青州市村级财务管理现状及有效对策【第一章】村级财务管理模式的完善研究绪论【2.1 2.2】委托代理与内部控制理论村级财务管理中的运用【2.3 2.4】集权与分权理论及其对村级财务管理的影响【3.1 3.2】农村财务管理模式及效果评价【3.3】影响农村财务管理模式设计和选择的因素分析【4.1 4.2】青州市村级财务管理现行模式【4.3】青州市现行村级财务管理存在的问题【第五章】青州市村级财务管理模式的优化设计及对策建议【结论/参考文献】村级财务管理模式的优化研究结论及参考文献。

目 录。

中文摘要   Abstract   1 绪论    1.1 选题背景与研究意义    1.2 国内相关研究综述    1.2.1 国外村级财务管理研究现状    1.2.2 国内村级财务管理研究现状    1.3 本文的研究内容、技术路线和方法    1.3.1 本文的研究内容    1.3.2 本文的研究方法    1.3.3 本文的技术路线    1.4 本文的创新点及需要进一步研究的问题    1.4.1 本文的创新点    1.4.2 需要进一步研究的问题   2 村级财务管理相关理论分析    2.1 委托代理理论及其在村级财务管理中的应用    2.1.1 委托代理理论概述    2.1.2 委托代理理论村级财务管理中的应用    2.2 内部控制理论及其在村级财务管理中的运用    2.2.1 内部控制理论概述    2.2.2 内部控制理论及其在村级财务管理中的应用    2.3 集权与分权理论及其对村级财务管理的影响    2.3.1 集权与分权理论概述    2.3.2 集权理论村级财务管理的影响    2.3.3 分权理论村级财务管理的影响    2.3.4 村级财务管理运用分权理论的原因    2.4 会计寻租与会计管制及村级财务管理会计寻租行为的适度控制    2.4.1 会计寻租与会计管制理论综述    2.4.2 会计寻租和会计管制对村级财务管理模式的影响   3 现行村级财务管理模式比较分析    3.1 村级财务管理模式的种类    3.1.1村账村管模式    3.1.2农村会计委派制模式    3.1.3农村会计代理模式    3.1.4村级会计委托代理模式    3.2 农村财务管理模式及效果评价    3.2.1村账村管模式及效果评价    3.2.2农村会计委派制模式及效果评价    3.2.3农村会计代理模式及效果评价    3.2.4村级会计委托代理模式及效果评价    3.3 影响农村财务管理模式设计和选择的因素分析    3.3.1 法律制度环境    3.3.2 政策环境    3.3.3 经济环境    3.3.4 农村自身因素   4 青州市村级财务管理现状分析    4.1 青州市村级财务管理现状    4.2 青州市村级财务管理现行模式    4.2.1 青州市会计委托代理模式的具体做法    4.2.2 青州市会计委托代理模式的取得的成效    4.2.3 青州市会计委托代理模式的存在的不足    4.3 青州市现行村级财务管理存在的问题   5 青州市村级财务管理模式的优化设计及对策建议    5.1 青州市村级财务管理模式的优化设计    5.2 规范青州市村级财务管理的对策建议    5.2.1 建立切实可行的教育培训体系    5.2.2 政府部门加大力度,保证财务管理制度的落实    5.2.3 加强业务培训,稳定村级财会人员队伍    5.2.4 进一步完善财务公开制度    5.2.5 进一步完善监督体系   6 结论与研究展望   参考文献   致 谢。






As the cancellation of agricultural tax and national attention to the three agricultureproblems, rural financial management work in the study of rural problems in China a veryimportant basic work, more and more become hot, focus and difficult in the rural work,involves the vital interests of the masses, related to the rural reform development and stability,is related to the construction of new socialist countryside. Due part in China's rural villagefinancial management is chaotic, imperfect financial does not open, democratic management,which led to a series of contradictions and problems, causing tension and masses, the massespetitions, seriously affected the social stability, seriously hindered the progress of rural societyand rural economic development. Therefore, research on this problem has important practicalsignificance.

In this article, through the literature, such as visiting survey, make full use of professionaltheory knowledge, in all the subjects taught in Qingzhou, for example, to deal with in theprocess of analysis and research topic, on the basis of reviewing the related researchachievements of literature summary, first discusses the significance of village—level financialmanagement, through the analysis and comparison of the rural financial management mode,can directly reflect the local actual financial management pattern, standardize the village—levelfinancial management work, safeguard the vital interests of the farmers, to strengthen theconstruction of rural grassroots movement, can improve the style of rural grassroots cadres,promote rural social harmony and stability, promoting the construction of new socialistcountryside; Secondly, analyses the village—level financial management related theory,village—level financial management theory mainly including principal—agent theory,internal control theory, centralization and decentralization theory, accountingrent—seeking and accounting regulation, etc.; Third, analyses the current village—levelfinancial management mode, the current village—level financial management pattern mainly includes the village, zhang village tube, rural accounting accreditation system, ruralaccounting agency system, village accounting examination agency model, the origins ofthe theory of the village—level financial management mode, scope of application, advantagesand disadvantages of doing a detailed comparative analysis, it is concluded that thevillage—level financial management mode of applicable scope, applicable area is also different,there are many factors that can affect the village—level financial management mode selection,including the legal system, policy, environment factors, economic factors, environmentalfactors and rural itself can not one size fits all in the process of the specific choice, mustadjust measures to local conditions. Fourth, systematically analyzes the Qingzhouvillage—level financial management status, Qingzhou existing financial management mode isgiven priority to with accounting examination agency, but the village economic developmentlevel and the local actual, to villages based on the actual reasonable optimization choice offinancial management mode; Finally, Qingzhou village—level financial management pattern,the optimization design, and proposes the corresponding countermeasures and Suggestions,through the establishment of feasible education training system, the government departments,ensure the implementation of the financial management system, strengthen business training,stable village—level accounting personnel team, further improve the system of financialdisclosure and the supervision system and so on to improve the system of village levelfinancial management.

Keywords : village financial management mode, accounting examination agency,optimization design。


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