

【关键词】 浓度

Effect of continuously infused propofol of different concentrations on serum lipid metabolism in rabbits。

【Abstract】 AIM: To observe the pharmacodynamics of 50 g/L propofol and its effect on the serum lipid metabolism of rabbits. METHODS: Twelve rabbits of both sexes were randomized into 2 groups. All rabbits received 6 mg/kg bolus doses at a speed of 0.6 mg/s of 10 g/L and 50 g/L propofol from a marginal ear vein, the effect onset time was recorded. Propofol was then administered under computer control for 360 min at a speed of 400 μg/(kg・min) . The heart rate, blood pressure and respiration rate were measured during the infusion, and the recovery time was recorded. Arterial blood samples were collected before infusion and 5, 30, 60, 180, 360 and 365 min after infusion for the measurement of blood propofol concentrations and the serum concentrations of triglyceride, cholesterol, highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol and lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol. RESULTS: The effect onset time and the blood propofol concentrations at different time points had no statistical difference (P0.05). In the 10 g/L propofol group, compared with preinfusion, the serum triglyceride levels were significantly increased 60, 180 and 360 min after infusion (P0.01), and the serum cholesterol concentration was also elevated 360 min after infusion (P0.01). In the 50 g/L propofol group, the serum triglyceride level was statistically higher only after 360 min infusion (P0.01) than that before infusion, but was significantly decreased when compared with that of the 10 g/L propofol group at the same time. There was no significant difference in the recovery time between the 2 groups (P0.05). CONCLUSION: 50 g/L propofol has the pharmacodynamic effect similar to that of 10 g/L propofol, but the former can delay the occurrence of serum lipid metabolism.

【Keywords】 propofol;serum lipid;anesthesia。

【摘要】 目的:观察50 g/L异丙酚的药效及对家兔脂代谢的影响.方法:选择家兔12 只,随机分为10 g/L,50 g/L异丙酚组,每组6 只.10 g/L,50 g/L异丙酚单次首次剂量为6 mg/kg,以0.6 mg/s从家兔耳缘静脉分别匀速注射,记录起效时间注射完毕后接麻醉注射泵以400 μg/(kg・min)的速度持续输注异丙酚360 min,记录心率、血压和呼吸等生命体征变化及停药后苏醒时间.并于注射前、注射完毕、持续输注后5,30,60,180,360 和365 min分别抽血样,检测血浆药物浓度,及血清甘油三酯(TG),总胆固醇(TC),高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDLc),低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDLc)的浓度.结果:单次静脉注射异丙酚起效时间、各时间点血药浓度两组间无显著差异(P0.05);持续用药后,10 g/L异丙酚家兔血清TG 浓度在60,180和360 min与用药前比较均有显著增高(P0.01),血清TC浓度在用药后360 min较给药前增高(P0.01);50 g/L异丙酚组的血清TG 浓度只在360 min时与用药前比较有显著增高(P0.01),但显著低于同时间点10 g/L异丙酚组(P0.01);两组停药后的苏醒时间无差异(P0.05).结论:50 g/L异丙酚与10 g/L异丙酚的药效相似,但能延缓脂代谢紊乱的发生时间.。

【关键词】 二异丙酚;血脂;麻醉


据报道,大剂量,长时间应用10 g/L异丙酚(propofol)可能引起代谢性酸中毒、高脂血症、肝脏脂肪浸润和横纹肌溶解、难治性的心力衰竭等严重并发症,甚至导致死亡,即“异丙酚输注综合征”[1].在理论上,高浓度异丙酚可减少进入体内的脂类物质,应用于临床可扩大异丙酚的适应症,同时降低医疗成本,减轻患者的经济负担.我们的实验是比较50 g/L异丙酚与现在临床上应用的10 g/L异丙酚在药效学上的差异及其对家兔脂代谢的影响.。


1.1材料健康家兔12只,第四军医大学动物实验中心提供,动物编号SCXK(军)2005005,体质量1.8~2.3 kg,雌雄不拘.10 g/L,50 g/L异丙酚由西安力邦制药有限公司提供;BL420E+生物机能实验系统(北京航天医学工程研究所);YH4型压力换能器(北京航天医学工程研究所),采用此类传感器采集血压和心率信号;TCIⅡ型注射泵(北京思路高高科技发展有限公司);970CRT荧光分光光度计(上海三科仪器有限公司);异丙酚标准液(1000 g/L,纯度99.99%,阿斯利康公司);意大利Autolab全自动生化分析仪.。

1.2方法家兔分为10 g/L,50 g/L异丙酚组,每组6只.放置于安静、光线暗淡和温度为22℃~25℃的环境中适应24 h以上,于实验前8 h禁食禁水.家兔置入兔盒内,10 g/L,50 g/L异丙酚单次首次剂量为6 mg/kg,以0.6 mg/s的速度于耳缘静脉分别匀速注射,观察家兔反应,当发现其头部下垂时,记录麻醉起效时间.仰卧位固定,保留自主呼吸,解剖股动脉并插管,利用BL420E+生物机能实验系统监测有创平均动脉压(MAP),心率(HR),呼吸(RR).TCIⅡ型麻醉注射泵以400 μg/(kg・min) 的速度持续静脉输注异丙酚360 min,观察HR,MAP,RR变化及镇静效果,以动物睫毛反射、角膜反射减弱,钳夹趾间组织偶而引起趾蹼反射,肌肉完全松弛,无躁动为标准,表示镇静良好.记录每只家兔输注结束至清醒的时间实验期间通过控制室温、敷料覆盖保温、输入液体加温等措施维持动物肛温在37.5℃~38.5℃,并以5 mL/(kg・h)的速度静脉滴注乳酸钠林格氏液.。

1.2.1血浆药物浓度检测标准异丙酚的水溶液1 mL,加入磷酸缓冲对1 mL,加环己烷/正丁醇(95∶5,V/V) 4 mL,振荡离心,取上清液.荧光分光光度仪测绘荧光光谱,得到异丙酚的最大激发波长265 nm,最大发射波长310 nm,以此作为样本测定的激发波长和发射波长.再将异丙酚制成浓度为0.1,0.5,1.0,2.5,5.0和10 mg/L的标准水溶液,用上述方法配制成家兔血浆的标准液,测荧光强度,绘制标准曲线.结果表明,此方法异丙酚投入量与测得的荧光强度间有良好的线性关系.实验中于iv完毕、持续输注后5,30,60,180,360 min和365 min分别抽血1 mL,草酸钾抗凝,970CRT荧光分光光度计检测异丙酚血药浓度.

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