

【摘要】 目的:探讨腰椎真性滑脱的CT特征。方法:回顾性分析23例腰椎真性滑脱患者的CT扫描结果。扫描范围从椎间盘至椎弓根下缘层面,扫描线与椎间隙平行,用薄层扫描,层厚3 mm,层距3 mm。结果:CT扫描显示双侧椎弓峡部不规则的骨性缺损骨质增生、硬化;椎管前后径增加,呈“三叶草”形;椎体后缘呈“双边征”改变;相邻椎间盘向前方凸出椎体边缘。结论:腰椎真性滑脱具有特征性CT征象,CT扫描显示有助于诊断。

【关键词】 脊椎滑脱;断层摄影术;X线计算机。

The CT Diagnosis of the True Spondylolisthesis of the Lumbar Spine。

Abstract: Objective To investigate the diognostic value of CT in true spondylolisthesis of the lumbar spine. Methods The CT manifestations of 23 true spondylolisthesis of the lumbar spine were reviewed retrospectively. The scanning line parallel to the intervertebra space, including the intervertebra disc to the level of lower margin of the pedicle, with thinslice scan,3mm slice thickness and 3mm interval. Results The CT findings included: Bilateral defects in the isthmus of the vertebral pedicle with irregular margin and bony overgrowth around the defects;Lengthened of the anterior posterior diameter of spinal canal,and like “clover”;Double contour of the end plates; The adjacent disc front protruded vertebral body. Conclusion There are characteristic CT features of spondylolisthesis of the lumbar spine. CT scan can help the diagnosis.

Key words: Spondylolisthesis; Tomography; Xray computed。


1 材料与方法。

1.1 一般资料。

23例腰椎真性滑脱病例中男性17例,女6例,年龄33岁~68岁,平均年龄43岁,病程2个月~13 a。主诉单纯腰痛3例,腰痛伴下肢放射痛19例,间歇性跛行者1例。23例病例全部具双侧椎弓峡部骨质不连的患者,均合并脊椎滑脱。发生于第3腰椎者2例,第4腰椎者6例,第5腰椎者15例。

1.2 CT扫描技术    患者仰卧于检查床上,两手抱头,有部分患者需垫高臀部,摆正体位。先扫描定位片,在侧位片的侧位像上制定扫描计划,采用层厚3 mm,层距3 mm连续扫描扫描范围从椎间隙椎弓根下缘层面,扫描线与椎间隙平行,分别摄软组织窗及骨窗CT片。

2 结果。

2.1 椎弓峡部不连。


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