
【关键词】 弓形虫卵巢疾病。

【摘要】 目的 研究弓形虫感染卵巢功能的影响。方法 将雌性小鼠随机分为实验组对照组,每组各30例,实验组雌性小鼠感染弓形虫后第45、90天的发情间期采血对照组也在相应的时期采血。采用放射免疫法测定血清中雌二醇(E2)含量,并于完成两次采血后取两组小鼠卵巢脑组织送病理检查。结果 实验组45天时血清E2为(12.37±5.56)pg/ml,90天时为(7.98±4.59)pg/ml;对照组45天时血清E2为(10.99±8.71)pg/ml,90天为(10.85±5.06)pg/ml;实验组90天时E2水平下降,与45天时对照组比较,差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。实验组小鼠脑组织见慢性炎症改变及弓形虫包囊体;卵巢呈炎性改变;对照组小鼠脑组织卵巢未见异常。结论 弓形虫感染可以导致小鼠卵巢功能下降。

【关键词】 弓形虫卵巢疾病。

Effects of toxoplasma infection on ovarian function in mice。

【Abstract】 Objective To study the effects of toxoplasma infection on ovarian function in Kunming female mice.Methods The Kunming female mice were devided to two groups (each n=30):experiment group were infected with AH strain of toxoplasma,and control group were not infected with AH strain of toxoplasma.After 45 days and 90 days,the blood were collected in the estrum interphase,and estrogen in serum were detected by radioimmunoassay.The histology of the brain and ovary were observed by microscope.Results The level of estrogen in serum of experiment group was (12.37±5.56)pg/ml at 45 days,and (7.98±4.59)pg/ml at 90 days;The level of estrogen in serum of not infected group was (10.99±8.71)pg/ml at 45 days,and (10.85±5.06)pg/ml at 90 days.The level of estrogen in serum of experiment group at 90 days was reduced significantly compared with the level at 45 days and control group(P<0.05).The histology of the brain was phlogistic change and found Toxoplasma cysts body,and histology of the ovary was phlogistic change in experiment group;the histology of the brain and ovary in control group was not found abnormal.Conclusion The infection of toxoplasma possibly reduced the ovarian function in KM female mice.

【Key words】 toxoplasma;ovary disease。


1 材料与方法。

1.1 实验动物与虫株来源 实验动物为SPF级雌性昆明种小鼠,体重30~37g,性成熟,共60只,均由湖北省疾病预防控制中心医学实验动物室提供。动物饲养温度为17℃~24℃,湿度为65%~80%。虫株为弓形虫AH株,由安徽医科大学引进。

1.2 实验分组 将雌性小鼠随机分为实验组对照组,每组各30只。

1.3 实验方法。

1.3.1 动物模型的建立 将感染弓形虫AH株并已发病的昆明鼠用乙醚麻醉处死,75%酒精行小鼠头部消毒,取出脑组织置碾钵内用剪刀剪碎加生理盐水研磨成浆液,按青霉素500u/ml、链霉素500mg/ml浓度加入双抗,取样计数,以每只0.8ml(约含包囊48~50个)浆液注入实验组雌性小鼠腹腔内。

1.3.2 血标本的收集 实验组:所有小鼠分别于感染后45、90天行阴道涂片,检查脱落细胞,确认为发情间期后,行眼内眦采血对照组:将生理盐水0.8ml腹腔注射入对照组雌性小鼠后,分笼喂养。分别于注射生理盐水后45、90天行阴道涂片,检查脱落细胞,确认为发情间期后,行眼内眦采血。完成2次采血(90天)后将两组小鼠即刻处死,取脑组织卵巢送病检。

1.3.3 雌激素的测定 将采集的血标本置于无菌促凝管中,在4℃条件下以3000r/min离心15min,吸取上层血清于—20℃冰箱保存。采用放射免疫法成批测定血清中的E2含量,试剂盒为天津九鼎医学生物工程有限公司生产的雌二醇放射免疫分析药盒,严格按照试剂盒说明书进行操作。采用中国中佳光电仪器公司生产的GC—1200r放射免疫计数仪读数,相对标准偏差(CV%)为5%,测定时采用平行加样。

1.4 统计学方法 采用SPSS 10.0统计软件进行统计学处理,两组间进行比较,采用方差齐性检验及t检验。

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