
唐山市医学与非医学大学生口腔健康知识态度行为调查 代写论文。

【摘要】 目的 了解唐山市医学与非医学院校大学生口腔健康知识态度、行为及其差异,为高校开展口腔健康课程提供参考资料。方法 对分层整群抽取唐山市医学与非医学院校1 011名大学生进行口腔健康知识态度及行为的问卷调查。结果 大学生口腔健康的一般性知识知晓率较高,对专业性知识了解有限;仅18.0%了解牙菌斑的概念。60%以上的大学生口腔健康态度较好,但对定期口腔检查,洁牙的意识薄弱,口腔疾病发生时就医率普遍较低,多数学生在遇到口腔疾病后就医意识淡漠。86.8%从未洁过牙,牙线和含氟牙膏的使用者也相当少。医学与非医学院校学生在牙龈出血是牙龈炎的表现、牙线利于牙龈健康口腔健康态度方面、刷牙次数及时间、洁牙次数、发现龋损就医项目上差异有统计学意义外,其余差异无统计学意义。结论 唐山市大学生口腔健康知识认识不足,但态度较好,口腔健康行为有待改进,在高校开展口腔健康教育十分必要。  【关键词】 口腔卫生;健康知识态度,实践;对比研究;学生,医科   【中图分类号】 R 78 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1000—9817(2010)10—1224—03    Oral Health Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior in Medical and Non—medical College Students of Tangshan City/ZHAO Yan—ping, LIANG Rui—ying, WEN Li—ming, et al. Department of Stomatology, North China Coal Medical College, Tangshan (063000), HebEi Province, China  【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the oral health knowledge, attitudes and behavior among the medical and non—medical college students in Tangshan, to analyze thEIr differences and to provide reference for colleges to develop oral health curriculum. Methods One thousand and eleven students from medical and non—medical colleges in Tangshan were investigated by questionnaires. Results College students‘ general knowledge on oral health was rich, but their oral professional knowledge was limited. Only 18.0% mastered the conception of dental plaque. More than 60% of the surveyed students‘ oral health attitude was good, but the consciousness of the oral examination and teeth cleaning on a regular basis was weak. Even if they had some diseases of oral cavity, they wouldn‘t go to see doctors in time; 86.8% of the college students had never accepted the professional cleaning and the usage rate of the dental floss and toothpaste with fluorine was low. There were statistical differences on dental plaque and gingival bleeding being the manifestation of gingivitis, the dental floss help improving the health of gingival, oral health attitude, the brushing frequencies and the brushing time, the cleaning teeth frequencies and going to see dentists in time while they discover dental caries(decayed tooth) between the medical students and the non—medical students. Conclusion Although the oral health attitude is good among the students in Tangshan, the knowledge is poor and the situation is also bad. It is rather necessary to develop oral health curriculum in colleges. 代写论文   【Key words】 Oral hygiene; Health knowledge, attitudes, practice; Comparative study; Students, medical    口腔健康是全身健康的基础,同时也是社会进步的标志。龋病和牙周病是影响人类口腔健康最常见的两大疾病,也是导致牙缺失的重要原因。笔者在门诊就诊的大学生中了解到多数大学生不知道龋病和牙周病是严重危害健康的疾病,医学院校就诊的多数学生是在大四上口腔课程后才认识到口腔健康的重要性。由于大学生口腔健康认识不足,大多数患者延误了治疗的最佳时机,导致牙缺失、牙齿松动,甚至过早脱落。本研究通过对唐山市医学与非医学院校大学生口腔健康知识态度和行为的调查,为在高校开展口腔健康课程提供一定的参考资料。    1 对象与方法    1.1 对象 采用分层整群抽样法,在唐山市4所院校各随机抽取1个系部,在被抽取的系部每个年级随机抽取1~2个班共1 030名学生进行问卷调查,剔除资料不完全者后,获有效问卷1 011份,有效回收率为98.2%,其中男356名,女生655名;医学院校口腔专业468名(男生174名,女生294名),非医学院校543名(男生182名,女生361名)。  1.2 方法 以班级为单位进行现场调查,由经过统一培训的调查员发放调查表,调查前先向学生说明调查目的与要求,学生匿名自填问卷,当场收回。   问卷设计参考世界卫生组织基本口腔保健成年人问卷[1]和第3次口腔健康流行病学抽样调查方案问卷的内容[2]。包括一般情况(性别、年龄、学校、学历等)、口腔健康知识口腔健康信念和态度口腔健康行为。问卷经华北煤炭医学口腔专业的专家评定,经预调查反复修改。重测信度系数为0.810,内部一致性Cronbach 系数0.631~0.752。内容效度相关系数为0.612~0.934。 论文网。

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