
【关键词】 药物。



Comparison of Pharmacotherapy Which is Given in Different Ways in the Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy。

Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of treatment in ectopic pregnancy by methotrexate(MTX) and mifepristone ,which is given in different ways.Method:136 cases were divided into group A,B and C.Group A was treated with MTX and mifepristone, MTX is given by many times,group B was treated with MTX and mifepristone ,MTX is given by one time,and group C was treated only with mifepristone. Result: Group A,B show great differences in shortening the time of blood β—hCG restoring to normal level, decreasing days in hospital,and raising cure rate than than of in group C(p<0.01) . Conclusion: The combination of MTX and mifepristone in traeting ectopic pregnancy is an effective method with highly successful rate and minor side effect.

Key words: Ectopic pregnancy; Methotrexate; Mifepristone   现将我院对136例异位妊娠患者选用不同方案药物治疗的结果分析如下。

1 资料与方法。

1.1 病例选择原则 ①生命体征稳定,无内出血或内出血少,无下腹痛或短暂下腹痛。②B型超声检查:异位妊娠包块≤3cm。③肝、肾功能正常,外周血白细胞>4×109/L。④要求保守治疗,希望生育。⑤血β—hCG<15000IU/L。

1.2 一般资料:1998年1月至2004年1月对住院确诊为异位妊娠并符合上述条件的136例患者纳为研究对象,年龄20~36(25.5±9.5)岁,有停经史者108例,停经时间34~56(41.4±14.3)d。初孕妇35例,有孕产史101例。随机分成A、B、C三组,各组间年龄、停经时间、孕产次及临床表现经统计学处理,无差异。A组:46例,MTX分次给药配合非司酮;B组45例,MTX单次给药配合非司酮;C组:45例单纯给予米非司酮。

1.3 给药方法 A组:MTX 20mg,肌肉注射,每天一次,连续5d;米非司酮50,每天二次,连用5d;B组:MTX50/m2单次肌肉注射;米非司酮50,每天二次,连用5d;C组:米非司酮75,每天二次,连用5d。

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