
【摘要】 目的 了解泌尿生殖道感染患者解脲支原体(Uu)和人支原体(Mh)感染及耐药情况。方法 采用法国生物—梅里埃Mycoplasma IST试剂盒,培养解脲支原体人型支原体,并作药物敏感试验。结果 支原体培养阳性检出率为33.9%,仅UU阳性阳性标本的74.1%,UU和MH均阳性占22.2%,仅MH阳性占3.7%。药敏结果表明,UU和MH的药敏结果没有显著差异,药敏试验敏感率从高到低依次是PRI 97.7%、JOS 97.1%、DOX 89.6%、TET81.2%、CLA70.2%、AZI64.8%、ERY53.4%、OFL12.0%、CIP6.8%。结论 对泌尿生殖道分泌物支原体培养药敏对临床诊断和指导用药十分重要。

【关键词】 解脲支原体 人型支原体 药敏试验

Analysis on Culture and Antibiotic Susceptibility Test of 483 Strains of Mycoplasma from Secretion of Gonopore。

Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical meaning of culture and antibiotic susceptibility testing of Mycoplasma.Methods Ureaplasma Urealyticum(UU)and Mycoplasma hominis(MH)were cultured by using the reagent kit of biomerieux Mycoplasma IST from France,and antibiotic susceptibility tests were done.Results The UU—and/or—MH positive rate was 33.9%(1423 cases),only—UU—positive accounted for 74.1%(in 483 strains),both—UU—and—MH—positive accounted for 22.2%,only—MH—positive accounted for 3.7%.Antibiotic susceptibility tests showed that there was no obvious diversity between UU and MH.From high to low,the sensitive rates are 97.7%(PRI),97.1%(JOS),89.6%(DOX),81.2%(TET),70.2%(CLA),64.8%(AZI),53.4%(ERY),12.0%(OFL)and 6.8%(CIP).Conclusion We get a good detecting result,it is very important to clinical diagnosis and direction for drug.

Key words:Ureaplasma Urealyticum;Mycoplasma hominis;antibiotic susceptibility test。


1 材料。

1.1 标本来源。


1.2 标本采集。

在服用抗生素治疗前,男性前列腺液由医生采集, 尿道口分泌物应距前次排尿3h取样,尽量采取上皮细胞;女性用扩阴器扩阴后避免局部用药,去除子宫颈多余粘液,取宫颈分泌物

1.3 试剂。

采用法国生物—梅里埃公司生产的Mycoplasma IST试剂盒。

2 方法。

2.1 标本的处理。


2.2 检测及药敏试验


2.3 细菌定量培养


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