
特别提醒:有时候答案会换顺序,所以请核对答案和题目的选项是不是一致,不能单纯看顺序 每个单元后面第八、第九习题答案 UNIT1第一单元 第4讲GREETING 答案 (10分) 1. Which of the following is true? 窗体顶端 (2)Katherine has had her hair cut. — 正确 窗体底端 2. Which statement is true about Kevin? (1)He is always very busy. 窗体底端 3. What is the relationship between Kevin and Katherine? (3)This is the first time they have met each other. — 正确 窗体底端 4. What sport does Katherine want to play? (2) Basketball. — 正确 窗体底端 5. Why does Kevin say Katherine and Christine are “like sisters”? (1)They have been close friends since they were children. — 正确 窗体底端 6. From the dialogue, who also loves Kate, besides Christine? (3) Christine’s mother. — 正确 窗体底端 7. Where did Joyce visit? (2)Xi’an. — 正确 窗体底端 8. What did Joyce bring back home? (2)Pictures. — 正确 窗体底端 9. Where is Kevin from? (1)Georgia. — 正确 窗体底端 10. How does Betsy call Kevin? (2) Kev. — 正确    第5讲FIRST IMPRESSIEON答案(5分)   (5/5 分数) 1. Who is a new student here? 窗体顶端 Fabian.(2)Yunling. None of them. 窗体底端 2. Where does Fabian come from? 窗体顶端 He is from Australia.(2)He is from Columbia. He is from the United States 窗体底端 3. What kind of music does Yunling love? (1)(2((窗体顶端 Pop music. Rock and Roll.Rap. 窗体底端 4. Which singer do Fabian and Yunling both like? 窗体顶端 Taylor Sweet(2)Taylor Swift Tony Swift 窗体底端 5. Which of the following is NOT true? 窗体顶端 Mr. Li is very strict.He is very friendly.(3)He is an English teacher.  窗体底端    第6讲PERSONAL INFORMATION答案 (12分) 1. Which sports does Marlena Schmidt enjoy? 窗体顶端 (2)Swimming, soccer and underwater basket weaving. — 正确 窗体底端 2. How many people are there in Mark Bonville’s family? 窗体顶端  (1)Five. — 正确 窗体底端 3. Which singer does 毕飞宇 mention in his self—introduction? 窗体顶端 (1)Mariah Carey. — 正确 窗体底端 4. Meredith Rouner (于敏荣), the student whose major is art, also mentioned her favorite book. Which one of the following is her favorite? 窗体顶端 (1)Cold Sassy Tree. — 正确 窗体底端 5. Besides the cat, which of the following does Ryan (孟克海) mention in his self—introduction? (3)窗体顶端 (3)Tiger. — 正确 窗体底端 6. Which of the following is Thomas’s major? 窗体顶端 (2)International politics. — 正确 窗体底端 7. Which country does Thomas Piachaud come from? 窗体顶端 (2) The United Kingdom. — 正确 窗体底端 8. What role does Thomas Piachaud play in the Summer Camp? 窗体顶端 (1)He is a teacher. — 正确 窗体底端 9. Why does Jason want to be a volunteer for the English Summer Camp? 窗体顶端 (1)He wants to practice his Mandarin (Chinese). — 正确 窗体底端 10. Which of the following universities does Jason come from? 窗体顶端 (3)University of Florida. — 正确 窗体底端 11. Which band is Jason’s favorite? 窗体顶端 (2)Backstreet Boys. — 正确 窗体底端 12. Which of the following books does Jason love? 窗体顶端 (2)Pride and Prejudice.正确 窗体底端 第7讲 Cultural Focus (5分) 1. The name of the most handsome teacher in video 1—7 is ______. 窗体顶端 (2)Mr. Glenn Davis — 正确 窗体底端 2. If you call someone by their first name, it is considered ________. 窗体顶端 (3) more friendly — 正确 窗体底端 3. The most common baby name for boys in the United States in 2013 was _____. 窗体顶端 (1)Jackson — 正确 窗体底端 4. Which of the following questions is not good to ask? 窗体顶端 (1)How old are you? — 正确 窗体底端 5. What is the most important thing to do when meeting someone new? 窗体顶端 (3)Being friendly. — 正确 窗体底端 第8讲 Office Hour (8分) He Yi mentions that she likes the ______ in Italy, the ______ in Germany, the ______ in France. 1. (1) Pizza (2) beer (3) dessert  (2) 2. Zhang Zhiwei's major is ______ and she mainly talks about her ______. (1) Chinese literature ; (2) family   3. Prof. Yang wants her students to call her “Miss Yang“, because she wants her students to forget about her __age___.  4. “Qin“ (亲),a short form of “________“, is popular in cyberworld. In London, people may call each other _____ to show that they are trying to be friendly. (1) dear (2) love 10. Exercise 10. Exercise 1. Which of the following expressions can be used when you meet someone for the first time? · (1/1分) · 正确答案: Are you new here?Can I help you?Is this seat taken? 2. In this unit, which of the following topics were covered? (1/1分) 正确答案: Which topics to avoid when meeting someone newHow to greet people 3. Which of the following are true? · 正确答案: You can call a stranger by his or her first nameYou can ask someone how he or she would like to be called · 4. From the self—introductions of 6 American students, we can infer that _____. · 正确答案: hiking is popular in America · 5. Which of the following is safe to talk about when you meet someone new? ) 正确答案: BooksMoviesSports 6. Both the visiting volunteers and teachers in the English Summer Camp can _____. · · 正确答案: communicate with people from many countrieslearn more about Chinese culturepractice both Chinese and English · 7. The purpose of this MOOC is to _____. · · 正确答案: improve learners’ skills in oral communication · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 8. Glenn, the Canadian teacher, mentioned in the Cultural Focus video that the most popular girl’s names in 2013 were _____. · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: EmmaSophia · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 9. According to Tom, which of the following is the best way to study this unit? · (1/1分) · 正确答案: Listen to the videos, read aloud and review the useful phrases 窗体底端 Unit 2 第二单元 第4讲(10 分数) 1. How many pets does Kevin have? 窗体顶端  (3)Eleven. — 正确 窗体底端 2. List the subjects Kevin, his sister and his brother take. 窗体顶端 (1)Music, Chinese, Russian and other foreign languages — 正确 窗体底端 3. Which of the following is NOT true? 窗体顶端  (3)Kevin's parents dug a fish pond for him. — 正确 窗体底端 4 Why does Kate think her friends are also like her family? 窗体顶端 (1)They are very close to her. — 正确 窗体底端 5 What job did Kate's father have before he retired? 窗体顶端  (2)He used to work at a newspaper, reviewing movies. — 正确 窗体底端 6. What do Christine's parents do? 窗体顶端 (2)Her father is an accountant and her mother is an assistant to a doctor. — 正确 窗体底端 7. Christine and Katherine are such good friends because _____. 窗体顶端  (3)they feel like soulmates and they love to share a lot — 正确 窗体底端 8. Which of the following is true about Kirk? 窗体顶端 (3) Kirk believes that playing basketball is good way to spend time with friends. — 正确 窗体底端 9. Which of the following is true about Stanley and Michael? 窗体顶端 (2)Both Michael and Stanley like to play basketball. — 正确 窗体底端 10. Why does Christine think that Dillon is star—struck?  (2)He admires David Beckham and became a member of his fan club. — 正确 第5讲(10分) 窗体底端 1. Instead of just judging based on a person's appearance, Katherine believes that _________.  (3)a person's personality is more important — 正确 窗体底端 2. Which of the following statements is true? 窗体顶端 (2)You can't change your appearance, so you need to show your strengths. — 正确 窗体底端 3. Why does Christine feel nervous about her appearance? 窗体顶端 (1) She is afraid that the judges of a speech competition she has entered will prefer pretty girls. — 正确 窗体底端 4. Which of the following statements is true about 毕飞宇? 窗体顶端 (3)He is pleasant to be with, and is the smartest in his Chinese class. — 正确 窗体底端 5. According to her friends, 于敏容 is ______________. 窗体顶端 (2)a quiet girl, but can be talkative when she knows her friends well — 正确 窗体底端 6. Which of the following descriptions of 舒丽娜 is true? 窗体顶端 (1) She talks a lot and she is fun to be around. — 正确 窗体底端 7. How long have Jolie and Joyce( in the last conversation) known each other? 窗体顶端  (1)Two years. — 正确 窗体底端 8. What is Wang Jolie good at? (2)She is good at coordinating and she is considerate. 窗体底端 9. Why is Jason so quiet? 窗体顶端 (3) He is a bit shy and he prefers to listen. — 正确 窗体底端 10. How does Jason introduce his brother? 窗体顶端 (3)Zheju is a lovely boy and he is very hard—working. — 正确 窗体底端 l 第六讲 (8 分数) 1. Who has bought chocolate for their mother? 窗体顶端 (3)Stanley and Emily. — 正确 窗体底端 2. What does the mother promise to buy for Emily? 窗体顶端  (2)A new skirt. — 正确 窗体底端 3. When can Stanley play computer games? 窗体顶端 (3)He can play after he finishes his homework. — 正确 窗体底端 4. Is Stanley’s mother strict with him? 窗体顶端 (1)Yes, Stanley can only play computer games after finishing his homework. — 正确 窗体底端 5. Which of the following statements about Tian Yuan is true? 窗体顶端 (2)She is worried about her performance in an English dictation. — 正确 窗体底端 6. What is Tian Yuan's mother's advice on dealing with her problem with Lily? 窗体顶端 (1)She wants Tian Yuan to apologize to Lily. — 正确 窗体底端 7. According to Tian Yuan’s mother, what is important for being a good friend? 窗体顶端 (1) Good friends should care for each other. — 正确 窗体底端 8. What does Tian Yuan think of her mother? 窗体顶端 (2)Her mother is her best friend who shares everything with her. — 正确 窗体底端 第7讲(9分) 1. According to Graham, which of the following is important among friends? 窗体顶端 (3)Being honest with respect. — 正确 窗体底端 2. Would Madison tell her friend the truth? 窗体顶端 (3)She would not hurt  She would not hurt her friend, but she would be honest and tell her the real facts. — 正确 窗体底端 3. Why do you think Fabian and Graham are good friends? 窗体顶端 (1)They love to share both good and bad moments. — 正确 窗体底端 4. Why does Fabian say that Graham is a real friend? 窗体顶端 (3)Graham is always there for Fabian, no matter whether he is happy or sad. — 正确 窗体底端 5. According to Fabian, what should a real friend do? 窗体顶端 (3)He is eager to contact Graham to share his own happiness. 窗体底端 6 Will Graham eventually give up? 窗体顶端 (3)No, he finds his work very tough, but he will keep trying. — 正确 窗体底端 7 Why does the girl (in the last dialogue) feel bad? 窗体顶端 (3)Graham is late for the appointment. — 正确 窗体底端 8. What might Graham do to make up for being late? 窗体顶端 (3)They will have dinner together and have a good time. — 正确 窗体底端 9. From the last dialogue, we know that _____. 窗体顶端 (2)  the girl has good reason to complain, because Graham is always late. — 正确 第8讲(5/5 分数) 1. What does Mr. Davis believe people around the world want? 窗体顶端 (2)A loving family and friends to have fun with. — 正确 窗体底端 2. What do Westerners think is proper? 窗体顶端 (2) You need to give your boss a firm handshake when meeting him for the first time. — 正确 窗体底端 3. In Western countries, what do couples usually do in public? 窗体顶端 (2)They may hug, kiss and hold hands.  — 正确 窗体底端 4. What is true about marriage in most Western countries? 窗体顶端 (1)They are more concerned about love than money or status. — 正确 窗体底端 5. What are Mr. Davis's suggestions for making friends with foreigners? 窗体顶端 (2)Be friendly and have a big smile. — 正确 窗体底端 窗体底端 第9讲 文字填空题 (14 分数) 1. James has not seen his family for ___six__ (please in English) months.   2. James and his brother usually wake up early on Christmas day and run ______ to find ______ under the tree. (1) downstairs — 正确; (2) presents— 正确 3. For Christmas, James's family usually have a dinner of ______ , mashed ______ , bread and ______. (1)turkey — 正确 (2) potatoes (3)stuffing — 正确  4. James has one ______ brother, Luke, who is ____ years old. (1)younger — 正确 (2) 22  5. Luke, James's brother, studied ________ and now teaches some ______ courses at Pennsylvania State University. (1) biochemistry — 正确 (2) lab 6. James like a Chinese food, which is called “Kung Pao ______.“ Chicken — 正确  7. How often does Lily go home to meet her parents? _________. once a month — 正确  8. According to Lily, girls like __________ together and sometimes go to _________. (1) going shopping (2) some restaurants — 正确 1. Both Graham and Madison agree that _____. (1/1分) · 正确答案: being honest and sincere with friends is important · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 2. Fabian and Graham are good friends because they _____. · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: share their happy and sad moments · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 3. From the conversation among Ms.Yang, Yu Minrong, Shu Lina and Bi Feiyu, we know that _____. · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: the three of them are talkative and open—minded · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 4. What can parents do to help their kids to get out of trouble? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Tian Yuan's mother encourages her to deal with her conflict with her friend by saying sorry · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 5. From Mr. Davis's introduction, we know that ____. · (1/1分) · 正确答案: a firm handshake shows that you are confident Unit 3 第三单元 第4讲 Food in Different Cultures (9/12 分数) 1. What does Fabian say that his friends are going to have for lunch? (3) Korean food 窗体底端 2. Madison thinks that most traditional Korean food is ____. 窗体顶端  (2) spicy — 正确 窗体底端 3. What kind of food does Yunling like best? 窗体顶端 (2) Pizza. — 正确 窗体底端 4. What kind of food does Madison not like? 窗体顶端  (3) Greasy food. — 正确 窗体底端 5. What does Graham think about Chinese food? 窗体顶端 (2)  It is nutritious and delicious. — 正确 窗体底端 6. What food does Madison decide to try? 窗体顶端 (1)  Rice noodles with beef. — 正确 窗体底端 7. How does food from Shanghai taste? 窗体顶端 (1) It is light,not spicy, tasty and healthy. — 正确 窗体底端 8. When Cindy talks about Melbourne, her hometown, she first mentions______. 窗体顶端 (1)  coffee — 正确 窗体底端 9. What food does Cindy think people in Melbourne love to have on weekends? 窗体顶端  (1) Barbecue. — 正确 窗体底端 10. In Summer, a lot of Australians will visit Bondi beach in Sydney, because _____. beaches are an important part of Australian culture— 正确 窗体底端 11. In Gold Coast,you may find which of the following? 窗体顶端  (1) Adventure parks. — 正确 窗体底端 12. Which of the following expressions best describes Australians? (3) Laid—back.—正确 窗体底端 第5讲 Chinese Meals  1. For Stanley, which of the following is available for breakfast? 窗体顶端 (2)Egg, bread, biscuit, and milk. — 正确 窗体底端 2. What did Stanley and his friends eat last time at Stanley's home? 窗体顶端 (2)Dumplings. — 正确 窗体底端 3. Mike does not like the food in the canteen because _____. 窗体顶端  (2) he misses the food his mother cooks — 正确 窗体底端 4. Which of the following is NOT true for Stanley? 窗体顶端 (3) His mother doesn't cook at home. — 正确 窗体底端 5. Stanley wants to have dinner at home because _____. 窗体顶端 (2) he is really tired—正确 窗体底端 6. What will Stanley and Emily's mother buy to cook at home? 窗体顶端 (2) Mutton, beer, fish balls, and vegetables—正确 窗体底端 第6讲 Culture Focus  1. Which of the following statements is true? 窗体顶端 (2) It is common for the Chinese to eat from the same dishes. — 正确 窗体底端 2. Who does not use any knives, forks or chopsticks while eating? 窗体顶端 (2)Indians. — 正确 窗体底端 3. Which of the following is true? 窗体顶端 (2)People in Thailand also use a spoon and a fork to eat.—正确 窗体底端 4. What foods can be touched with your hands in most countries? 窗体顶端  (2)French fries and pizza — 正确 窗体底端 5. Which of the following statements is true? 窗体顶端 (2)Hindus can't eat beef. — 正确 窗体底端 6. Which of the following is NOT true about eating meat? 窗体顶端 (1)Both vegans and vegetarians will not eat any food that is related to an animal. — 正确 窗体底端 7. What kind of food is considered to be related to animals? 窗体顶端 (2) Honey, fish, meat and yogurt. — 正确 窗体底端 8. When will people say a short prayer before they eat? 窗体顶端 (3)People will usually pray before they eat dinner.—正确 窗体底端 9. According to Mr. Davis, when do we need to be more careful about our table manners? 窗体顶端 (2) For big holiday meals. — 正确 窗体底端 第7讲 Eating out 1. Do Paul and his son have a reservation? 窗体顶端 (2) No, they will come back soon. — 正确 窗体底端 2. What dish does the waitress recommend to Paul and Corin? 窗体顶端 (2)  Crispy duck. — 正确 窗体底端 3. What drink does Paul order? 窗体顶端 (2) A bottle of juice. — 正确 窗体底端 4. What food does Jessica order on the phone? 窗体顶端 (2) A double cheeseburger. — 正确 窗体底端 5. What kind of drink does Jessica order? 窗体顶端 (3) Sprite. — 正确 窗体底端 6. What is not included in the price of the buffet? 窗体顶端  (2) Drinks. — 正确 窗体底端 7. What does “stuffed” mean? 窗体顶端 (2) Their stomachs were very full. — 正确 第八讲 1. Which state of America does James come from? (1/1分) · 正确答案: Pennsylvania · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 2. How long has James stayed in China? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: 25 years · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 3. Which city is the biggest city in Pennsylvania? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Philadelphia · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 4.Which of the following food is not mentioned when James talked about Christmas? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Mushroom · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 5.Outside America, how many countries does James mention? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: 4 · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 6.What do American college students not usually eat in their daily life? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Mashed potatoes · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 7.Which food did James mention that is delicious but not very healthy? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Roast beef sandwiches · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 8. What is the most popular beer company in Pennsylvania? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Yuengling · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 9.Which of the followings is a gas station with a restaurant in it? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Wa—wa · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 10.Which state of America did James mention that can produce wine of good quality? · (1/1分) · 正确答案: California 第九讲 For questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10, there are two right answers. For questions 6 and 7, there is one right answer. For questions 9, there are three right answers. 1. According to Mr. Davis, when will the whole family get together at one house for dinner? (1/1分) · 正确答案: ThanksgivingChristmas · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 2. From this unit, we learn that good table manners include ________. · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: do not reach across the tabledo not put your elbows on the table · 答案解析: · · 多选 · s · 3. How should we use a fork in Thailand? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: You may use it to push food onto your spoonYou shouldn't put the fork in your mouth · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 4. The two traditional Korean food mentioned by Fabian are _____. · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Dajiang Tang (大酱汤)Zicaibaofan(紫菜包饭) · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 5. In Australia, what do people usually have at a barbecue? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Meat piesSausages · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 6. In Western countries, _____ will not eat any food related to an animal. · (0/1分) · · 正确答案: vegans · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 7. Is it easy to find special menus for vegetarians in North America? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Yes, restaurants will be able to meet the customers'needs · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 8. From the dialogues, we learn that Stanley's mother can cook _____. · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: hot potdumplings · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 9. Which of the following statements about the seafood buffet in the story is wrong? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: They didn't like ice—creamThey tried to load their plates with as much dessert as possibleThey ordered the salad first · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 10. Which of the following statements is true? · (1/1分) · 正确答案: Hindus won't eat beefMuslims won't eat pork Unit 4第四单元 窗体底端 第四讲 Reasons for learning English 1. Which subjects were talked about in the dialogue between Corin and Susan? 窗体顶端 (2)P.E, math, art — 正确 窗体底端 2. What is Corin's favorite subject? 窗体顶端  (1)Art. — 正确 窗体底端 3. Why does Susan like art course? 窗体顶端 (1)She loves drawing and making things. — 正确 窗体底端 4. According to 郝村,it is important to _________. 窗体顶端 (2)experience other cultures and understand other'ways of lives — 正确 窗体底端 5. What does 侯立明 think of Chinese parents sending their kids to study English abroad? 窗体顶端 (3)It can be a good experience so they can get a different angle of education. 窗体底端 6. 孟克海suggests that the kid may have _______ if he or she lives with an American family. 窗体顶端 (1) a language barrier — 正确 窗体底端 7. Which of the following descriptions is NOT true about the Lake District? 窗体顶端 (2) It's a popular holiday destination, located in the south of Scotland.—正确 窗体底端 8. From Emily's conversation with her mother, we learn that ______. 窗体顶端 (2) she is doing some research about some interesting places in England—正确 窗体底端 9. What inspired William Wordsworth to write his poem? 窗体顶端 (1)Beautiful daffodils blowing in the wind. — 正确 窗体底端 10. How many Harry Potter films have been made? 窗体顶端 (2)Eight.—正确 窗体底端 11. What does “sticking with someone through thick and thin” mean? 窗体顶端 (2) always support or stay with someone even if there are problems—正确 窗体底端 12. From the game, we learn that Kobe Bryant _______. 窗体顶端 (1) plays basketball for the team of Los Angeles. — 正确 窗体底端 13. Who is the tallest Chinese basketball player in America? 窗体顶端 Yao Ming.—正确 窗体底端 14. According to the dialogue, ___ is the really important recent president of the United States. (2)Obama, the current President—正确 第五讲 1. Julie believes that ___________. 窗体顶端 (1) English is useful as it is the most important business language English is useful as it is the most important business language — 正确 窗体底端 2. Julie is majoring in _______.— 窗体顶端 (2)  English and business administration — 正确 窗体底端 3. Where does Jason come from? 窗体顶端  (2) University of Florida. — 正确 窗体底端 4. What program does Jason study at Tsinghua University? 窗体顶端  (2) Engineering. — 正确 窗体底端 5. What does Louise study at Tsinghua University? 窗体顶端 (2) She studies music, and she wants to become a pianist. — 正确 窗体底端 6. Why does 刘哲瑜want to learn English well? 窗体顶端 (2)  He wants to go abroad to study. — 正确 窗体底端 7. Which of the following is NOT said about the best way of learning English? 窗体顶端 (2) Recite a dictionary. — 正确 窗体底端 8. Julie believes that the secret of learning English is ______. 窗体顶端 (2)to be brave and open your mouth — 正确 窗体底端 9. Jessica believes she most needs to use English when she _____. 窗体顶端 (2) writes English literature essays or exams — 正确 窗体底端 10. Why does Stanley want to study English? 窗体顶端 (2) He needs to watch English movies, do homework and read in English — 正确 窗体底端 11. Which movie does Mike say that he has watched? 窗体顶端  (2) Transformers. — 正确 窗体底端 12. Why does Lily watch American and British TV shows? 窗体顶端 (2) She wants to learn a lot about their cultures. — 正确 窗体底端 第六讲 1. Why is it safe to use “British”to talk about people from the U.K.? 窗体顶端 (1)The English, Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Irish are all “British”. — 正确 窗体底端 2. While chatting about football, many people stay in pubs and drink ______ with pint glasses. 窗体顶端 (2)beer — 正确 3. The Scottish traditions mentioned include _____. (2)kilts, bagpipes, and golf — 正确 窗体底端 4. Which of the following is the third largest country in the U.K.? 窗体顶端 (1)Wales. — 正确 窗体底端 5. How many people are there in Wales? 窗体顶端 (2)3,000,000. — 正确 窗体底端 6. Who is Gareth Bale? 窗体顶端 (2) He is a football player from Wales. — 正确 窗体底端 7. Northern Ireland is different from the other three countries because _____. 窗体顶端 (1) it is on a different island, and it has a small population — 正确 窗体底端 8. Why does Mr. Davis believe that you should try asking what part of the U.K. a British person is from? (1) People from four different areas can have different personalities and accents. — 正确 第八讲 1.What you should do if you are too nervous to speak English? (1/1分) · 正确答案: Practice more · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 2.What did Glenn suggest if you do not know which topic to talk when you speak English? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Choose a topic in your specific situation · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 3.Why is Song Jian always nervous when he speaks English? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: He sometimes make mistakes · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 4.In which part of English, as Glenn mentioned, spelling and grammar is more important? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Writing · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 5.Which province of China does Song Jian come from? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Guizhou · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 6.What does Glenn suggest to practice English if you are not living in the English—speaking environment? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Using Internet, finding friends in exchange—programs · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 7.What should you make more efforts on if you want to speak English as a native speaker? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Pronunciation · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 8.Which language has Glenn learned? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Japanese · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 9.What does Glenn recommend if you want to remember vocabulary? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Flash Cards · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 10.Which of the followings is not the difference between American English and British English? · (1/1分) · 正确答案: Stress 第九讲 1. Which subject do both Corin and Susan love best? (1/1分) · 正确答案: Art · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 2. How many countries is the UK divided into? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Four · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 3. What is Harry Potter about? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: It is a boy who faces a lot of challenges in his magic school · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 4. Which of the following ways of learning English have been talked about in this unit? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Watch movies and TV seriesBe brave and open your mouthSing English songsCreate a cultural isolationRecite the textbookRead and write as much as possible · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 5. _____ is very popular among English people. · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Football · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 6. If someone's hometown is Northern Ireland, it means that _____. · (0/1分) · · 正确答案: He or she is from the UKHe or she is British · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 7. England is one of the most famous countries in the world for students because it has ____. · (1/1分) · 正确答案: Oxford UniversityCambridge University 窗体底端 Unit5 第五单元 第4讲 1. Where is Yunling going? 窗体顶端 (2) The dining hall. — 正确 窗体底端 2. Where does Fabian study? 窗体顶端 (1) Library. — 正确 窗体底端 3. How much money does Yunling's mother give her every month? 窗体顶端 (2) One thousand yuan. — 正确 窗体底端 4. What did Yunling lose yesterday? 窗体顶端 (1)Wallet. — 正确 窗体底端 5. What color is Fabian's mobile phone? 窗体顶端 (2)Black. — 正确 窗体底端 6. Fabian's phone number is ________. 窗体顶端 (2) 188—9999—3488 — 正确 窗体底端 7. What movie will Madison and her friend go to watch? 窗体顶端 (1) Transformers. — 正确 窗体底端 8. What kinds of movies does Madison like? 窗体顶端 (2) All kinds of movies. — 正确 窗体底端 9. How did Madison get to the cinema? 窗体顶端  (2)By bus. — 正确 窗体底端 10. Which statements about the new cinema is true? 窗体顶端 (2) It was built in 2013. — 正确 窗体底端 第5讲 1. Where will Jessica and her friends visit during the weekend? 窗体顶端 (1)The Temple of Heaven. The Temple of Heaven. — 正确 窗体底端 2. Where will Jessica visit in the evening? 窗体顶端 (3) The Olympic Park. — 正确 窗体底端 3. How are Jessica and Liam planning to go to the park? 窗体顶端 (2) By metro. — 正确 窗体底端 4. What will Jessica explain to Liam over dinner? 窗体顶端 (1)She will tell Liam the directions to the Olympic Park. — 正确 窗体底端 5. Which job does Zachary want to do eventually? 窗体顶端 (2)Becoming a journalist. — 正确 窗体底端 6. Why does Zachary think he can't be a good teacher? 窗体顶端 (2)He thinks he is impatient. — 正确 窗体底端 7. Why can't Zachary's friend be a teacher? 窗体顶端 (2)He speaks too quickly. — 正确 窗体底端 8. How does Zachary's friend talk with his friends? 窗体顶端 (1)He chats with them online every day. — 正确 窗体底端 9. Where will Zachary go to teach? 窗体顶端 (3) Yunnan. — 正确 窗体底端 10. When will Zachary go to teach? 窗体顶端 (2) A week later. — 正确 窗体底端 11. If the trip from Beijing to Shanghai is too long, Marlena prefers to _______. 窗体顶端 (2) go by plane — 正确 窗体底端 12. Which of the three cities does Marlena believe is too expensive to visit? 窗体顶端 (1)Hong Kong. — 正确 窗体底端 13. Where will Mark and Marlena go to visit Mark's teacher? 窗体顶端 (2)Liaocheng. — 正确 窗体底端 14. Where is Yunling's hometown. 窗体顶端 (2) Hangzhou. — 正确 窗体底端 第6讲 1. Whistler, the most famous ski area, is located in _____. 窗体顶端 (2)Canada — 正确 窗体底端 2. Which famous falls did Mr.Davis talk about? 窗体顶端 (3)Niagara Falls. — 正确 窗体底端 3. The Grand Canyon in the United States is a huge canyon, ____. 窗体顶端 (2)1600 meters deep and over 400 kilometers long — 正确 窗体底端 4. Disney World is the most popular ___ in the world. 窗体顶端 (2) theme park — 正确 窗体底端 5. Niagara Falls is on the border between _____. 窗体顶端 (2) Canada and the United States — 正确 窗体底端 第7讲 1. Which festival does Corin like most? 窗体顶端 (1)Christmas. — 正确 窗体底端 2. Why does Susan like Thanksgiving? 窗体顶端 (2)She can have lots of delicious foods like turkey and pumpkin pie. — 正确 窗体底端 3. What is Jaidee's suggestion for Kirk? 窗体顶端 (1)He can start by learning Chinese customs. — 正确 窗体底端 4. Kirk's teacher showed him _______. 窗体顶端 (2) the moon cakes — 正确 窗体底端 5. Which festival does Kirk like most? 窗体顶端 (2) Halloween. — 正确 第八讲 1. Dave is a ________for university? (1/1分) · 正确答案: freshman · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 2. What troubles Dave a lot? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: having a lot of homework to do · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 3. Why Jim gives Dave homework in English Class? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: to improve his English · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 4. What is the big problem for Dave now? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: do not have very close friend · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 5. What did Jim do to make friends when he was in university? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: join several student organizations · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 6. Which kind of sports does Dave like very much? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: basketball · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 7. Which way below is not mentioned to solve Dave’s problem in his English? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: asking Jim for help · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 8. Which website is not mentioned by Jim to practice English? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Yahoo · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 9. What is Dave’s major for his Ph.D? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: electrical engineering · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 10. How can Dave find someone or a way to improve his researching skills? · (1/1分) · 正确答案: ask professors or people around him in this field for help 第十讲 Exercise 1. Why does Corin like Christmas? (0/1分) · 正确答案: He can watch interesting TV programsHe will get lots of presentsIt is interestingIt is traditional · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 2. Activities for Halloween include ______ · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: costume partiesbonfirestrick or treating · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 3. Why does Zachary suggest his friend go to teach with him? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Teaching will be a lot of funTeaching will help his social skills · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 4. Which of the following festivals have been mentioned in video 7? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Mid—Autumn DayHalloweenValentine's DayThanksgiving DayDragon Boat FestivalChristmasThe Spring Festival · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 5. The auditorium at Tsinghua University was _______. · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: designed in 1913designed by an American architect · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 6. How do people travel in North America? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Take airplanesDrive their own cars · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 7. Why does Marlena want to visit Shanghai? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: It has lot of business placesIt is industrializedIt has a lot of historical places · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 8. What does “tough“ mean in “They've had a tough life“? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: harddifficult · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 9. What does “take action” mean in “We must take action to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas”? · (1/1分) · 正确答案: put plans into practicedo something 窗体底端 Unit 6 第六单元 第4讲 1. What is Kevin’s hobby? 窗体顶端 (1) He loves playing guitar and singing. — 正确 窗体底端 2. How does music affect Kevin? 窗体顶端 (2)Music really relaxes him. — 正确 窗体底端 3. What flowers are Christine's favorite? (1)(窗体顶端 (1)Lilies. — 正确 窗体底端 4. How does Kevin feel about Christine's garden? 窗体顶端 (2)He feels jealous. — 正确 窗体底端 5. Christine is very lucky because she can ______. 窗体顶端 (2)eat fresh vegetables from her garden every day — 正确 窗体底端 6. How old was Stanley when he began to learn calligraphy? 窗体顶端 (1)Ten. — 正确 窗体底端 7. Is Liam familiar with Chinese calligraphy? ( (2) 窗体顶端 (2) No,this is his first visit to a Chinese Art Exhibition. — 正确 窗体底端 8. What sports does Mike like best? 窗体顶端 (2) Playing basketball and running. — 正确 窗体底端 9. Lily loves to listen to music and draw because ____. 窗体顶端 (1) it helps her to express herself — 正确 窗体底端 10. What is Stanley's hobby that keeps him from getting sick? 窗体顶端 (1) Swimming. — 正确 窗体底端 11. Jessica loves to do both ______. 窗体顶端 (1) running and reading — 正确 12. Why does Corin like climbing? 窗体顶端 (1) He loves to climb up, sit there for a while and then carry on. — 正确 窗体底端 窗体底端 13. What does Jessica like as a hobby? 窗体顶端 (2) She loves running and reading. — 正确 窗体底端 14. Who loves ancient history and why? 窗体顶端 (2)Corin, for he wants to study how people were in the past. — 正确 窗体底端 15. Susan likes to draw because ______. 窗体顶端 (2)she can draw whatever she thinks of — 正确 窗体底端 16. We can draw the conclusion from Susan and Corin's chat that _____. 窗体顶端 (2)Susan is good at swimming and she enjoys swimming in the pool — 正确 窗体底端 17. Why does Corin love to draw? 窗体顶端 (2) He loves to make comics and stories. — 正确 第5讲 1. What will Jessica do during the weekend? 窗体顶端 (2)She will read novels or go out shopping with her classmates and friends. — 正确 窗体底端 2. _______ parents believe that no play and all work make Jack a dull boy. 窗体顶端 (2)Jessica's — 正确 窗体底端 3. What does Corin do when he plays Go? 窗体顶端 (2)He thinks, analyzes and judges. — 正确 窗体底端 4. Why does Paul mean by saying “if you realize that you will lose the game”? 窗体顶端 (2) One has to immerse oneself in the game to enjoy the process. — 正确 窗体底端 5. From the dialogue, we learn that it is _____ who wants Corin to play Go. 窗体顶端 (2)Corin's father — 正确 窗体底端 6. What does Corin learn from playing Go? 窗体顶端 (2) He finds it easier to concentrate and be patient. — 正确 窗体底端 7. One reason for Corin's playing Go is that it may _____. 窗体顶端 (2)help him to concentrate — 正确 窗体底端 第6讲 1. From the dialogue, we may guess that Kirk is ______ years old. (2)窗体顶端 (2)24 — 正确 窗体底端 2. What is Jennifer's advice on job hunting? 窗体顶端 (2) You have a long way to go before figuring out what to do. — 正确 窗体底端 3. By “reconcile one's hobbies and interests”, Jennifer means that _____. 窗体顶端 (2) one has to balance what one wants to and the job one finds. — 正确 窗体底端 4. What does Cindy find difficult to choose between? 窗体顶端 (2) Her dream of becoming an artist or reality. — 正确 窗体底端 5. What does know yourself well “inside out” mean? 窗体顶端 (2)It means that you know yourself very well. — 正确 窗体底端 6. While looking for a job, it is important to think about your _____. 窗体顶端 (2)personality, expectations, hobbies, and circumstances — 正确 窗体底端 第7讲 1. What is Liu Zheyu's hobby? 窗体顶端 (2) Playing basketball. — 正确 窗体底端 2. Why does Amanda want to relax? 窗体顶端 (2)She wants to do some relaxing activities with her grandfather. — 正确 窗体底端 3. Bingo, a relaxing activities, _____. 窗体顶端 (2) is easy to play and popular — 正确 窗体底端 4. Which sports is the No.1 sport in the United States? 窗体顶端 (2)American football 窗体底端 5. In a rock band, you need three people. The three musical instruments mentioned are _____. 窗体顶端 (3) guitar, bass guitar, drum — 正确 第九讲 1. What didn’t Chris mention as one of his hobbies? (1/1分) · 正确答案: Singing · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 2. How long did it take Chris to get a scuba diving license? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: 1 year · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 3. How long have Chris learned violin? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: 9 years · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 4. Which part didn’t Chris mentioned as an advantage about Ireland? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: The water · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 5. Which part did the professor live in Spain? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: North · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 6. Who does Chris live with in Beijing? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: His father and brother · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 7. How could the professor made a sandwich? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Barely · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 8. When does Chris get up every day? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: 5 o’clock · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 9. How does the professor go to work? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: By bike · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 10. How long does it take Chris to commute? · (1/1分) · 正确答案: 2 hours 第十讲 1. Gardening is ______. (1/1分) · 正确答案: a great way to keep your lawn beautifula great way to keep you healthy · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 2. What does Christine and her parents do with their vegetable patch? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Fertilize the vegetable patchWeed the vegetable patchWater the vegetable patch · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 3. Which of the following flowers have Christine planted in her garden? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: RosesSunflowersLilies · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 4. According to Mr. Davis, who will most probably be the singer of a rock band? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: The guitaristAnother person may sing · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 5. Corin's hobbies include _____. · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: drawingclimbingbuilding Legoancient history · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 6. Which of the following hobbies was mentioned in this unit? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: MusicGardeningCalligraphyReadingMoviesSurfingPlaying footballPlaying basketballPaintingPlaying ping—pongDrawing comicsJoining in a rock band · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 7. Surfing is a great exercise and it is _____. · (0/1分) · 正确答案: a lot of funharder than it looks 窗体底端 Unit 7 第七单元 第4讲 1. Why does Madison feel nervous? (1)She is afraid that she might fail in the test she took. — 正确 窗体底端 2. Does Graham love to chat with friends in a cafeteria? 窗体顶端 (2)Yes, he doesn't like to stay home alone, and would like to meet new people. — 正确 窗体底端 3. From the dialogue between Liam and Jessica, we know that _____. 窗体顶端 (3) Liam thinks Prof. Wang's lecture is a nightmare — 正确 窗体底端 4. Michael's father is angry because _____. 窗体顶端 (1) his mother has just lost her bag — 正确 窗体底端 5. Why can Jason hide his feelings of happiness and anger? 窗体顶端 (1)He is trained to be a gentleman. — 正确 窗体底端 第5讲 1.What did Lily do on the weekend? 窗体顶端 (2) She went to the countryside with her friends. — 正确 窗体底端 2.How does Mike feel about his weekend? 窗体顶端 (3) It was tiring but fun. — 正确 窗体底端 3. Why does Kirk feel bad today? 窗体顶端 (1) At lunch someone spilled their drink on him. — 正确 窗体底端 4. What made Kirk most mad about that guy? 窗体顶端 (3) The guy just walked away without apologizing. — 正确 窗体底端 5. What does Jennifer think Kirk should do? 窗体顶端 (2) Just keep calm and carry on. — 正确 窗体底端 6.Kirk believes that ________________. 窗体顶端 (3) if no one queues up, everything will be a mess. — 正确 窗体底端 7. What does Kirk mean by saying “they also add color to my shirt“? 窗体顶端 They make my shirt dirty. — 正确 窗体底端 8. What is the favor Katherine asks of Christine? 窗体顶端 To analyze the data for her presentation. — 正确 窗体底端 9. When will Katherine give her presentation? 窗体顶端 Tomorrow. — 正确 窗体底端 10.How long did it take Christine to help Katherine analyze the data last time? 窗体顶端 All weekend. — 正确 窗体底端 11. What does Katherine promise to do next time? 窗体顶端 She will never ask Christine to do this again. — 正确 窗体底端 第6讲 MULTIPLE CHOICE  (15/15 分数) 1. How does Joyce control her bad feelings, such as loneliness, anxiety or anger? 窗体顶端 (3)She always gets busy with other things. — 正确 窗体底端 2. What does Julie think is the best way of controlling our feelings? 窗体顶端  (1)To talk to oneself. — 正确 窗体底端 3. What did Jason do when he was in high school and was down or upset? 窗体顶端 (3)He would do both mentioned above. — 正确 窗体底端 4. How does Zheyu get over of his stress? 窗体顶端 (3)He often screams and shouts in the playground and then jogs for five kilometers until he is tired out. — 正确 窗体底端 5. What is Jason's suggestion for Zheyu? 窗体顶端 (2) Zheyu needs to choose the proper time to avoid scaring the kids on the playground. — 正确 窗体底端 6. How does Christine always finish so quickly? 窗体顶端 (1)She makes a list of things she needs to do and prioritize. — 正确 窗体底端 7. How does Katherine deal with a plan? 窗体顶端 (2)She gives up on it quickly. — 正确 窗体底端 8. What is Katherine's problem with assignments? 窗体顶端 (1)She postpones doing it until the day it is due. — 正确 窗体底端 9. What is Christine's suggestion for Katherine? 窗体顶端 (3)Hurry first and then relax. — 正确 窗体底端 10. For what did Jennifer leave for weeks? 窗体顶端 (1) A seminar in Hong Kong. — 正确 窗体底端 11. According to Cindy, what happened a few weeks ago? 窗体顶端 (2)Jennifer showed Cindy how to manage her time more efficiently. — 正确 窗体底端 12. What does Jennifer congratulate Cindy on? 窗体顶端 (1) For not postponing everything to the last minute any more. — 正确 窗体底端 13. What happens to Cindy every time after she finishes Zumba classes? 窗体顶端 (3)She sleeps better, feels better and works more efficiently. — 正确 窗体底端 14. What sort of exercises does Jennifer like most? 窗体顶端  Running. — 正确 窗体底端 15. What did Jennifer and her friends establish? 窗体顶端 (2)A group called “Running for Life“.  — 正确 窗体底端 第7讲 Multiple Choice (8/8 分数) 1. Why do Amanda and Zheyu feel very down today? 窗体顶端  (2)They are worried about exams. — 正确 窗体底端 2. Which test do students NOT need to take at the end of high school in the United States? 窗体顶端  (3)GRE. — 正确 窗体底端 3. Based on the conversation, what else will determine which university an American high school student can attend besides exam scores? 窗体顶端 (1)High school grades and participation in extracurricular activities. — 正确 窗体底端 4. Why does Amanda think students in Canada are so lucky? 窗体顶端 (3)They have no big national exams for entering a university. — 正确 窗体底端 5. In which of the following countries do you have to choose the major you want to study before entering a university? 窗体顶端 (1)The United Kingdom. — 正确 窗体底端 6.In which of the following countries can you usually change your major after entering the university? 窗体顶端 (1)The United States. — 正确 窗体底端 7. According to Mr.Davis, what can be a problem for students all around the world? 窗体顶端 (2)Stress. — 正确 窗体底端 8. What is Mr.Davis's suggestion for Amanda and Zheyu to achieve their dream? 窗体顶端 (3)Keep their eyes on the prize and work hard. — 正确 窗体底端   第8讲 You may choose one or more than one correct answer(s). 1. Why is the student coming for the teacher? (1/1分) · 正确答案: He was stressed about the college entrance examination · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 2. According to the student, which two subjects do most students have difficulties studying? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: EnglishMathematics · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 3. What suggestions does the teacher provide for the student to improve his English? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Listen to American radio podcastWatch some online TV shows in EnglishFind a language partner · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 4. What are the differences between high school life and university life in America? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: In university, students have fewer classes · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 5. According to the teacher, what should the student do in order to reduce his stress? · (1/1分) · 正确答案: Manage his time and schedule well 第十讲 1. What can be a way to develop your emotional intelligence as well as an opportunity to learn more about youself? (1/1分) · 正确答案: Learning about your feelings · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 2. If you give someone your undivided attention, it means that __________________________. · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: all of your attention is focused on that person · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 3. She is used to the world throwing stones—she knows how to protect herself. But can she figure______how to open______and trust again? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: out…up · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 4. What are some ways mentioned in this unit to control one’s bad feelings? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Jog until feeling tired outScream and shout in the playgroundFind tough math or physics problems to doTell oneself to calm downTurn to other concerns · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 5. What are some ways mentioned in this unit to manage time efficiently? · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Hurry first and then relaxLeave some room on one’s schedule for flexibility and give oneself a breakThink about how much time it will take one to complete each taskMake a list of things one needs to do · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 6. What may NOT determine which university one can attend in the U.S. based on the conversations in this unit? · (1/1分) · 正确答案: Social economic status of one’s familyIncome of one’s parents Unit 8第八单元 第4讲 1. Why doesn’t Betsy look so well? (2)She hasn’t been sleeping well recently recently. — 正确 2. What does “insomnia” mean? (1)Lack of sleep— 正确 3. Why does Betsy suffer from lack of sleep? (3)She is stressed out by the final exams. — 正确 4. According to Professor Day, what does sleep affect? (1)It affects all parts of our life. It affects all parts of our life. — 正确 5. What is the old English proverb that Professor Day shares with Betsy? (2)He who has health has hope and he that has hope has everything— 正确 6. According to Jaidee, how does Michael look? (1)He has some serious dark circles around his eyes. — 正确 7. What did Michael do on Friday? (1)He had a math test. — 正确 8. Which is NOT Jaidee’s suggestions for Michael? (3)Going to a movie. — 正确 9. What does Michael decide to do after listening to Jaidee’s suggestions? (2)He will go home and have a good sleep. — 正确 10.Who once said “A light heart lives long”? (3)Shakespeare.— 正确 第5讲 1. According to Kirk himself, how is he so energetic? (3)Both above are mentioned.— 正确 2. Which is NOT mentioned by Kirk as one of his ways of staying healthy? (2)Eating vegetarian meals. — 正确 3. Which of the following has Kirk always loved since he was young? (1)Running.—正确 4. What healthy habits does Jessica have? She goes running a few times a week. — 正确 5. Where has Jess been? (3)Japan. — 正确 6. What does Jess dislike about her trip? (2)The food. — 正确 7. What cannot Jess stand? (3)Raw fish 8. What does the Japanese emphasize in their diet? (1)The freshness of the food.— 正确 9. What does Liam mean by “I have such a sweet tooth”? (1)“I love sweet food.” — 正确 10. Which is NOT recommended by Jess to Liam to see in Japan? (3)The desserts 第6讲 1. How does Jennifer look thinner than before? (1)She is on a diet. — 正确 2. What does Kirk think is not good? (2)Never be satisfied with one’s weight. — 正确 3. What is NOT Kirk’s suggestion for people who are already unhealthy to lose weight? (3)A good mood is good medicine. — 正确 4. What does Jennifer mean by saying “I’m really craving chocolates now”? (2) “ I want to eat chocolate very much now.” — 正确 5. What seems to be working for Jennifer who just starts dieting? (1)To cut out soda and replace it with diet coke. — 正确 6. What does Jennifer find unbelievable at the end of her conversation with Kirk? (3)Kirk used to weigh twice as much as he does right now. — 正确 7. What has Michael got in the math mid—exam? (3)Maximum scores. — 正确 8. What does Michael mean by “I am on the top of the world”? (2)“I am extremely happy.” — 正确 9. Which one of the following is the closest in meaning to the idiom “keep an even keel”? (3)Keep a well balanced mood as extreme happiness may have a negative influence.—正确 10. Why did Tian Yuan’s two classmates quarrel today? (2)They argued about the space to store their books. — 正确 11. Which of the following is NOT Tian Yuan’s idea for resolving “classmate conflicts”? (2)You can tell the teacher to be the judge. 12. According to the passage, what can therapy offer? (1)Support at difficult times. — 正确 13. Seeing a therapist means . (3)You need help in dealing with emotions and stressful situations. — 正确 14. If a teen thinks that therapy could help, who might he or she NOT ask to find a therapist? A teenage friend.—正确 第7讲 1. What did Zheyu do this morning? (2)He ran for two hours. He ran for two hours. — 正确 2. How does Amanda and Zheyu go to school every day? (3)They ride bicycles. — 正确 3. Which is NOT mentioned by Glenn as the way that North American people stay healthy? (3)Eating no junk food. — 正确 4. What is true about the popular diet called Atkins diet? (1)One can eat as much meat as one wants. — 正确 5. What can you do according to Glenn if you feel too depressed to move? (1)Yoga and meditation. — 正确 6. In the past, what could people who had mental health problems do? (2)They just had to fight by themselves. — 正确 第十讲 1. What is NOT mentioned in this unit as a way to keep physically healthy? (0/1分) · 正确答案: Get a physical check—up every year · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 2. What is NOT mentioned in this unit as a way to achieve mental health? · (0/1分) · · 正确答案: Go to a movie or a concert · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 3. Which of the following belongs to junk food? · (0/1分) · · 正确答案: Fried chickenChipsPizzaBurgers · 答案解析: · · 多选 · 4. How may insomnia affect one’s life according to the conversations between professor Day and Betsy? · (0/1分) · · 正确答案: One may not be able to enjoy one’s food, drink and lifeOne may feel dizzy all the time · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 5. According to Jessica, the old saying “Laugh out of the other side of your mouth” means . · (1/1分) · · 正确答案: Once joy reaches its peak, next is sorrow · 答案解析: · · 单选 · 6. In which of the following situations may therapy NOT in the position to help teens? · (0/1分) · 正确答案: Being badly injured physically and in a coma。

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