
作者:李芳 赵晓青 姜志恒 赵亚力 周捷 许彦国 程晓耕。

【摘要】   目的 评价重组人干扰素α2a(rIFNα2a)口含片剂豚鼠口腔黏膜及内脏器官的毒性作用。方法 设试验组、赋形剂组及空白对照组,每组用6只豚鼠试验口含rIFNα2a片剂(300 IU/片),1片/d,含5~7min,连续含服6 d。赋形剂口含乳糖颗粒片剂(0.15 g/片),方法同上。空白对照组未含任何物质。临床观察6 d 后全部活杀。剖检口腔黏膜、咽部黏膜及内脏等器官,10%甲醇液固定,常规病理制片,HE染色,光镜观察。结果 试验组与赋形剂组和空白对照组之间的组织病理学所见相似,均未见明显毒性病理损伤。结论 rIFNα2a口含片剂豚鼠口腔黏膜及内脏器官均未见明显毒性作用,证实rIFNα2a口含片剂安全可靠。

【关键词】 rIFNα2a; 口含片;豚鼠毒性试验

Abstract: Objective To evaluate the toxicity of recombinant interferonα2a (rIFNα2a) buccal tablets to the oral mucosae and internal organs of guinea pigs. Methods Eighteen guinea pigs were divided into trial group, parallel control group and blank control group (n=6/group). The animals in the trial group were given rIFNα2a buccal tablets (300 IU/tablet) and those in the parallel control group given lactose tablets (0.15 g/tablet) once a day for six days. The animals in the blank control group were given no tablets. All the guinea pigs were killed, and then the oropharyngeal mucosae were taken out as well as the internal organs. The specimens were fixed with 10% formalin and prepared into pathological slices which were stained by HE staining and observed by optical microscopy. Results No significant histopathological changes were observed in the mucosae or the organs of the animals in the three groups.Conclusion It is indicated that rIFNα2a buccal tablets show no significant toxicity to oral mucosa and internal organs of guinea pigs and prove safe.

Key words: recombinant interferonα2a; buccal tablet; Guinea pig; toxicity。


1 材料与方法。

1.1 材料。

rIFNα2a口含片剂:长春生物制品研究所研制,批号950103,效价300 IU/片,失效期2年。实验动物: 健康豚鼠18只,体重250~350g,雌雄各半,长春生物制品研究所实验动物室提供。

1.2 方法。

试验分组与处理:18只豚鼠随机分成3组,每组6只,雌雄各3只。试验口腔内含服rIFNα2a片剂(300 IU/片),每只豚鼠每日口含1片,每次含5~7 min,共含6 d。赋形剂口腔内含乳糖颗粒片剂(0.15 g/片),每只豚鼠每天口含1片,每次含5~7 min,共含服6 d。空白对照口腔内未含服任何物质。观察上述3组豚鼠精神状态,饮食粪便、行为活动、被毛及口腔有无流涎等症状,共观察6 d。全部豚鼠于6 d 后活杀,解剖并肉眼检查口腔黏膜、咽部黏膜、喉部黏膜及内脏等器官,整个头部固定于Bouin氏液中,内脏等器官固定于10%甲醛液中。从颊、软腭、硬腭、舌根、舌背、口咽、喉咽、心、肝、脾、肺、肾、胃、食管和小肠等部位取材,常规脱水、浸蜡、包埋、切片,HE染色,OlympusAH2光镜观察并拍照。

2 结果。

2.1 临床表现。


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