排骨英文怎么说 谈烧排骨的英文怎么说

炭烧排骨英文:BBQ Spare Ribs。


"It may rain, or she can't come, But in any event we will have a BBQ at the park."。

The Golden Bay BBQ on the sea that expected seriously is opening on9 th Jun, charge RMB88 each person( No service charge, except drinks), Excellent buffet dinner, relaxed and comfortable environment, let you fully enjoy the delicious dishes and blue sea.



adj. 备用的;预备的;剩下的;空闲的;瘦削的;简单的;不加修饰的。

v. 剩余,剩下;抽出,拨出;使免遭伤害;使幸免;不让…难堪。

n. 备用零件,备用轮胎

a reserve supply of food; a spare tire; spare parts.食物供给储备;备用轮胎;机器备件。

Spare the rod and spoil the child.省了棍子,害了孩子。

Spare the rod and spoil the child.棍棒之下出孝子。


n. 肋骨;排骨罗纹

v. 戏弄。

Lindy poked him in the ribs.琳迪戳了戳他的肋部。

Derby rib machine德比式(6+3)罗纹针织机

Knitted Rib Collar针织罗纹领。

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