
【关键词】 ,脊柱侧弯;MSCT;三维重建

[摘要] 目的:探讨16排螺旋CT三维重建对评价脊柱侧弯的意义及方法方法脊柱侧弯患者25例,在16排多层螺旋CT机上扫描后,行多平面重建(MPR)、表面遮盖重建(SSD)与容积再现(VRT)重建。评价不同的图像后处理技术的作用和优势。结果:25例脊柱侧弯患者的三维重建图像均能清晰显示椎体椎弓根、椎管、椎旁组织及其脊髓的情况。测量椎弓根、椎体椎管椎体旋转角度等各种参数提供给临床。结论:螺旋CT多平面三维重建技术能准确提供脊柱侧弯患者脊柱椎体椎弓根、椎管等各种参数,对提高手术治疗的成功有很大的帮助。

[关键词] 脊柱侧弯;MSCT;三维重建

MSCT Threedimensional Reconstruction in Scoliosis Apply Value。

Abstract: Objective To evaluate the value of 16slice helical CT and threedimensional reconstruction postprocessing technique for diagnosis of scoliosis.Methods 25 cases of scoliosis were performed with multiple CT scan to be reconstructed by multiple planner reconstructed(MPR),surface shading display(SSD)and volume rendering(VRT),which were used to evaluale the value of the variousimages. Results The threedimensional reconstruction images in 25 cases of scoliosis displayed a clear pedicle plane,at the sametime it also could distinguish the conditions of the vertebrae.spinal canal,spinal cord and the soft tissues aroundvertebrae.All the parameters relevant to pedicle,vertebrae,spinal canal and the rotation angles of vertebrae were labeled on the films,providing reliable reference for the physicians.Conclusion The threedimensional reconstruction with spiral CT can offer、various parameters of the vertebrae concerning spine,spinal canal and the pedicle plane that will play very importantrole in the rectifying operation of scoliosis especially in the severe cases.

Key words : Scoliosis; Multipleslice CT(MSCT); Threedimensional reconstruction .


1 材料与方法

1.1 一般资料 收集我院2005年5月至2006年4月25例脊柱侧弯患者,男性8例,女性17例,平均年龄12岁,临床表现主要为脊柱呈“C”形或“S”形弯曲,凸侧肩高 ,胸廓畸形,呼吸功能障碍等。

1.2 扫描方法 GE公司的Lightspeed 16排螺旋CT机,取仰卧位。扫描范围:根据侧弯程度及类型确定;扫描方式:螺旋,层厚5 mm,螺距1.375 mm,电压120 kV,电流200 mA。

1.3 重建方法 扫描完成后将原始数据薄层至1.25 mm~0.625 mm并以bone plus法重建,在ADW4.2工作站以MPR、SSD、VR等方式重建,以最佳显示所需观察部位为目的,可任意旋转角度以观察脊柱情况。

2 结果。


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