
(青海省大通县交通局公路工程队 青海 大通 810100)   【摘 要】介绍了土工格室柔性防护边坡施工施工工艺,针对存在的问题提出了相应的处理措施,最后总结出了土工格室柔性防护边坡的优点。

【关键词】土工格室防护边坡施工   Geocell flexible protection slope construction      Ma De—long   (Qinghai Datong County Department of Transportation Highway Engineering Team Datong Qinghai 810100)    【Abstract】Geocell introduced flexible construction of slope protection construction process, for the problems existing in the corresponding treatment measures, and finally summed up the slope geocell flexible protection benefits.    【Key words】Geogrid;Slope protection;Construction      1. 工程条件    在砾粉质粘土边坡,自然横坡较陡,陡斜坡路堤填筑易产生滑动,石材料运距较远,可考虑在坡脚设置立体土工格室填砂砾石挡土墙,以便于植草


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