
【关键词】 鉴别诊断

【摘要】 目的 分析并总结右房活动性团块的声像图特点,以提高诊断准确率。方法 回顾分析11例右房活动性团块病例,主要从其形态、大小、边缘、内部回声、瘤蒂附着位置、活动性等方面进行分析,并对其中1例极似粘液瘤样癌栓进行详细分析。结果 右房活动性团块有6例为粘液瘤,4例血栓,1例癌栓类似于粘液瘤。结论 一般活动性粘液瘤与血栓依据超声影像学能作定性诊断,而瘤样癌栓要扩大扫查范围,结合临床表现及其它检查进行综合分析,也容易进行诊断与鉴别。

关键词 超声诊断 鉴别诊断 粘液瘤。

【Abstract】 Objective The ultrasonography character of the active masses in the right atrium were analysed and concluded to improve the diagnosis.Methods11cases with active mass in the right atrium were retrospective analysed.The shape、size、margin、echo genicity、activity of the mass and the location of the pedicel of the mass were mainly analysed,and one of the cases extremely resemble the myxomatous boltwas also careful analysed.Results The active masses in the right atrium6cases were myxoma,4cases were thrombus,and1case was the cancer ous thrombus resemble the myxoma.Conclusion Common active myxoma and thrombus were diagnosed by ultrosound;the cancer ous thrombus wich resemble the mass were easilydiagnosed and differentiated by expanding the area of the scan and integrating with the clinical data and other examinations.Ultrasound is the best method of imagnig to study the active mass in the right atrium.

Key words ultrasonic diagnosis differentiate diagnosis myxoma。


1 资料与方法。

1.1 一般资料 研究对象为1999~2004年中11例行超声检查的右房活动性团块患者,男5例,女6例,年龄23~65岁,平均年龄38岁。

1.2 仪器和方法 使用ACUSON128XP型及HP4500型彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,探头频率4MHz、3.5MHz、2~6MHz(用于腹部),患者取仰卧位或右侧卧位,主要取大动脉短轴、心尖四腔、剑下四腔等多切面扫查,观察团块的形态、大小、边缘、内部回声、附着位置、活动情况等方面,部分须追踪右房以外相关情况,并用CDFI观察团块内部及周边血流情况。

2 结果。


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