
【摘要】   目的 观察鱼腥草滴眼液新生儿泪囊炎的临床疗效和不良反应。方法 将新生儿泪囊炎患儿随机分为治疗组和对照组治疗组52例(65眼),予鱼腥草滴眼液滴眼,并以鱼腥草滴眼液作泪道冲洗探通冲洗液。对照组48例(50眼),予抗生素滴眼液滴眼,并以生理盐水作泪道冲洗探通冲洗液。结果 治疗组和对照组经泪道加压冲洗和泪道探通术后,通过率为100%。术后随访6个月行泪冲洗治疗组仍保持通畅为60眼,占92.3%,对照组仍保持通畅为31眼,占62.0%,两组差异有显著统计学意义(P0.01)。治疗组中未发现不良反应。结论 应用鱼腥草滴眼液治疗新生儿泪囊炎疗效确切,安全可靠。

【关键词】 新生儿泪囊炎鱼腥草滴眼液

Clinical Observation of Houttuynia Cordate Thunb Eyedrops in Treatment for 100 Neonatal Patients with Dacryocystitis。

Abstract: Objective To evaluate the efficacy and aftereffect of Houttuynia Cordate Thunb eyedrops on neonatal dacryocystitis.Methods The patients with neonatal dacryocystitis were divided randomly into trial group (52 patients, 65 eyes) and control group (48 patients, 50 eyes). Houttuynia Cordate Thunb eyedrops were administered in the trial group, and were used as irrigative liquor in the irrigation and probing of lacrimal passage. Antibiotic eyedrops were administered in the control group, and normal saline were applied as irrigative liquor in the irrigation and probing of lacrimal passage. Results All the patients (100%) of the two groups were cured after the pressure irrigation and probing of lacrimal passage. After six months’postoperative followup, 60 eyes of the trial group got smooth irrigation (92.3%), while 31 eyes of the control groups got smooth irrigation (62.0%). There was a significant difference between the two groups (P0.01). There were not local and general side effects observed in the trial group. Conclusion Houttuynia Cordate Thunb eyedrop is a useful and safe medicament for neonatal dacryocystitis.

key words:houttuynia cordate thunb eyedrop; neonatal dacryocystitis。


1 资料与方法。

1.1 一般资料。

新生儿泪囊炎100例(115眼),其中男45例(5l眼),女55例(64眼),首诊年龄5~60 d,所有的患眼均有溢泪并伴有不同程度异常分泌物增多,按压泪囊区或冲洗泪道有脓性分泌物从泪小点流出。将所有的病例随机分为两组:治疗组52例(65眼);对照组48例(50眼),两组之间年龄、性别差异无统计学意义。

1.2 治疗方法。

年龄2月的患儿治疗组予鱼腥草滴眼液滴眼对照组予抗生素滴眼液滴眼,两组均教会家长联合应用泪囊按摩治疗法。如经治疗未愈,待患儿2月龄后再行泪道加压冲洗或泪道探通术。如经泪道探通术后病情复发,又出现溢泪、异常分泌物增多症状,经泪道冲洗证实为泪道重新阻塞,则再次行泪探通术,最多探通3次,否则建议行泪道插管术。在以上泪道冲洗或泪道探通术中,治疗组予鱼腥草滴眼液作为冲洗液,对照组予生理盐水作为冲洗液。泪道探通方法:术前常规进行泪冲洗,保持泪道洁净。0.5%丁卡因棉片放于患眼的内眦部进行内眦结膜及泪小点表面麻醉3~5 min。患儿取卧位,常规消毒铺巾,由助手固定其头身及四肢。操作者用左手拇指将下眼睑向外下方牵拉,充分暴露下泪点,右手持泪小点扩张器扩张下泪点,用0~00号探针,垂直插入泪小点1~1.5 mm,然后向鼻侧水平推进6 mm 直碰到骨壁后将探针转动90°垂直向下推进,有突破感为鼻泪管已探通探通泪道过程中,操作应轻柔,不可粗暴,以免造成不必要的创伤。全部病例由两位眼科医生合作完成。

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