
【摘要】   目的 介绍一种治疗慢性肛裂的方法——指扩加保持治疗法。方法 肛门周围局部浸润麻醉,行指扩至肛管可容纳4指,然后肛管内放入保持器5~8 min后取出。结果 用指扩加保持治疗慢性肛裂163例,治愈161例(98.78%),括约肌扩张术147例,治愈138例(93.88%)。对术后症状缓解时间、疼痛消失时间、肛裂存在率、失禁或肿胀率两组比较,指扩加保持治疗效明显优于括约肌扩张术。结论 用指扩加保持治疗肛裂,操作简便,患者痛苦小,愈合时间短,治愈率高。

【关键词】 肛裂 指扩 保持括约肌扩张术。

[Abstract] Objective To introduce a method for the treatment of chronic anal fissure using finger dilatation retainers. Methods Finger dilatation retainers was used in 163 patients suffering chronic anal fissure. Under local anesthesia dilate the anus to 4 fingers, put the finger dilatation retainers in for 58 min. Anal dilatation was used in 147 patients suffering chronic anal fissure. Results In finger dilatation retainers group, 161 patients were cured (98.78%). In anal dilatation group, 138 were cured (93.88%). Finger dilatation retainers was better than anal dilatation in postoperative pain relief time, the rate of persistent fissure, incidence of incontinence or engorgement. Conclusion Finger dilatation retainers is a simple method with less pain, shorter healing time and high healing rate in the treatment of anal fissure.

[Key words] Anal cleft; Fingers dilatation; Retainers; Sphincter mucle dilatation。


1 临床资料

1.1 一般资料 按1975年全国肛肠学术会议制定的统一标准诊断明确的肛裂患者310例,随机分为指扩加保持器组163例,对照组为括约肌扩张组(扩张组)147例。见表1,两组资料统计无差异(P0.05)。表1 两组临床资料比较。

组别男/女年龄(岁)病程(年)肛裂(例)Ⅰ期Ⅱ期Ⅲ期指扩加保持器组47/11631.22±6.153.72±1.91369433扩张组60/8732.18±5.463.34±1. 57448815。

1.2 材料 保持器为一次性卫生材料(塑料(ABS)制品,前部为圆锥体,后部为圆柱体,中空结构),系江苏常州海达医疗器械公司生产,直径3.5 cm。

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