

外语汉语族的思维习惯不同, 因此表达习惯也就有所不同。


关键词:翻译表达习惯      翻译现在正经历一种转折: 从属于语言学层面的字面移译逐步转向文化层面的阐释和再现。

英汉翻译如此, 汉英翻译也是一样。





因为有些句子翻译英语后可能完全符合语法形式, 但若仔细体会,却可反映汉英思维方式和表达习惯的不同。




汉语表达习惯(以下简称汉) :Because I couldn’t answer this question , I felt ashamed.   英语表达习惯(以下简称英) : I felt ashamed of not being able to answer the question.   2、玛丽没有被邀请,所以很失望。

汉: Because she was not invited, Mary was disappointed.   英: Mary was disappointed that she was not invited.   3、他这样对待我, 我很生气。

汉: The way he treated me made me angry.   英: I was angry at the way he treated me.   二、和对于英语语族的人来说, 汉语语族人喜欢用动词表达自己,而英语族人注重抽象思维, 常化动为静    名词化是英语语言的一个重要特征。


汉:Because I had some business, I went to town.   英:Business took me to town.   2、我们经常在家和地铁站之间来往。

汉: We usually walk to or from subway.   英: Our usual walk was to or from the subway.   3、参观了位于茂物的国家博物馆和植物园后, 我们就结束了这次的旅程。

汉: After we visited the National Museum and the Botanical Gardens at Bogor, we completed our tour.   英:The National Museum and the Botanical Gardens at Bogor completed our visit.   三、汉语中经常会看到无主句, 而英语强调以主体为中心。

因此, 翻译时应添加必要的主体词   1、没有良好的习惯, 就不能在英语上取得很大的进步。

Without good habit, you can’t make a great progress in English.   2、当时几乎不可能回到那家旅馆。

It was impossible to return to that hotel at that time   四、汉语中经常主客体交融, 而英语中事物所属关系清晰   1、这两幢楼的外表很相似。

汉: These two buildings appearances are similar.    英: These two buildings are similar in appearance to each other.   2、孩子们的岁数从5 岁到7 岁不等。

汉:The children’s age ranges from 5 to 7.    英:The children’s range in age is from 5 to 7.   五、汉语句式描述在前总结在后,而翻译英语后变成总结在前, 描述在后   1、居然还有学生在考试之前踢足球, 这似乎令人难以置信。

汉:There were some students still playing football before exam. This   seemed incredible.    英: It seemed incredible that some students still played football before exam.   2、拳击尚未开始, 对手就故意认输了, 这还是第一次。

汉:Before the bout began the fighter was to take a dive. This was the first time.    英: It was the first time the fighter was taken a dive even before the bout began.   六、汉语句式中,指代词通常指代前面所提到的名词, 而英语句式则不然   1、当约翰18 岁的时候, 他的第一本书就发表了。

汉:When John was 18, he had his first book published.    英:When he was 18, John had his first book published.   2、在约翰写的《健康》一书中, 他指出健康是一个人将来成功的基础。

汉: On John’s book《On Health》, he points out that health is the foundation of one’s future success.    英:On his book《On Health》,John points out that health is the foundation of one’s future success.    种种迹象表面说明,只是追求表面形式的对应而忽略英文表达习惯,学生的思维是不可能跳出底层次的语言形式层面而进入高级的语义和逻辑层面


参考文献:   [1]《英汉大辞典》主编 陆谷孙,第2版,上海译文出版社;   [2]《多功能分类词典》上海外语教育出版社;   [3]《英语语法大全》外文出版社;   [4]《汉英词典》商务出版社。

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