
作者:陈群仙 叶益汉 彭丽云。

【关键词】 剖宫产



Observing the Anesthesia Effect of ropivacaine on cesarean。

Abstract:Objective: To evaluate the safety and effect of 0.75% ropivacaine on secarean by lumbar anesthesia in the mean while, compare the anesthesia effect with 0.75% bubicaine.Method: 60 cases selective period for cesarean were divided into group A (30 cases with bubicaine) and group B (30 cases with ropivacaine). Both of the group were punctured in lumbar—epidural in L2~3 and then injected the drug with tube insertion. We observed th bad action and the block anesthesia.Result:There‘s seldom bad action with ropivacaine for the same dosage of ropivacaine and bubicaine.Conclusion: It‘s safe for fetal and mother with 0.75% ropivacaine lumbar anesthesia for cesarean.

Key words:Ropivacaine;Bubicaine;Anesthesia;Cesarean   罗哌卡因是一种新型的酰胺类长效局麻药,我们观察了0.75%布比卡因腰麻用于剖宫产手术的临床效果和安全性,并与0.75%布比卡因进行比较,报道如下。

1 资料与方法。

1.1 选择足月产妇60例,年龄在22~35岁,体重58~75kg,ASAI~II级,随机分为A组30例(布比卡因组)和B组30例(罗哌卡因组)。A组:0.75%布比卡因1.3ml+10%葡萄糖1 ml; B组:0.75%罗哌卡因1.3ml+10%葡萄糖1 ml。产妇入室后接心电监测仪监测心电图、心率、血压及脉搏血氧饱和度。建立一条静脉通路,输入复方乳酸钠液20 ml/kg/h。产妇采用左侧卧位,采用腰―硬联合穿刺针(广州蓝波公司生产)于L2~3椎间隙穿刺,见脊液流出后,以30s速度注入局麻药,退出腰穿针并于硬膜外间隙置入导管,以备手术需要,术后还可连接镇痛泵。

表1 感觉阻滞结果 略。

表2 达到Bromage不同分级标准的时间(略)。

1.2 观察指标。

1.2.1 感觉阻滞起效时间、疼痛感觉阻滞平面、平面固定时间、感觉阻滞维持时间。

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