
英语考试来临前,去做一系列的英语试题卷也是一种高效率的学习方法。所以,让我们来做一做这套试卷吧!现在请欣赏小编带来的人教版高三英语Book5 Module 4测试试卷

人教版高三英语Book5 Module 4测试试卷


1. Its not ________ good idea to surf the Internet for hours on ________ end without a rest.

A. the; an B. a; an C. a; / D. the; /。

2. With everyones face ________ behind masks, its hard to tell who they really are.

A. hidden B. hiding C. having hidden D. to hide。

3. Many foreign students choose Chinese as a second language, ________ they think will be good for their future career.

A. what B. that C. which D. where。

4. When Mr. Brown was ill in hospital, his daughter ________ his business from him.

A. took in B. took up C. took off D. took over。

5. Do you have any ________ of what life would be like if we lived on Mars?。

A. plan B. idea C. impression D. belief。

6. The lift ________. Im afraid well have to climb up the stairs.

A. is being repaired B. has repaired。

C. is repaired D. has been repaired。

7. As I will be away for at least a year, Id appreciate hearing from you telling me ________ how everyone is getting along.

A. little by little B. more or less。

C. now and then D. at the same time。

8. The project is unlikely to carry through ________ financial aid is provided for it as soon as possible.

A. unless B. if C. as D. until。

9. How do you find this composition, sir?。

________. Besides some spelling mistakes, the language is a bit boring.

A. That all depends B. His deskmate showed it to me。

C. Quite by chance D. I dont think much of it。

10. Tickets for the coming soccer game can ________ online this weekend.

Ill have to move fast. Tickets of this kind usually ________ well.

A. be booked; be sold B. be booked; sell。

C. book; be sold D. book; sell。

11. He said that he was not an American, but his accent gave him ________.

A. away B. up C. in D. back。

12. At the gate of the hotel stood hundreds of football fans, ________ to get an autograph of Liu Xiang.

A. to expect B. expecting C. expected D. having expected。

13. Our regular meals in the morning at school ________ only noodles, eggs and rice porridge.

A. consist of B. make up of。

C. is made up of D. is consisted of。

14. His daughter refused ________ and his son pretended ________ asleep. Neither of them wanted to go with him.

A. going; being B. going; to be C. to go; to be D. to go; being。

15. When shall we meet to discuss the plan?。

Anytime you feel like ________.

A. one B. it C. so D. that。


Many years ago there lived in England a wise and good king whose name was Alfred. The king did not have a very 16 life in those days. There were 17 almost all the time. Between ruling and fighting, he had a busy time indeed.

A fierce, rude people, called the Danes, came to England and fought with the English. They were so 18 that after a great battle the English army was defeated. King Alfred 19 alone from the field of the battle.

Late in the day he came to a hut (棚屋). He was very tired and hungry, and he 20 the hostess to give him something to eat and a place to sleep in. The woman was 21 some cakes, and she looked with 22 at the poor, ragged fellow. She hadnt thought that he was the 23 .

Yes, she said, Ill give you some supper 24 you watch these cakes. I want to 25 and milk the cow. You must make sure that they do not burn 26 Im away.

King Alfred was very 27 to watch the cakes, but he had far greater things to 28 . How was he going to get his army together again? And how was he going to drive the fierce Danes out of the land? He forgot his 29 ; he forgot the cakes, too. In a little while the woman came back. The cakes were 30 .

You lazy fellow! she cried 31 . See what you have done! You want something to eat, but you dont want to 32 !

The king laughed at the thought of being 33 in this way, but he was so hungry that he did not 34 it.

Many days later, he gathered his 35 together again and beat the Danes in a great battle.

16. A. healthy B. confusing C. active D. easy。

17. A. disasters B. competitions C. wars D. accidents。

18. A. curious B. strong C. swift D. eager。

19. A. escaped B. avoided C. came D. separated。

20. A. encouraged B. ordered C. permitted D. begged。

21. A. baking B. selling C. packing D. cutting。

22. A. shame B. pity C. fear D. anxiety。

23. A. king B. enemy C. soldier D. friend。

24. A. if B. so C. but D. until。

25. A. settle down B. carry on C. go out D. give up。

26. A. until B. so C. although D. while。

27. A. careful B. willing C. nervous D. surprised。

28. A. set down B. build up C. put forward D. think about。

29. A. hunger B. danger C. pain D. strength。

30. A. moving B. drying C. smoking D. boiling。

31. A. proudly B. readily C. carefully D. angrily。

32. A. survive B. work C. struggle D. improve。

33. A. blamed B. injured C. fooled D. punished。

34. A. accept B. believe C. mind D. confirm。

35. A. competitors B. men C. family D. neighbours。

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