
【摘要】   目的 探讨前牙急性根尖周炎患者应用根管治疗一次法是否优于多次治疗。方法 随机将140 例急性根尖周炎患者分为两组,每组70 例,分别行根管一次法治疗多次治疗。观察比较两组患者术后1 d 和术后5 d 并发症情况及术后1年临床和X线检查结果。结果 一次性根管治疗术后1 d 并发症显著高于多次疗法(P 0.05),术后5 d 疗效显著好于多次疗法(P 0.05),术后1年两组间疗效无显著性差异(P 0.05) 。结论 对于前牙急性根尖周炎患者可选择一次性根管治疗多次疗法,但应用一次性根管治疗应慎重。

【关键词】 急性根尖周炎根管治疗并发症;一次法;多次疗法

Abstract: Objective To explore if one time root canal therapy has a better effectiveness than conventional root canal therapy in treating acute periapical periodontitis of anterior teeth. Methods A total of 140 patients with acute periapical periodontitis of anterior teeth were randomly divided into two groups. Each group had 70 patients in it. They were treated respectively by one time root canal therapy and conventional root canal therapy. The complications were observed in the patients after one day’s and five day’s treatment. Their therapeutic effects were compared according to clinical symptoms and Xray examination one year after treatment. Results The incidence of complication of one time root canal therapy was higher than that of conventional root canal therapy after one day’s treatment (P0.05). The therapeutic effect of one time root canal was better than that of conventional root canal therapy after five day’s treatment, but the curative effects by both methods had no significant difference after one year (P0.05). Conclusion Both of conventional root canal therapy and one time root canal therapy can be adopted in treating acute periapical periodontitis of anterior teeth. One time root canal therapy must be carefully employed.

Key words: acute periapical periodontitis; root canal therapy; complication;one time therapy;conventional therapy。

根管治疗一次法在牙髓炎及根尖周炎治疗过程中的应用已很普遍,但在急性根尖周炎治疗中不常用[1~2]。2001年6月—2003年10 月,我们对140名急性根尖周炎患者分别行根管治疗一次法和多次疗法,观察比较两种方法在治疗后1 d 及5 d 的并发症,并随访了治疗后1年的临床疗效,现报告如下。

1 资料和方法。

1. 1 一般资料   140名前牙急性根尖周炎患者,男76 例,女64 例;年龄19~54 岁,平均36.5岁。患牙共140 颗,其中上前牙94 颗,下前牙46颗。随机分为两组,每组70例,分别行根管治疗一次法和多次疗法两组急性根尖周炎分类及牙位、性别、年龄上差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。140 例患者1 d 及5 d 后均复查,1年后随访126例,随访率90%。

1. 2 治疗方法。

根管治疗一次法:局麻下拔髓,预备根管,用局麻用的注射器针头在患牙唇侧靠根周附近开窗排脓。用0.9%生理盐水和3%过氧化氢液交替冲洗根管,并有冲洗液从唇侧开窗处冲出,棉捻吸干根管,樟脑酚棉捻及95%乙醇消毒根管,碘仿氧化锌糊剂加牙胶尖根管充填,氧化锌暂封,抗炎消肿3 d。多次疗法:局麻下开髓,拔髓,预备根管,用0.9%生理盐水和3%过氧化氢液交替冲洗根管。樟脑酚棉捻开放3 d,抗炎消肿3 d。3 d 后去除樟脑酚棉捻, 0.9 %生理盐水和3%过氧化氢液交替冲洗根管,棉捻吸干根管内残留药液并干燥根管。放甲醛甲酚棉捻,氧化锌暂封。1 周后去除甲醛甲酚棉捻,碘仿氧化锌糊剂加牙胶尖根管充填,氧化锌暂封。术后1 d 及5 d 观察患牙并发症情况。

1.3 两种治疗方法的评价标准。

两组病人术后1 d 和5 d 并发症评定标准: (1)疼痛肿胀增加;(2)疼痛肿胀减轻。术后1年随访患者的疗效评定标准:(1)痊愈:患者无自觉症状,功能良好,临床检查无异常,X线片显示牙根周吸收阴影明显缩小;(2)有效:患者无自觉症状,功能良好,临床检查无异常,X线片显示牙根周吸收阴影无增大;(3)失败:患者有或无自觉症状,临床检查正常或异常,X线片牙根周吸收阴影明显增大。

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