
【关键词】 真菌性食管炎胃镜细胞学刷片

【摘要】 目的 探讨真菌性食管炎的病因及防治。方法 分析我院5年来发现的真菌性食管炎35例的胃镜、病理及临床资料。结果 本组病例占同期所有食管炎病人的0.82%。平均年龄52.5岁。胸骨后疼痛15例,吞咽烧灼感11例,吞咽梗阻感6例,无食管症状者3例。胃镜下伴消化性溃疡7例,疣状胃炎2例,胆汁反流性胃炎2例,胃癌1例,慢性浅表性胃炎23例。胃镜下类型为颗粒型21例,斑片型12例,糜烂溃疡型2例。细胞学刷片均发现菌丝或孢子。全部用氟康唑治疗,21例3周后复查胃镜,结果显示16例显效,5例有效。结论 真菌性食管炎近年来呈逐年增高的趋势,特别应重视医源性因素所致的感染。

【关键词】 真菌性食管炎胃镜细胞学刷片

Analyses of 35 cases of myocotic esophagitis。

【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the causes and prevention of myocotic esophagitis.Methods Conducting gastroscopic,pathologic,and clinical analyses of 35 cases of myocotic esophagitis ever found in Luzhou TCM Hospital over the past 5 years.Results Among this group of patients,aged 52.5 on average and covering 0.82% of the total cases of myocotic esophagitis in the same period,there were 15 cases suffering from retrosternal pain,11 cases,from burning feeling when swallowing,6 cases,from closure when swallowing and 3 cases,from non—esophagus feeling.Gastroscopic tests revealed 7 cases of peptic ulcer,2 cases of verrcous esophagitis,2 cases of esophagitis of regurgitant bile,1 cases of gastric carcinoma and 22 cases of chronic superficial gastritis.Gastroscopic tests showed 3 types of esophagitis:21 cases of particulate type,12 cases of the patch type and 2 cases of erosive ulcer type.Hyphae and spores were found in smear tests.After a 3—week treatment with fluconazole,gastroscopic tests showed 16 cases were somewhat improved and 5 cases,effectively improved.Conclusion There is a tendency that the number of cases of myocotic esophagitis has been increasing year by year,and great attention must be paid to iatrogenic infection.

【Key words】 myocotic esophagitis;gastroscope;cytologic smear test。


1 资料与方法。

1.1 一般资料 35例中男23例,女12例,男女之比1.9∶1。年龄最小28岁,最大73岁,平均年龄52.5岁。35例中门诊病人26例,住院病人9例,此9例中慢性喘息型支气管炎3例,支气管哮喘2例,糖尿病3例,肺结核1例。5年35例真菌性食管炎,2001年2例,2002年3例,2003年6例,2004年11例,2005年13例。

1.2 临床症状 胸骨后疼痛15例,吞咽烧灼感11例,吞咽梗阻感6例,无上述食管症状者3例,多数病人伴有上腹饱胀、呃气、食欲不振等上消化道症状

1.3 伴随疾病 经胃镜发现的伴随疾病有:消化性溃疡7例,疣状胃炎2例,胆汁反流性胃炎2例,胃癌1例,慢性浅表性胃炎23例。

1.4 微生物检查方法 本组病例全部在胃镜下对病灶行刷片取材,经细胞学刷片均发现真菌丝或孢子。

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