




毕业论文网 /6/view—11603053.htm  房子建于90年代,David Price Design受现任业主的委托,要对其进行改造,使其成为一座能容纳19人居住的理想度假之屋。






David Price Design还通过用传统工艺技术将回收的船只木板改造为横梁,并将其运用于从电视厅到一层后部空间的天花板上,颇有复古怀旧的韵味。






沙发底座由混凝土制成,椅座上放置了Sunbrella品牌的衬垫,灯具则采用了Nina Laty为Nautic品牌设计的产品。




Down a winding road in Provence, near to the ancient town of Eygalieres in the Alpilles mountains, a small unmarked track, dotted witholive trees, leads off from the road, with no sign of what lies beyond. In fact, the track leads to a stunning Provencale house set inextensive grounds; exactly the kind of property that helped create the area‘s reputation in the first place as a sun—kissed rural idyll and theperfect location for a holiday home, retirement home — or just a great place to spend time, relax and day—dream!The house was built in the 1990s, from scratch, by a local architect on a previously—empty plot. David Price Design was commissionedby the property‘s current owners to remodel the house further, helping create an ideal holiday home that sleeps 19 people in total, throughthe creation of both a new interior floorplan and structure, the re—planning of the external landscaping; the refurbishment and extension ofa series of guest cottages and the design and installation of a brand new pool and pool house.However, the project soon became much larger and went on to include the reconfiguring of themain house to suit the new owners‘ requirements — making a single large kitchen out of a seriesof smaller rooms, for example; creating a remodeled television room and knocking through anexternal rear wall in order to create an extended double dining room with a seamless transitionto a beautiful outdoor dining space, enhanced by a new pergola with overhanging wisteria, forsummer dining. Inside the main house, where all walls and ceilings have been rendered andpainted in a cooling white, the new, hugely—enlarged kitchen was given a new flagstone floor tomatch other existing flooring in the house. A TV room to the back of the ground floor has a newceiling, made in the old traditional way by David Price Design, using reclaimed boards fromboats as beams. New, bespoke furniture wasalso created where needed by David PriceDesign, including a TV station, living roomsofa, coffee tables in timber and metal andthe main new kitchen island, which is inreclaimed oak with a marble top with specialdisplay shelves at each end, used to exhibitthe owner‘s stunning collection of localtraditional earthenware jugs. Upstairs, as wellas the new bathrooms, further bespoke areasinclude an extensive master bedroom dressingarea, lined with cupboards and drawers in oak,as well as new bunk beds for the children.Once the house had been remodelled, workswere also done to a number of smaller guesthouses in the grounds, which were renovatedand extended in order to serve as fully—functioning guest quarters.

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