
【摘要】 目的 通过不同术式的比较以提高复杂性肾结石手术疗效,降低结石的残留率及术后肾功能的恢复。方法 回顾,总结,分析35例复杂性肾结石不同术式手术治疗的临床资料。结果 低温阻断肾动脉肾实质切开取石术组18例动脉阻断时间25~65min,出血量80~400ml,手术时间90~170min。间断性不完全性肾蒂阻断行肾实质切开取石组17例手术病人, 12例手术病人出血少于200ml均未输血,有2例患者术中出血稍多输血400ml,手术取石时间(从上肾蒂钳到肾实质缝合完毕后取肾蒂钳)15~ 25min,平均17.5min。手术取石时间短,平均13.2min,术后患肾功能均正常。结论 对肾窦内肾盂铸型肾结石开放手术治疗需要根据结石的大小、形态、手术所需的时间及难易程度确定术式。低温阻断肾动脉肾实质切开取石术具有出血少、显露充分、术野清晰、结石取净率高等优点。间断不完全性肾蒂阻断下行肾实质切开取石术具有简单、快捷、肾功能损伤小、恢复快等优点。

【关键词】 肾结石;外科手术

The exploration of various nephrotomy of removal the stones for the complex nephrolithiasis。

【Abstract】 Objective To the purpose of promote the surgical operating effect about complex kidney stone from the comparison of different surgical decrease the remain a rate of kidney stone and the recover the kidney function. Methods Review and analyze the clinic data of 35 cases of the complex kidney stone from different surgical operation method. Results There are 18 examples at operation to cut open the kidney and take stone in the environment to stop kidney artery takes 25~65min. The bleeding quantity is 80~400ml,it is 90~170min to operation.There are 17 examples to cut open the kidney paren chyma and take stone in a environment to interrupted and imperfectly stop the kidney pedicel,there are 12 patients to bleeding of 200ml,not yet blood transfusion.There are 2 patients of blood transfusion 400ml,because of bleeding much,the time of taking the stone (from take the kidney pedicle forceps to get it and sew up the kidney paren chyma is 15~25min)is 17.5min,the time of taking stone from kidney substance is short,the average is 13.2 min,the renal function of the trouble kidney is normal of operation.Conclusion It is to decide the operation that the kidney stone and pelvis type on the basis of the side and shape of kidney stone and the requirement of operation time,the quality of rate a kidney stone from cut open kidney in a low temperature is full reveal and the operation field is clear,the rate of take the stone is high,there is a quality of simple shortcut and short of function damage and recover quickly in the operation method of take the kidney stone from cut open the kidney substance in a environment of stop the renal pedicle interruption.

【Key words】 kidney stone;surgical operation。


1 资料与方法。

1.1 一般资料 低温阻断肾动脉肾实质切开取石术组18例均为肾内型肾盂肾结石患者,男11例,女7例,年龄33~65岁,平均45岁,左肾结石10例,右肾结石8例,结石最大直径4.2cm。间断性不完全性肾蒂阻断行肾实质切开取石组17例也均为肾内型肾盂肾结石患者,其中男10例,女7例,年龄26~72岁,平均46岁,左肾结石9例,右肾结石8例,有1例为体外冲击波碎石治疗失败而改为开放性手术的。以上病例术前均经B超、KUB、IVP、CT及逆行肾盂造影等影像学检查而明确诊断。

1.2 手术方法 低温阻断肾动脉肾实质切开取石术组取第十二肋床斜切口,切除十二肋切开肾周筋膜,充分显露肾脏,游离肾脏及肾蒂,仔细分离出肾动脉,此时快速静脉注射肌苷2g和20%甘露醇250ml后,用无损伤钳夹动脉,肾周加入碎冰冷却15min。肾脏变软、变白。沿肾背侧外缘相对无血管区(Brodel)线切开实质肾盏取石结石取净后插入双“J”管。用4—0可吸收线贯穿缝合相邻肾盏切缘。间断缝合肾盂切口两端,连续贯穿缝合,完成肾盂关闭。用2—0可吸收线贯穿间断缝合肾包膜。

间断不完全性肾蒂阻断下行肾实质切开取石术患者取硬膜外麻醉,侧卧位在分离暴露肾脏后,根据X线片、手探查、针刺确定结石位置,游离肾蒂,用带皮套的肾蒂钳钳夹肾蒂,只上一个钳齿,观察肾脏颜色变淡红或稍变暗,但未变灰暗或苍白,迅速用小尖刀在距结石最近距离或较近距离相对较薄的肾实质表面刺达结石,用止血钳或取石钳分离结石后夹出结石。如取石时间较长,可每隔5min松开肾蒂钳3min,松开肾蒂钳时,用纱布或大腹纱压迫肾实质切口。取完结石,从切口插管冲洗肾盂,冲洗时如发现肾盂积血较多,且不易冲洗干净,可在原切口留置肾盂造瘘引流管,用较粗的220, 120, 0号或1号肠线间断缝合肾实质切口,肠线中间夹带肾周脂肪做垫衬。

2 结果。


间断性不完全性肾蒂阻断行肾实质切开取石组17例肾结石均一次取出, 12例手术病人出血少于200ml均未输血,有2例患者术中出血稍多,输血400ml,最大结石3cm×2.5cm×1.5cm,术后3例患者出现肉眼血尿,用止血药3天内尿色均转清亮。手术取石时间(从上肾蒂钳到肾实质缝合完毕后取肾蒂钳)15~ 25min,平均17. 5min。术后肾功能均正常。15例患者从术后1个月~2年获得随访,或复查B超,或复查同位素肾图或行静脉肾盂造影,手术侧肾脏形态、功能与术前相比无明显减退。

3 讨论。


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