
【关键词】 腹腔



Diagnostic Value in Ectopic Pregnancy of Peripheric Blood and Dissociating Blood Progesterone in the Abdominal Cavity。

Abstract: Objective: To discuss the changing regularity and clinical significance of the patients with ectopic pregnancy of peripheric blood and dissociating blood progesterone in the abdominal cavity. Method: 35 EP patients were detected for the content of progesterone and β— HCG in peripheric blood and hemoperitoneum by radioimmunoassay, and contrasted to that of the group with normal pregnancy. Result: The content of EP group’s serum P is remarkably lower than that in the normal pregnant group; the higher EP patients in dissociating hemoperitoneum P and peripheric blood P, the more the hemorrhage in the abdominal cavity (P 0.001). Conclusion: Peripheric blood and dissociating blood progesterone in the abdominal cavity play an important role in the occurrence, development, and early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.

Key words:Ectopic pregnancy;Progesterone;β— HCG;Normal pregnancy   异位妊娠是妇科常见急症,其发病率近年逐渐上升,一旦破裂导致腹腔内出血可危及生命。动态测定外周血β—HCG已成为诊断EP的重要手段,而外周血孕酮(P)的作用也越来越受到重视。本研究通过对EP患者外周血腹腔血β—HCG、P进行测定,旨在探索其在EP中的临床应用价值。

1 资料及方法。

1.1 一般资料:我院2004年7月至2005年4月剖腹探查或腹腔镜下手术治疗的EP病人35例,其中流产型31例,破裂型4例。对照组宫内妊娠15例,通过B超发现宫内妊娠囊伴有胎心确定。两组孕期≤2个月,年龄EP组18~43岁,平均30.5岁;宫内妊娠组19~42岁,平均30岁。

1.2 方法。

1.2.1 放免测定:取EP病人当天肘静脉血,或腹腔游离血5ML,离心后取上清液,置-20℃冰箱保存。试剂盒采用ACCESS全自动微粒子化学发光免疫分析系统 (美国BECKMANCOULTER和法国PASTURE研究院提供),按照试剂盒说明 测定P值及β—HCG。

1.2.2 计算和统计学方法:两均值比较用t检验,两组测定值的分析用相关分析。

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