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I love reading network tabloid.我爱读网络文摘

Packaging Digest China is jointly published by Reed Business Information and IDG (International Data Group).

《包装文摘》,由Reed Business Information和IDG合作出版。


v. 消化;领悟,理解。

n. 摘要

I have a good digestion.我的消化力强。

The sample contains stool and digested blood.样本里含有粪便和血液。

Wine or sugary drinks inhibit digestion.葡萄酒或含糖饮料抑制消化

If the digests are the same, then the message was not tampered with en route.如果这两个摘要是相同的,则消息在途中未被篡改。

Foods are broken down in the digestive tract.食物在消化道里分解。

tabloid是什么意思:n. 小报,小型画报;药片文摘

adj. 轰动性的;扼要的,缩略的,小报式的。

I never read the tabloids.我从来不看小报

They are printed in a tabloid size.它们以小报的规格印刷。

The tabloid papers are full of smut.这些小报充斥著下流的东西。

The newspaper reported the news in tabloid form.报纸以摘要形式报道了这条新闻。

I love reading network tabloid.我爱读网络文摘

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