初产妇头位分娩 200例产程图临床分析

【摘要】 目的 探讨产程图在头位分娩中的临床指导意义。方法 将我院2005年1月~2006年12月100 例异常产程曲线与同期100例正常产程曲线进行回顾分析。结果 异常产程图组中潜伏期异常38例,活跃期异常43例,胎头下降延缓或停滞 19例;其自然分娩 23,剖宫产71例,阴道助产6例,产程曲线异常具有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论 严密观察产程,正确绘制产程图,及时发现和识别产程异常,适时进行处理及降低母婴并发症非常重要。

【关键词】 产程图;初产妇头位

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical value of partogram in the process of cephalic presentation.Methods 200 cases of partogram curves in our hospital,in which 100 were abnormal as well as 100 were normal,from January 2005 to December 2006,were retrospectively analyzed.Results There were 38 cases of prolonged latent phase,43 cases of prolonged active phase and 19 cases of prolonged descent and protracted descent in the abnormal group.This group consisted of 23 cases of natural labor,71 cases of cesarean section,6 cases of vaginal dystocia.The difference between abnormal and normal partogram curves was statistically significant(P0.01).Conclusion In order to decrease the occurrence of maternal and infant complication,it is vitally important to observe the stages of labor strictly,write down the partogram curves correctly,identify abnormal stage of time labor and tackle it at proper time.

[Key words] partogram;primipara;fetal presentation。


1 资料与方法。

1.1 一般资料 2005年1月~2006年12月住院分娩1350例。研究对象均为同期分娩初产妇,单胎、头位,孕妇年龄20~35岁,孕周37~42周,新生儿体重2500~4000 g,取有完整产程观察的异常产程图100例,其中潜伏期异常38例,活跃期异常43例,胎头下降延缓或停滞19例;自然分娩23例,剖宫产71例,阴道难产6例。

1.2 产程异常 潜伏期延长:潜伏期超过16 h;活跃期延长:活跃期超过8 h;活跃期停滞活跃期宫口停止扩张2 h以上;胎头下降停滞:指减速期后胎头下降停止1 h以上[1]。产程以每10 min有2~3次规律且逐渐增强的宫缩,持续时间30 s及以上为临产;宫口开大3 cm以前为潜伏期宫口开大3 cm至宫口开全为活跃期

1.3 方法 选取具有完整资料的100例初产妇头位单胎的异常产程图与同期分娩初产妇单胎头位100例正常产程图进行回顾分析。

1.4 统计学方法 计数资料采用χ2检验。

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