



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a news report to your school newspaper on a volunteer activity organized by your Student Union to help elderly people in the neighborhood. You should write at least 120 words not more than 180 words.


Over the past quarter century, one doesn’t have to look far to realize that there is a growing number of elderly people whose children have moved away. They are left without care and living alone in the neighborhood. Given the circumstances, a project seeking to help elderly people in the neighborhood was thus launched by Student Union of our school last weekend.

First and foremost, elderly people living alone may feel lonely more often than not, some of whom even have disabilities. Our volunteers of Student Union in the hope of enriching their lives, have offered to read books and newspapers to them and delivered daily essentials for those who have trouble getting around too well. In addition, as volunteers, we have also made beds, deliver flowers and gifts, and helped serve meals in an attempt to bring more convenience to their lives.

To sum up, we find it quite worthwhile to offer a helping hand to those in need. Only in this way can we lead a rewarding and fulfilling life.


作为四级考试中的第一环节,写作部分属于语言输出类题型, 占比整张试卷15%, 旨在考察童鞋们的语言综合运用能力和逻辑思维能力。

今年的四级写作话题的考查形式比较新颖,在体裁方面,不同于往年常考的a short essay (议论文),而是需要童鞋们以 news report(新闻报道)的形式描述学生会志愿者们如何帮助独居老人的活动过程,以供校报宣传。



参考句型:In recent years, it is well known to us all that there is an increasing number of elderly people living alone in the neighborhood, which has been a cause for concern for a while now.

中间正文段可以进行原因分析,可列举关怀独居老人的各种举措及其原因。在审题时, 一定要关注 “a news report”, 在正文写作时,一定要论及 help elderly people 的相关举措原因


As volunteers of Student Union, we can do a lot to help elderly people in the neighborhood. First and foremost, …(帮助独居老人举措1及原因). In addition,… (帮助独居老人举措2及原因).

比如:Since many elderly people find it hard to tackle many tasks on the daily basis, from walking to stores to doing the housework, our volunteers could offer to bring daily essentials such as food, water as well as clothes to their home.

尾段, 阐明观点。

From my point of view, it is of great importance for us to offer a helping hand to those in need, elderly people in particular.

写作部分的难点在于,童鞋们对于a news report 这一突如其来的体裁颇感陌生,一时间对于整个文章的内容的走向把握不准确,容易导致阐述不清,结构混乱,以及举例难以支撑论点等问题。在写作过程中,童鞋们可以仍旧遵循总———分———总的结构, 先总述关怀独居老人的必要性,再进一步展开论述其原因,最后总结观点即可。



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