
提 要 中国从先秦到晚清2000多年语言政策流变具有主体性和多样性的特征,总体说来,汉字统一政策文字音韵规范政策、佛经翻译政策汉字传播政策,是中国古代语言政策长河中的主流,这些政策中国语言文化中的“大一统”思想,跟中华文化的先进性、包容性紧密相连,跟中国封建社会的统一性、长期性和稳定性相适应。少数民族文字创制推行政策少数民族“国语”“国字”政策少数民族多语并用政策,是中国古代语言政策长河中的支流,该项政策少数民族政权的建立和巩固息息相关,跟语言民族认同、语言民族主义思想相关联。用少数民族文字记载的少数民族优秀文化,在各民族文化的发展史中占有重要地位,同时也为中华民族语言文化宝库增添了宝贵的品种。焚书坑儒和文字狱政策则是中国古代语言政策长河中延绵不断的一股暗流,该政策中国封建王朝奉行的政治文化专制主义一脉相承。

关键词 古代语言政策语言文化语言规范;语言翻译;汉字传播;国语国字。

Abstract The evolution of language policy in the more than 2000 years from the pre—Qin (221BC—206 BC) to the late Qing Dynasty (1644—1912) in China is also characterized by subjectivity and diversity. Generally speaking, the policies of the unified Chinese characters, and the writing and phonological norms, and the Buddhist translation and the Chinese characters spread, are the mainstream of ancient Chinese language policy. These policies are closely related to the “unification” of Chinese language and culture, and to the advancement and inclusiveness of China culture. Also these policies are compatible with the unity, long—term and stability of Chinese feudal society. However, those policies made by minority rulers such as the creation and implementation of writing systems for ethnic minorities, and the national language and/or the national writing system of ethnic minorities, and multilingualism, are the tributary of ancient Chinese language policy. And those policies are closely related to the establishment and consolidation of ethnic minority regime, and are associated with the ethnic language identity and the thought of language nationalism. The fine culture written by writing systems of ethnic minorities plays an important role in the history of the development of their ethnic culture, and also adds valuable varieties to the treasure trove of Chinese national culture. The policy of Fenshu Kengru (焚書坑儒, burn books and bury the literati in pits) and Wenziyu (文字狱, literary inquisition) is a continuation of an undercurrent in the river of ancient Chinese language policy. The policy is in line with the political and cultural despotism pursued by the Chinese feudal dynasty.

Key words ancient language policy; linguistic culture; language norms; language translation; Chinese characters spread; national。

language and writing system。





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