

全部作者: 刘建民 第1作者单位: 中国,南京,南京大学物理系 论文摘要: 宇宙红移多普勒表述宇宙红移归因于来自远行星系光讯号的多普勒效应。本文质疑了宇宙红移的这1表述。这个表述没有抓住宇宙红移的主要成因,即在宇宙引力场中宇宙的演化。这个表述没有显示出它作为理论应有的那种理论合理性。它还有1个逻辑上的谬误,这注定它是误导人的。 关键词: 宇宙红移宇宙红移多普勒表述宇宙红移的哈渤(Hubble)律 远程下载 论文(免费PDF论文全文) 发表日期: 2008年04月21日 同行评议

By disregarding the basic concepts and existing works of modern cosmology, both theoretically and observationally, the author fails to persuade me that he has successfully challenged the Doppler interpretation of cosmological redshifts. For example, the author states that there has been no direct measurement on the recessional velocities of galaxies. This is of course absurd. And there have been problems and mistakes all through the paper.

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