
作者:郭虹 余开惠 王柏青 卓红爱 曹礼应 韩敬 余月明 段建。

【摘要】   目的 探讨血透病人血清骨钙素水平在高转运骨病诊断中的意义。方法 收集62例(平均年龄55.42±14.67岁)维持性血透病人一般临床资料、测定血清钙(Ca)、磷(P)、钙磷乘积(Ca×P)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、全段甲状旁腺素(iPTH)及骨钙素(BGP)。以iPTH>450 ng/L 为标准一(A组)及iPTH>450 ng/L、BGP8 μg/L 为标准二(B组)分别预测转运骨病。结果 两组病人血清Ca、P、Ca×P及ALP无明显差异。标准预测转运骨病病人占纳入病例的50.7%,其中BGP<1.5 μg/L 占33%。标准预测转运骨病占纳入病例的38.5%。结论 血透病人血清BGP及iPTH水平明显升高(P>0.01,P>0.01),血清BGP与iPTH同时用以预测转运骨病具有十分重要的临床意义。

【关键词】 血液透析 高转运骨病 骨钙素

Abstract: Objective To make a survey on serum bone glo—protein (BGP) as a useful parameter in the diagnosis of the patients with high turnover bone disease (HTBD).Methods Sixtytow patients (aging 55.24+14.67 years), who received longterm hemodialysis were enrolled. We measured the level of serum calcium, phosphate, ALP, intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) and BGP. The serum iPTH level over 450 pg/ml was the criterion for the diagnosis of HTBD (Group A), and the serum iPTH level over 450 pg/ml and the BGP level over 8 ng/ml acted as the other criterion for the diagnosis of HTBD (Group B).Results The levels of serum calcium, phosphate, ALP and calciumphosphorus product were not significantly different between Group A and B. The patients with the serum iPTH level over 450 pg/ml accounted for 50.7%, and those with the serum iPTH level over 450 pg/ml and the serum BGP levels over 8 ng/ml accounted for 38.5%.Conclusion The serum BGP and iPTH levels are higher than normal in both of the two groups of the patients (P<0.01, P<0.01). It is deemed that the serum BGP and iPTH serve as useful parameters in the diagnosis of HTBD.

Key words: hemodialysis; bone plo—protein; high turnover bone disease。


1 材料与方法。

1.1 一般资料 研究纳入成都军区昆明总医院肾内科62例长期维持性HD患者,男39例,女23例,平均年龄(55.24±14.67)岁,平均透析时间(41.90±25.2)个月。其中慢性肾小球肾炎18例,糖尿病肾病10例,高血压肾小动脉硬化8例,成人型多囊肾4例,梗阻性肾病6例,狼疮性肾炎2例,慢性肾盂肾炎5例,其他9例。排除并发各种感染、严重营养不良、肿瘤、严重心力衰竭及其他活动性疾病。所有患者均采用瑞典GambroAK系列血液透析机,碳酸氢盐透析液。透析液流量500 ml/min,血流量200~250 ml/min,透析液钙浓度1.5~1.75 mmol/L,每周透析10~12 h,F6透析器,重复使用不超过6次。所有病人均常规服用活性VitD3及注射促红细胞生成素。

1.2 方法 所有HD患者记录年龄、透析时间,计算体重指数(BMI)。均于本次透析前采肘静脉血标本,检测内容包括血红蛋白(HB)、红细胞比积(HCT)、血浆总蛋白(TP)、白蛋白(ALB)、尿素氮(Bun)、肌酐(Scr)、血Ca2+、血P3—、计算Ca×P;抽空腹血—20 ℃ 保存备用,采用双抗体放免法测定iPTH、BGP。判断标准:以iPTH≥450 ng/L (A组)预测转运骨病标准一;以iPTH≥450 ng/L 同时BGP>8 μg/L 预测转运骨病(B组)为标准二,对照组为10例肾功能正常(Ccr>90 ml/min)的普通肾脏病患者,平均iPTH(167±0.18)ng/L,BGP(6.3±1.94)μg/L。

1.3 统计方法 采用SPSS11.1统计软件计算。数量用±s和百分比表示,计量资料采用t检验,计数资料采用χ2检验(偏态分布数据采用非参数检验),P<0.05视为有统计学意义。

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