

【关键词】 儿童

[关键词] 儿童;前臂骨折;X线。

[摘 要] 目的:观察学龄期儿童前下臂骨折固定愈合的情况。方法:对36例6岁~11岁学龄期儿童前下臂骨折的原因进行分析,并定期摄片观察愈合过程的X线影像表现。结果:间接大暴力是引起儿童前下臂骨折的主要原因。单纯尺、桡骨下端骨折,大多数可采用小夹板外固定。一般骨折复位25 d后可去掉外固定石膏板。结论:学龄期儿童前下臂骨折复位固定后9 d可见骨痂形成,45 d即可骨性愈合

Roentgenographic Anlysis for the Union of Fractures of Lower Forearmsin Children of School Age。

Abstract:objective To observe the cause of the fractures of lower forearms in children of school age and their roentgenographic manifesitation of agglutination.Methods we made an analysis of the cause of the fractures of lower forearms in children of school age (611 years )and their regular roentgenographic manifesi tation of agglutination after immobility.Results indirect violence is the major cause inducing the fractures of lower forearms;fixation with splint is the major therapeutic tool;callus formation can be seen from the ninth day after immobility.synostosis can be seen from the 45th day after immobility on average.Conclusion it is different from adult in the cause of the fractures of lower forearms and their agglutination.So the therapeutic tool is distinct with others.

Key words:Child fracture;Roentgenographic anlysis;Xray。


1 材料与方法。

本组共36例。全部为学龄期儿童。其中男32例,女4例。年龄最小6岁,最大11岁,平均9.5岁。均为外伤后1 h内行X线摄片检查、复位。摄取前下臂正、侧位X线片。其中左前下臂骨折11例,右前下臂骨折25例。主要临床表现为患侧前下臂及手腕部软组织肿胀,尤以骨折处明显。伴局部触痛明显,手不能握及自由举起。所有病例均于骨折复位后9 d~10 d、15 d、20 d~25 d、45 d摄片观察骨折愈合情况。

2 结果。

尺骨下端骨折9例;桡骨下端骨折22例;尺桡骨下端骨折5例。均为闭合性、完全性骨折骨折线呈横行。其中6例于骨折线处见分离的小骨片影。所有病例复位固定后再行X线摄片,显示对位、对线良好。单纯尺、桡骨下端骨折者,20 d~25 d后去除外固定石膏板。

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