
【关键词】 垂体腺瘤手术入路解剖学。

Abstract: Objective To put forward anatomic parameters about the pituitary adenoma for microneurosurgery. Methods The surgical anatomy of the operating spaces and vessels/ nerves nearby in the sellar region was studied in 30 cadaver brains. Results The distance was (21.73±3.72)mm between endostoma of internal cervical arteries(ICA), (11.77±3.34)mm between endostoma of optic canals, (20.92±4.58)mm between cavernous sinuses, transverse diameter of basilar sella was (13.57±4.21)mm, longitudinal distance was (13.61±3.18)mm, the distance from anterior sphenoidal wall to nares was (92.91±17.81)mm, the distance from midpoint of superciliary arch superior border to the tuberculum sellae was (62.24±14.17)mm, the distance from midpoint of superciliary arch superior border(MSASB) to the homonymy endostoma of optic canal was (53.45±16.91)mm, the distance from MSASB to the opposite side endostoma of optic canal was (62.24±20.80)mm, the distance from MSASB to the homonymy entrance of ICA was (69.81±21.96)mm, the distance from MSASB to the opposite side entrance of ICA was (78.40±27.46)mm, the distance from MSASB to the homonymy lap of ICA was (56.43±15.31)mm, the distance from MSASB to the opposite side lap of ICA was (64.53±17.01)mm, the distance from pterion to the root of pituitary stalk was (59.24±17.17)mm, the distance from pterion to anterior clinoid process was (45.51±10.55)mm, the distance from pterion to cavernous sinus was (43.72±9.48)mm. Conclusion The present results may be a guide for the microsurgery of the sellar region to avoid injury of the important nerves and vessels.

Keywords: pituitary adenoma;operative approach;anatomy。


1 材料与方法。

成年人尸头颅标本30例,其中男性19例,女性11例。所有标本均无畸形及外伤改变,鼻窦内无异物、新生物及明显的炎性改变。全部标本的解剖操作均首先将尸头按手术体位固定在手术头架上,模拟手术入路按经蝶入路、经额入路、经翼点入路三种手术入路方式逐层解剖,并对解剖结构进行精确测量。根据三种手术入路需要确定相应的测量数值,所有数据测量均用游标卡尺(精确到0.01 mm)。采用SPSS11.5统计分析软件对观察数据进行分析处理,数据用均数±标准差(±s)表示。

2 结果。

2.1 经蝶窦入路相关骨性结构的测量

30例尸头标本分别测量颈内动脉内口间距、视神经管内口间距、海绵窦间距、鞍底横径、鞍底纵径、蝶窦前壁至鼻孔的深度,测量结果见表1。表1 经蝶窦入路相关骨性结构测量

2.2 经额入路相关骨性结构的测量

30例尸头标本测量眉弓上缘中点到鞍结节的距离、眉上缘中点到同侧视神经管内口距离、眉上缘中点到对侧视神经管内口距离、眉弓上缘中点到同侧颈内动脉入口的距离、眉弓上缘中点到对侧颈内动脉入口的距离、眉弓上缘中点到同侧颈内动脉膝部的距离、眉弓上缘中点到对侧颈内动脉膝部的距离,测量结果见表2。表2 经额入路相关骨性结构测量

2.3 经翼点入路相关骨性结构的测量

30例尸头标本测量翼点到垂体柄末端距离、翼点到前床突的距离、翼点到海绵窦的距离,测量结果见表3。表3 经翼点入路相关骨性结构测量

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