
【关键词】 泪道阻塞;,,泪囊炎;,,逆行植入泪道术。


关键词: 泪道阻塞; 泪囊炎; 逆行植入泪道术。

Treating Chronic Dacryocystitis with Implantiny Contraceptive device into Lacrimal Passage。

Abstract: Objective: To study the new method for the treatment of obstruction of lacrimal passage and chronic dacryocystitis. Method: Implanting contraceptive device into lacrimal passage and then rinsing it for 2~4 weeks with frug fluid and then withdraw the contraceptive device. 108 cases (117 eyes) were adopted the method, 0.5~5 years were followed up. Result: 84 eyes (71.8%) were cured. 18 eyes (15.4%) were better effective. 12 eyes (10.3%) were effective. no effect were 3 eyes. There‘s no complication. Conclusion: The method is safe, convienient, no pain, no complication, with good effect and cheaper. It‘s worth spreading.

Key words: Obstruction of lacrimal passage; Dacryocystitis; Implanting lacrimal passage。


1 资料与方法

1.1 临床资料:2000年1月至2006年4月,笔者用节育逆行植入泪囊治疗因鼻泪管阻塞所致的慢性泪囊炎108例(117只眼),其中右60只眼,左57只眼;年龄17~82岁;女63例,男45例;病程1~9年,术后随访0.5~5年。

1.2 器械设计与准备:用长70mm、外径0.9mm、内径0.5mm的9号腰穿针改制成探针1支,将其针尖磨成钝圆状,使针芯稍长于探针。选用直径1.0~2.0mm粗细不等的节育环。细铜丝1条(家用电线内的细铜丝,其直径0.2mm,长300mm,从中间返折成双股)。其他常用的器械包括剪刀、窥鼻器、10号黑丝线和鼻镊子等。还需准备窥镜、注射器、金霉素眼膏、1%地卡因和1%麻黄素滴鼻液等。

1.3 术前准备:手术前3d,术眼滴0.25%氯霉素眼水,1次/4h,并每日用生理盐水5ml+庆大霉素8万u+地塞米松5mg溶液冲洗泪道1次,用0.25%氯霉素眼水加于1%麻黄素液滴鼻,每日4~6次。

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