

【摘要】   目的 观察罗哌卡因布比卡因用于颈丛阻滞的特性及安全性,评价罗哌卡因的临床效果。方法 60例择期手术病人,随机分为罗哌卡因组(30例)与布比卡因组(30例),观察两组镇痛效果、起效时间、镇痛持续时间及不良反应。结果 两组药物镇痛效果、起效时间差异无统计学意义。罗哌卡因组的镇痛持续时间短于布比卡因组(P0.05)。循环系统并发症少于布比卡因组(P0.05)。结论 低浓度罗哌卡因用于颈丛阻滞与等剂量布比卡因相比镇痛效应相当,并发症少且恢复快,是安全、可行的。

【关键词】 罗哌卡因布比卡因颈丛阻滞

Abstract: Objective To observe the feature and the safety of ropivacaine and bupivacaine in block anesthesia of cervical plexus, and to appraise the clinical outcome of ropivacaine.Methods Sixty patients who would undergo selective operation were randomized into ropivacaine group and bupivacaine group. Observation was carried out on the aspects of analgetic effect, beginning time, persisting duration and adverse reaction. Results There were no statistical differences in analgetic effect and beginning time between the two groups. The analgetic persisting duration was shorter in the ropivacaine group than in the bupivacaine group (P0.05), but the complications of circulatory system were fewer in the former group (P0.05). Conclusion The analgetic effect of ropivacaine is equal to that of bupivacaine when it is applied to block anesthesia of cervical plexus. Besides, it is safe because of fewer complications.

Key words: ropivacaine; bupivacaine; block anesthesia of cervical plexus。


1 对象与方法。

1.1 对象。

选择60例择期行甲状腺手术病人,年龄16~58岁,体重42~72 kg,其中男17例,女43例,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级。随机分为两组,每组30例,即0.25%罗哌卡因组(R组)和0.25%布比卡因组(B组)。所有患者术前无局麻药过敏及服用肝素类药物或凝血机制障碍史。

1.2 方法。

术前30 min 肌注苯巴比妥钠0.1 g,东莨菪碱0.3 mg,采用一针法于第4颈椎横突穿刺点行颈深、浅丛神经阻滞,局麻药每侧用药12 ml。

1.3 术中监测。

采用惠普多功能监护仪连续监测 ECG、BP、HR、SpO2。开放静脉通道,持续鼻导管给氧,观察麻醉期间的并发症。血压高于基础值30%为血压升高,心率超过100次/min 为心动过速。用针刺皮肤痛觉测定改变麻醉起效时间,记录起效时间,疼痛程度采用视觉模拟疼痛评分法(VSA),分完善、良好、不全3种。记录声音嘶哑、呼吸困难等并发症出现情况及恢复正常所需时间。

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