
作者:黄绍娴 莫湛宇 戚怡 黄冠中。

【关键词】 血液



The Study of the Somatosensory Evoked Potential(SEP) of the Blood Dialysis Patients。

Abstract:Objective: To observe the changes of the (SEP) of the blood dialysis patients, investigate its mechanism and diagnostic value. Method: The SEP of the blood dialysis patients were detected, and the correlation factors were analyzed. Result: The rate of abnormal eclipse period were 83% in all electronic waves of SEP of the blood dialysis patients, compared with normal group all the waves had significant differences(p<0.01). After dialysis the eclipse period of all the waves had some degrees of improvement, and had significant differences compared with that of predialysis period(p<0.05).When dialysis period exceed 6 months, the waves eclipse period had no difference with predialysis period. It was showed that the eclipse period had positive correlation with the BUN parameter. Conclusion: The SEP can be considered as one of the evaluation indexes of the neurological system affection for blood dialysis patients.

Key words:Uraemia; Blood dialysis; SEP; BUN   本文观察我院收治的29例尿毒症患者血液透析前后及长期透析后SEP的变化,同时检测生化指标作相关比较,探讨其发生的机理及临床价值。

1 资料与方法。

1.1 研究对象:29例均为住院患者,男24例,女5例,年龄22~68岁,平均43岁,临床明确诊断为慢性肾功能不全尿毒症期,原发病除1例糖尿病肾病、2例慢性肾盂肾炎、2例肾结石外,均为慢性肾小球肾炎。血尿素氮(BUN)34.2±12.5mmol/L,Scr852.1±151.3mmol/L,Ca2+1.79±0.6mmol/L,K+4.8±0.5mmol/L,Na+134.7±9.6mmol/L。将患者分为三组:Ⅰ组(透析前例),Ⅱ组(透析后24~48h内),Ⅲ组(规律透析超过6个月),并设Ⅳ组(正常对照组)。

1.2 血液透析方法:采用东丽-321型透析机,中空醋酸纤维膜透析器,面积为1.375m2,采用醋酸盐或碳酸氢钠透析液,流量为500ml/min,每周透析2~3次,每次4h。

1.3 体感诱发电位检测:每例患者分别检测SEP,其中24例透析后24~48h内及16例规律透析超过6个月后复查SEP。检查方法:应用美国尼高力Viking IV D型肌电诱发电位仪,在电磁屏蔽下进行检查,刺激电极频率响应为20~2000Hz,放大倍数为5μv/D,扫描速度20mm/sec,记录电极置Cz(颅顶中央),参考电极置FPz(前额),均采用针电极刺激电极分别置内踝处胫后神经径路表面刺激胫后神经。刺激脉宽0.2ms,刺激强度10~25mA,一般以引起指轻微抽动为宜,刺激频率每秒3次,电阻2~5KΩ,电位叠加200~400次。每例SEP检测结果均由固定二位有经验的电生理医师阅读确定。

1.4 统计学处理:所有资料统计采用均数±标准差表示,进行t检验及线性相关分析。

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