

【关键词】 前列腺炎。

The relationship between bacterial culture and leukocyte count in expressed prostatic secretion。

ABSTRACT: Objective To explore the relationship between bacterial culture and leukocyte count in expressed prostatic secretion. Methods EPS (expressed prostatic secretion) of 962 patients with prostatitis was examined, with leukocyte counted, during Sep. 2002 to Jan. 2005. 385 patients with leukocyte count 10/HP were classified as the research group; 577 patients with leukocyte count 10/HP were classified as the control group. At the same time, aerobic bacterial culture and Chlamydia culture as well as Mycoplasm culture were conducted. Results Of the 962 cases, 244(25.4%) cases of bacterial culture were positive. The total bacterial strains cultured were 285. With the leukocyte count stratified as +, , , in the research group, the positive rate of bacterial culture of EPS was 22.5%, 31.0%, 47.0% and 89.3% respectively. In the control group, the positive rate of bacterial culture of EPS was 19.6%(P0.05). Conclusion With the increase of the leukocyte count, the positive rate of bacterial culture of EPS goes up gradually, which helps early prediction of bacterial culture results.

KEY WORDS: prostatitis; bacterial culture; leukocyte count。

摘要:目的 探讨前列腺白细胞计数细菌培养的关系。方法 对2002年9月至2005年1月间,我院泌尿外科门诊962例前列腺炎患者行前列腺液常规检查,计数白细胞白细胞数目10个/高倍镜者为观察组共385例,白细胞数目10个/高倍镜者对照组共577例,同时行前列腺液需氧细菌培养以及支原体、衣原体培养。结果 962例前列腺液标本中,有244例(25.4%)病原体培养阳性,共计培养出病原体285株。研究组白细胞数目为+、、、时,细菌培养阳性率分别为19.6%、22.5%、31.0%、47.0%、89.3%,对照组前列腺细菌培养阳性率为19.6%,两组间差别有显著性意义(P0.05)。结论 随着前列腺液中白细胞数目的增加,细菌培养阳性率逐渐增高,有助于早期预测细菌培养结果。



1 对象与方法。

1.1 研究对象 2002年9月—2005年1月泌尿外科门诊具有完整病史及诊疗记录和实验分析,符合美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)前列腺炎诊断标准的患者为研究对象。病例排除标准:①年龄18岁或45岁者;②伴有发热、畏寒等急性感染表现及前列腺脓肿或压痛明显者,不宜行前列腺按摩者;③不能取出前列腺液者。最后纳入研究者共计962例,年龄范围18—45岁,平均33.8岁。

1.2 白细胞计数细菌培养方法 所有研究对象均用新洁尔灭棉签清洁尿道口,擦拭干净后,前列腺按摩获取前列腺液行400倍高倍镜镜检,计数3—5个高倍镜视野白细胞数目。接种需氧细菌培养、支原体及衣原体培养,48h后判读培养结果。白细胞计数10个/高倍镜者研究组,共计385例,年龄范围20—45岁,平均年龄33.2岁。研究组白细胞半定量计数法进一步分亚组,10—19个/高倍镜者计为“+亚组”,138例;20—29个/高倍镜者计为“亚组”,78例;30—49个/高倍镜者计为“亚组”,35例;满视野计为“亚组”,3例。前列腺白细胞计数10个/高倍镜者对照组,共计577例,年龄范围20—45岁,平均34.1岁。

1.3 统计学分析 采用χ2检验,P0.05为差异有显著性。

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