

【摘要】 目的 探讨输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术有效、安全的麻醉方法。方法 100例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级患者分为A,B两组,每组50例。A组采用腰硬联合麻醉,B组采用单纯硬膜外麻醉。结果 麻醉效果A组:优42例,良6例,优良率96%;B组:优34例,良10例,优良率88%,两组优良率比较差异显著(P005)。A组使用哌氟合剂(115±015)ml,B组(180±02)ml,两组相比差异显著(P005)。结论 腰硬联合麻醉,效果确切,根据手术需要容易调节阻滞平面 ,对输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术,不失为是一种较好的麻醉方法。

【关键词】 气压弹道碎石术;腰硬联合麻醉硬膜外麻醉

Investigation into Anesthetic Approach during Ureter Renal Scopy Lithotripsy。

Abstract: Objective To investigate into an effective and safe approach applied to ureter renal scopy lithotripsy (URSL), i.e. transureteroscopic pneumatic lithotripsy. Methods A total of 100 patients with ureter stone (level I or II, ASA) were divided into Group A and Group B (50 subjects/group). Group A was administered with combined spinalepidural anesthesia (CSEA), and Group B with single epidural anesthesia.Results The anesthetic outcome was listed as following. Group A: excellent in 42 and good in 6 (96%); Group B: excellent in 34 and good in 10 (88%). There was a significant difference in the excellent and good rate between the two groups (P0.05).Conclusion CSEA, whose block level can be easily adjusted according to operative requirement, is a better anesthetic approach to URSL.

Key words: transureteroscopic pneumatic lithotripsy; combined spinalepidural anesthesia; epidural anesthesia。


1 临床资料。

1.1 一般情况。

选择ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级患者100例,男46例,女54例;年龄22~74岁,体质量42~85 kg。所有患者无酯类及酰胺类药物过敏及其他泌尿系统疾病,择期接受输尿管镜下气压弹道碎石术。

1.2 麻醉方法。

术前30 min 肌注苯巴比妥钠0.1 mg 及阿托品0.5 mg。按不同的麻醉方法将患者随机分成A,B两组,每组50例,两组患者一般情况相比,无显著差异性(P0.05)。详见表1。 入室后建立静脉通道,常规监测NIBP,ECG,SpO2,HR和呼吸。A组于L2~3椎间隙行硬膜外穿刺,针内针法将25G腰穿针行蛛网膜下隙穿刺,见有脑脊液流出后以0.2 ml/s注入0.75%布比卡因2 ml,置管于硬膜外腔。翻身后根据不同部位手术调整阻滞平面,固定15 min 后摆放体位。术中根据病人情况和麻醉平面分次追加局麻药5~10 ml(1.5%利多卡因+0.2%丁卡因混合液)。B组于L2~3椎间隙行硬膜外穿刺,所用局麻药同A组,首量给局麻药13~20 ml。阻滞平面控制在T6以下,最大局麻药用量没有超过27 ml。手术开始后根据需要静脉注射哌替啶—氟哌利多(哌氟合剂)1~2 ml。术中常规低流量吸氧(2~3 L/min)。表1 两组患者一般情况比较(略)。

1.3 镇痛效果评定。

(1)优:手术操作过程无痛,无不适感,血压、心率平稳,呼吸自如;(2)良:输尿管镜通过尿道无疼痛感,进入输尿管时有轻度疼痛,血压波动20 mmHg 或心率波动20次/min;(3)差:输尿管镜通过尿道、进入输尿管均有疼痛感。

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