

suction lift。


n. 吸;吸力;抽吸。

v. 吸出。

Suction devices are inadequate in gravels or very porous soils。

吸水装置对砂砾或非常疏松的土壤是不适用的。Michael was showing the nurse how to suction his saliva.

迈克尔正给护士示范如何把他的唾液吸出来。Dirt and dust are drawn into a vacuum cleaner by suction.

污物和灰尘被吸入吸尘器。They sale their pneumatic robot which uses air to move and sticks to surfaces by suction.

他们出售他们的气动机器人,这些机器人依靠空气来移动,靠吸力附着于物体表面。If the teat enters the cup, the suction of the milking machine ensures that it becomes attached.


v. 举起。

n. 抬,举;电梯,升降。

break [lift, raise] a blockade。

冲破 [解除] 封锁 fork lift for pallets。

集装箱的叉式升运机 He is lifting potatos in the field.

他正在地里挖土豆。They decided to lift the embargo.

他们决定解除禁运。They assumed that the blockade would be lifted.


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