
【关键词】 婴幼儿;血铅水平铅中毒

[摘要] 目的:了解聊城市婴幼儿血铅水平铅中毒流行状况。方法:在严格质量控制下用BH2100钨舟原子吸收光谱分析仪对400名婴幼儿血铅浓度进行检测。结果:400名婴幼儿血铅平均水平为(76.77±30.63)μg/L,范围为13 μg/L~246 μg/L,其中血铅≥100 μg/L者107例,占26.75%。不同性别、不同年龄婴幼儿血铅水平铅中毒发生率差异均无显著性。结论:聊城市婴幼儿血铅水平铅中毒流行率较高,应引起家长及有关部门的重视。

[关键词] 婴幼儿;血铅水平铅中毒

A Survey and an Analysis on Blood Lead Levcl of Infants in Liaocheng City。

Abstract: Objective To estimate blood lead level and the prevalence of lead poisoning among infants in Liaocheng city.Methods Under strictly quality control,the blood lead levels of 400 infants were investigated with BH 2100 W boat atomic absorption spectrophotometer.Results The mean blood lead level of 400 infants was (76.77±30.63) μg/L,ranging from 13 μg/L to 246 μg/L,and 107 infants were with a blood lead level ≥100 μg/L(26.75%).There were no significant difference between different sex or age.Conclusions In Liaocheng city blood lead levels of infants and the prevalence of lead posisoing were so sone high that attention should be paid to by parents or so.

Key words:Infant;Blood lead level;Lead poisoning。


1 对象与方法

1.1 对象。


1.2 方法

1.2.1 标本采集。

首先将受检者手清洗干净,消毒后擦干,出专门人员采集末梢血40 μl加入仪器配套专用稀释液中混匀,待检。

1.2.2 操作使用仪器为BH2100钨舟原子吸收光谱分析仪(北京博晖创新光电仪器公司生产),所有操作严格按仪器说明进行。血铅标准液及样品稀释液仪器厂家提供。

1.2.3 铅中毒的诊断标准。

采用1991年美国国家疾病控制中心(CDC)制定的儿童铅中毒的诊断标准[2]。血铅≥100 μg/L,无论有无明显的临床症状、体征,及其他血液生化的变化,均视为铅中毒

1.2.4 统计学处理。


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