
【摘要】 目的:探讨全麻甲状腺切除术喉返神经损伤的原因及预防措施。方法: 对本院2002年1月至2003年12月间全麻下实施的169例甲状腺双叶切除术患者进行回顾性分析总结。结果:暂时性喉返神经损伤10例、永久性喉返神经损伤1例。结论:熟悉喉返神经正常解剖和变异,根据病人具体情况进行仔细操作,是避免神经损伤,特别是永久性损伤的关键。

【关键词】 喉返神经损伤 甲状腺全切除手术。

Prevention of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injury in Total Thyroid Surgery under General Anesthesia Abstract: Objective: To investigate the reasons and prevention of injuries associated with recurrent laryngeal nerve(RLN) in total thyroid surgery under general anesthesia. Method: The clinical data of 169 cases underwent total thyroid surgery under general anesthesia from January 2002 to December 2003 were analyzed retrospectively in our hospital. Result: In 169 patients, there were 7 cases with RLN temporary injury and 1 case permanent injury. Conclusion: A good command of the neck anatomy and the variation of RLN as well as careful operation and methods to expose RLN will provide the key to prevent the RLN injury in thyroid surgery.

Key words: Recurrent laryngeal nerve; Total thyroid surgery   全麻下行甲状腺全切,如何避免喉返神经损伤是极为重要的课题。本院2002年1月至2003年12月间全麻下实施的169例甲状腺双叶切除术患者,暂时性喉返神经损伤10例,永久性喉返神经损伤1例,现总结如下:

1 资料与方法。

1.1 一般资料:本组169例,男18例,女151例,年龄23~81岁。结节性甲状腺肿97例,甲状腺癌42例,桥本病30例,全部病例均经病理检查证实。

1.2 手术方法:全部病例均在全麻下进行,术中均解剖暴露双侧喉返神经。其中甲状腺切除术伴中央区清扫14例,甲状腺切除术伴颈功能性清扫8例,甲状腺切除术147例。

2 结 果   全组喉返神经损伤率6.51%(11/169),暂时性喉返神经损伤10例,永久性喉返神经损伤1例, 无两侧喉返神经损伤损伤原因:钳夹,电烧,牵拉。永久性喉返神经损伤1例为甲状腺癌浸润气管喉返神经无法分离。暂时性神经损伤损伤保守治疗,随访3d~3月经检查证实完全恢复正常;永久性喉返神经损伤者患侧声带完全麻痹,无法恢复。

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