
[摘要] 目的 探讨将巩膜带术冷凝改为间接眼底激光光凝封闭裂孔,治疗孔源性视网膜脱离的疗效和适应证范围。方法 回顾性分析2003年12月~2005年4月在我院巩膜带术接受532间接眼底激光光凝治疗RD患者26例(26眼)的临床资料。结果 术后随访3~6个月,26眼中视网膜全部复位。结论 将巩膜带术中的冷凝改为532间接眼底激光光凝可减少视网膜和脉络膜损伤及术中并发症发生,是治疗RD的有效方法之一。

[关键词] 孔源性视网膜脱离巩膜带术;532间接眼底激光

Scleral buckling combined with binocular indirect 532 laser photocoagulation for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment。

[Abstract] Objective To investigate the effects and indications of binocular indirect 532 laser photocoagulation instead of intraoperative cryotherapy for closing the retinal breaks during the scleral buckling operation in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment(RD). Methods An analysis of clinical data in 26RD cases(26 eyes) was condncted retrospectively.These cases were treated by binocular indirect 532 laser photocoatulation in the scleral buckling surgery from December,2003 to April,2005 in our hospital. Results 26 eyes,the retina was reattached after surgery (100%). Conclusion The method using binocular indirect 532 laser photocoagulation in stead of cryotherapy during scleral buckling surgery can alleviate the vessel damage of the retina and uvea and reduce the postoperative complications. It is a practicable way to treat RD.

[Key words] rhegmatogenous retinal detachment;scleral buckling;binocular indirect;532 laser photocoagulation。


1 资料与方法。

1.1 一般资料 2003年12月~2005年4月在我院巩膜带术孔源性视网膜脱离患者26例(26眼),术中均应用532间接眼底激光封孔。其中男16例,女10例;年龄18~55岁,平均39.9岁。视网膜脱离均累及黄斑,所有病例视网膜裂孔均为一个。其中圆形变性孔18眼,马蹄孔8眼。PVR为A级10眼,B级16眼。

1.2 手术方法 采取球周麻醉,双目间接眼底镜下定位裂孔,均用硅海绵做外垫压,其中对球形脱离的5眼进行放液,其余均为放液,外垫压后见裂孔位于巩膜嵴顶,巩膜嵴实,用532间接眼底激光封孔。

1.3 激光治疗方法 应用澳大利亚ECCEX公司生产的532间接眼底激光封孔。激光参数:功率200~300 mW,曝光时间0.1~0.2 s,沿裂孔做3排光凝提坝,2个光凝斑间隔1个光凝斑距离,前后排光凝斑相互撮开,光凝后随访3~6个月观察光凝斑的色素增殖、裂孔封闭及网膜复位和并发症的情况。

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