
摘 要 对于妇科肿瘤,手术和放、化疗治疗可以治愈大多数的早期患者,但不能挽救处于晚期的患者生命。



毕业论文网 /6/view—11517965.htm  关键词 分子靶向治疗 妇科肿瘤 宫颈癌 卵巢癌 子宫内膜癌   中图分类号:R979.19; R737 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006—1533(2015)21—0009—06   Application of molecule—targeting agents in gynecological oncology   JI Xiaoyu, ZHOU Xinli*   (Department of Oncology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China)   ABSTRACT Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy may cure many gynecological cancers if patients are at the early stage. Great progress has been made in the study of molecule—targeted therapy for the gynecological oncology with its successful application in the treatment of lung, colorectal and breast cancers. Molecule—targeted therapy should also provide some new choices of therapy for the patients with cervical, ovarian or endometrial cancer which are common in clinic.   KEY WORDS molecule—targeted therapy; gynecological oncology; cervical cancer; ovarian cancer; endometrial cancer   随着肿瘤基础研究的深入,肿瘤治疗进入了“靶向与控制”时代,一些高效、低毒的分子靶向药物已经获准用于临床。




1 血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF)抑制剂   20世纪70年代,Folkman等[1]首次提出了肿瘤生长和浸润依赖于肿瘤血管生成的假说。



1.1 贝伐珠单抗(bevacizumab)   贝伐珠单抗是针对VEGF的重组、人源化的单克隆抗体,主要通过与内源性的VEGF竞争性地结合VEGF受体而阻断VEGF信号传导通路的胞内下游信号传导,从而抑制内皮细胞增殖及新血管生成,并可使已有的肿瘤血管退化[2]。


1.1.1 治疗宫颈癌   “GOG240”研究是一项治疗复发或顽固性ⅣB期宫颈癌的Ⅲ期临床试验,共纳入452例患者,评价了化疗(紫杉醇—顺铂或拓扑替康)联合贝伐珠单抗治疗的疗效。

结果显示,与单纯化疗相比,联合贝伐珠单抗(每3周1次15 mg/kg)治疗可显著改善患者的客观反应率(分别为48%和36%, P=0.008)和疾病无进展生存时间(progression—free survival, PFS。



值得注意的是,联合贝伐珠单抗治疗的一些3 ~ 4级不良反应发生率也更高,如出血(分别为1.8%和0.5%)、血栓栓塞(分别为8.2%和1.8%)和胃肠道瘘(分别为5%和0.5%)。





1.1.2 治疗卵巢癌 治疗初治卵巢癌患者   Ⅲ期临床试验“GOG0218”和“ICON7”研究均已证实,贝伐珠单抗治疗初治卵巢癌患者有效,可显著延长患者的PFS。

1.2.2 治疗卵巢癌   “AGO—OVAR16”研究是一项Ⅲ期临床随机试验,共纳入940例至少接受过5个疗程的顺铂—紫杉醇化疗卵巢癌患者,她们经随机分配分别接受帕唑帕尼(800 mg/d)和安慰剂维持治疗2年。

中位随访24.3个月时分析发现,与安慰剂组相比,帕唑帕尼治疗患者的PFS延长5.6个月(分别为17.9和12.3个月,P   [9] Monk BJ, Huang HQ, Burger RA, et al. Patient reported outcomes of a randomized, placebo—controlled trial of bevacizumab in the front—line treatment of ovarian cancer: a Gynecologic Oncology Group Study [J]. Gynecol Oncol, 2013, 128(3): 573—578.   [10] Coleman R, Burger R, Brady M, et al. Analysis of survivorship in high—risk patients on treated on GOG—218 [J]. Gynecol Oncol, 2013, 130(1): e112—e113.   [11] Perren TJ, Swart AM, Pfisterer J, et al. A phase 3 trial of bevacizumab in ovarian cancer [J]. N Engl J Med, 2011, 365(26): 2484—2496.   [12] Oza AM, Cook AD, Pfisterer J, et al. Standard chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab for women with newly diagnosed ovarian cancer (ICON7): overall survival results of a phase 3 randomised trial [J]. Lancet Oncol, 2015, 16(8): 928—936.   [13] Stark D, Nankivell M, Pujade—Lauraine E, et al. Standard chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab in advanced ovarian cancer: quality—of—life outcomes from the International Collaboration on Ovarian Neoplasms (ICON7) phase 3 randomised trial [J]. Lancet Oncol, 2013, 14(3): 236—243.   [14] Aghajanian C, Blank SV, Goff BA, et al. OCEANS: a randomized, double—blind, placebo—controlled phase III trial of chemotherapy with or without bevacizumab in patients with platinum—sensitive recurrent epithelial ovarian, primary peritoneal, or fallopian tube cancer [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2012, 30(17): 2039—2045.   [15] Pujade—Lauraine E, Hilpert F, Weber B, et al. Bevacizumab combined with chemotherapy for platinum—resistant recurrent ovarian cancer: the AURELIA open—label randomized phase III trial [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2014, 32(13): 1302—1308.   [16] Aghajanian C, Sill MW, Darcy KM, et al. Phase II trial of bevacizumab in recurrent or persistent endometrial cancer: a Gynecologic Oncology Group study [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2011, 29(16): 2259—2265.   [17] Sternberg CN, Davis ID, Mardiak J, et al. Pazopanib in locally advanced or metastatic renal cell carcinoma: results of a randomized phase III trial [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2010, 28(6): 1061—1068.   [18] Monk BJ, Mas Lopez L, Zarba JJ, et al. Phase II, open—label study of pazopanib or lapatinib monotherapy compared with pazopanib plus lapatinib combination therapy in patients with advanced and recurrent cervical cancer [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2010, 28(22): 3562—3569.   [19] Monk BJ, Pandite LN. Survival data from a phase II, openlabel study of pazopanib or lapatinib monotherapy in patients with advanced and recurrent cervical cancer [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2011, 29(36): 4845.   [20] du Bois A, Floquet A, Kim JW, et al. Incorporation of pazopanib in maintenance therapy of ovarian cancer [J]. J Clin Oncol, 2014, 32(30): 3374—3382.   [21] Schmidt C. Cediranib aims for a comeback [EB/OL]. [2015—04—21].

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