

中共中央关于印发《建立健全 教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系实施纲要的通知》中特别强调了标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防的方针,采取有力措施务必建立健全和预防腐败的体系。这是中央审时度势的重大战略举措,是反腐败工作的必由之路。笔者认为这对于提高我们党的执政能力、巩固执政地位意义十分重大。









教育党组一班人带头遵守党中央作出的领导干部廉洁自律的各项规定,带头喊响“从我做起,向我看齐,对我监督”的口号,狠抓党风廉政建设责任制的落实,要严格遵守以下八项要求:(1)与党中央保持高度一致,不阳奉阴违、自行其是;(2)要遵守民主集中制,不独断专行,软弱放任;(3)要依法行使权力,不滥用职权、玩忽职守;(4)要廉洁奉公,不接受任何影响公正执行公务的利益;(5)要管好配偶、子女和身边工作人员;(6)要公道正派用人,不任人唯亲,徇私舞弊;(7)要艰苦奋斗,不铺张浪费,贪图享受;(8)要务实为民,不 弄虚作假,与民争利。督促全局干部职工特别是领导干部要严格执行县委的规定,不准收取服务对象赠送的礼品礼金、有价证券和支付凭证;不准接受有可能影响“公开、公平、公正”办事的宴请;不准参加任何形式的赌博活动和有损共产党员、国家公务员以及单位集体形象的休闲娱乐场所的活动;不准铺张浪费,挥霍公款公物。下乡要按县委规定,吃农家饭,不收包包烟,不准喝酒,不得接受乡镇在乡镇和县城的宴请。机关办事不得互相宴请,不准发包包烟,对上级及县外来客要控制接待标准,减少陪客人数,严格接待规定。督促班子成员带头坚持领导干部重大事项报告制度,其配偶、子女不准违规经商办企业,不跑官要官,自觉遵守党纪国法,努力提高广大干部职工的廉洁自律水平,共同增强党纪法纪意识。








Writing parallel sentences highlightsWriting parallel sentences highlightsPolitical classI go to enhance the consciousness of active, dynamic, firmness.I go to enhance the strong political identity, identity theory, emotion recognition.The implementation, maintenance support, development of the overwhelming majority of the people all the benefits.That really makes people enjoy people more real, more fully, more extensive human rights.The advance of political consultation, democratic supervision, participation in politics and political system construction.The advancement of social democracy political system, standardize standardization of procedures.The implementation of self—management, self—service, self education, self supervision.— establish socialist democracy and the rule of law, freedom, peace, justice and equality.The efforts to solve the people most concerned about, the most direct benefit directly, most practical problems.That should enhance the consciousness of political power, the overall situation consciousness, suffering consciousness and sense of responsibility.The development for the people, development depends on the people, the fruits of development are shared by the people.The optimization of public resource allocation, innovation of public service system, improve the quality of public services.That respect the principal position of the people, give full play to peoples initiative, the security of the peoples rights.In. Is the mind clear, ready, moving up strong and productive.The leading cadres of the party should strengthen the party consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, conduct, and for example.The maintenance of the party and the partys ruling position, to safeguard national security, safeguard the peoples rights and interests.I go to the urban and rural communities become orderly management, perfect service, civilization and social life of the community.The construction of a reliable political, business proficiency, honest and efficient, high—quality cadres masses satisfied.The implementation of the central on the promotion of the partys seventeen seven spirit into the classroom, teaching materials, into the minds of the students.With the strengthen self construction of the CPPCC, play a coordinating relationship, gathering strength, policy suggestions, the important role of serving the overall situation.The economy must conform to the socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, the construction of the new social situation, new requirements and new expectations of the people.The China characteristic socialism is the national prosperity, national rejuvenation, the peoples fundamental guarantee to happiness, is the history will be inevitable, realistic choice and direction in the future.I go to Chinese characteristics of social socialism as the great banner, to hold, as the correct way to insist, as a scientific theory to use the same as the common ideal pursuit.I go along with the reform of economic system, social structure, profound changes in the pattern of interests profound adjustment adjustment, profound changes in ideas, social contradictions into prone, multiple period.I go to extraordinary will happy to drive, very strong measures to work efficiency, extraordinary, fulfill the Chinese characteristics socialist builders, defenders of the sacred holy mission.I go to take practical action to defend the defending party leadership, defend the socialist regime, defend the socialist system Chinese characteristics, great achievements of reform and development to defend the stability, to defend the fundamental interests of the people.That this kind of big department system is conducive to straighten out the relationship, optimize the structure, improve efficiency, the formation of integrated, consistent with responsibilities, reasonable division of work, scientific decision—making, implementation of smooth smooth, powerful supervision system of administrative management system.I go to love the motherland proud, ashamed to harm the motherland; to serve the peoples pride, shame betray the people;; uphold science, with no ignorance of ignorance shame; proud of the hard work, to shame to love leisure and hate Labour Solidarity and mutual assistance; proud, ashamed to advantage;; be honest and trustworthy, to see the forget Wangyi ashamed; law—abiding proud, ashamed to lawlessness; hard to fight for glory, ashamed to extravagance and dissipation.The partys fine style of promoting stylewith folk.The adherence to democracy, openness, competition, preferred.We understand that, trust and care about the Gulf of Taiwan compatriots.The building up and perfecting the incentive mechanism, care, assistance.I go to do practical things for the masses, the solution is difficult to do good things.The Chinese country will never be selfish, and beggar thy neighbor thing.The glow of self interest, struggle, reform and innovation spirit.The adaptation to scientific governance, democratic governance, to the ruling.The development of inner—party democracy is a lot of levels, multi aspect, multi way.I go to Scientific Outlook on Development in accordance with the requirements of the assessment, evaluation and use of cadres.The advancement of the party building work of the scientific, institutionalized and standardized.The party organizations at all levels to make continuously improve creativity, cohesion and fighting capacity.In international relations, Philip triumphantly democracy, harmony, cooperation and win—win spirit.The socialist democracy political institutionalization, standardization, Cheng Cheng ordered.That adhere to the leadership of the party, the people in power, the rule of law state unity.The ability to follow and focus on performance, people accepted that principle of selection of cadres.The check to prevent and overcome the orders and prohibitions, the phenomenon of each acts in his own way.— this is our party to explore the truth, pioneering results.We will continue to implement the neighbors as good, with neighboring diplomatic policy.— create a peaceful and steady stability, equality and mutual trust, cooperation and win—win environment in the region.I go to the people strive to have real feelings, people have really measures, is really effective. "The comrades of the whole party, especially leading cadres, must uphold the party spirit, re conduct, for example.New ideas, put forward that our party about the partys construction of new ideas, new conclusions.The consolidation and development of equality, unity, mutual assistance, and harmonious socialist ethnic relations.The play to the coordination of the relationship between power BSFLP forces for convergence, the important role of serving the overall situation.The idea of independence, people want a lot of activity selectivity, variability, the difference is significantly enhanced.The basic theory and adhering to and enriching, the partys basic line, basic program and basic experience,.The clear and guiding ideology to strengthen the ruling ability construction, objectives and tasks and plans.That respect the principal position of the people, play to peoples initiative, safeguard the peoples interests of the people.That must not be allowed to allow anyone in any name, in any way to separate Taiwan from the motherland.The construction of a unified, disciplined, heroic workers vanguard of the working class.The comprehensive strengthening and improving Party building is the former Kai, the same One principle runs through it all..Only reform and opening up to the development of China, socialist development, the development of the Marx doctrine.The 00 years of our party to arm Party members, with the scientific theory to guide practice, promote the work.Long term, the comrade must fully understand the anti—corruption struggle is complex, arduous.The advance of the construction of the party theory innovation, system innovation, innovation and new method innovation.The proposed knowledge in the realization of cadre team in the premise of revolution under the younger, professional industry.I go to maximize the mobilization of the enthusiasm of product, Party organizations and members at all levels of the initiative and creativity.The overall design thinking of the theory and practice of the construction of the partys prospective, forward—looking, strategic issues.From 1983 — from within the 3 years of the partys ideology, style and organization for an overhaul.— such as how to further open up the case to adapt to the new requirements, learning new knowledge and new skills, exercise.The party put forward clearly the party building is on their own, do not grasp the party building is dereliction of duty, unable to grasp the party building is incompetent.The expansion of socialist democracy, the construction of socialist rule of law governing country, the development of the socialist political civilization.That our party is against publicity masses, organizing the masses, relying on the masses all started from victory to victory.Give full play to the grass—roots party organization, promoting development, serving the people, unite gather people, promote harmony.The promotion of relations between political parties, ethnic relations, religious relations, hierarchical relations, the harmonious relationship between the overseas compatriots.I go for a modern, facing the world, facing the future of socialism China stand in the east of the world.The formalism, bureaucracy issues more prominent, extravagance, negative corruption is still quite serious.In the reform and improve the partys leadership and governance, new progress has been made in the system of leadership system and work.Lenin believes that the democracy within the party, highly focused on the iron discipline is an important foundation to maintain the unity of the partys hold.The 30 year that the construction of the party is in the world situation, the party situation, the big background of major and profound changes in the.That our party has established the symptoms, comprehensive treatment, prevention and punishment and prevention, focusing on prevention of anti—corruption corruption strategy.In the guiding ideology and policy and major principles, the whole Party must maintain a high degree of consistency.The reduced levels of administration, reduce administrative costs, and strive to resolve overlapping responsibilities, cross, each department acting on its own.The China peoples appearance, Chinese socialist outlook has undergone historic changes China communist spirit.The enhancement of basic physical theory, study and implement the partys basic line, basic program and basic experience of the consciousness and firmness.The effective resist money worship, hedonism, extreme individualism and erosion of corruption of the body body of the party.— all these, caused by the global economic situation has undergone major changes, not without interest before Princess Bureau and the security pattern.The separate, in party and government decentralization, streamlining mechanism, strengthening the construction of democracy and legal system and adopted some reform measures.The courage to change, innovation, permanent stagnation, never rigid, I become our partys long—term adhere to the governing of the road.That clearly put in real practice especially in difficult environment, the contradiction between the shield, prominent local refining and difficult exercise training of cadres.The building of socialist market economy, socialist democracy, socialist advanced culture, socialist harmonious society.That we will unswervingly implement the principle of "one country two systems", "Hong Kong", "Macao" and a high degree of autonomy for the policy.The reform and opening up is the characteristics of this period is the most vivid, the most remarkable achievement is the rapid development of the times, is a symbol of the most prominent.I go to the construction of anti—corruption and the partys ideological construction, organization construction, style construction, system construction coordinate, constitute the overall arrangement of Party Construction of the party.There is one generation after another to go to Chinese Communist successor, not afraid of sacrifice, hard fighting, forge ahead, to lay the China in todays situation.I go to the party construction work in the history of international comparison, observation, grasp the reality of a wide field of vision, deepen the understanding, improve the level of.The partys grassroots organization undertakes to unite the people, organize the masses, educate the masses, the partys line principles and policies to the important responsibility of basic level.The people of all ethnic groups that consolidate the unity, strengthen the great unity of the Chinese people at home and abroad. China people in promoting the unity with the peoples of the world.The legislation must adhere to the party for the public and governing for the people, to achieve now, to maintain a good development, the overwhelming majority of people as the fundamental interests of the partys nuclear core value.The recovery of our party in everything from the reality, theory with practice, seeking truth from facts, in practice practice testing and developing truth truth ideological line.That we realize modernization of the motherland, complete national unity, safeguard world peace and promote common development of the three major historical tasks: full of confidence.How to strengthen the party construction of the ruling party, consolidate the ruling partys position, to complete the partys mission, Ma Max and Engels put forward many important thoughts.The party hold the ruling position is not innate, but also not permanent, past have not equal to now have, now have not always equal.The seriously solve the existing party organizations and Party members in the ideological confusion, organization Huan do bad work style, outstanding problems such as lax discipline process and achieved significant results.The party in the country at or above the county level leadership guide team, leadership and cadres to carry out to "say study, talk politics, righteousness Qi" party spirit education as the main content.The party organizations at all levels of organization and Party members and cadres to firmly grasp the "one center, two basic points" between interconnected, interdependent, indivisible relationship.The hard to stick with the system steward, all right, tube, establish and improve the decision—making power, executive power and supervision power mutually control the power structure and operation mechanism and coordination with each other.That many of the members of the Communist Party of Buweijianxian, heavy responsibilities, Sheshesheng forget the death, rushed in front of the full show in the new period of the Communist Party of good character and good times style.The Ma Max doctrine only with national conditions combined with the progress of development, with the times, and peoples common destiny, can shine strong vitality, creativity and appeal.? This 30 year is the partys theoretical innovation results were more and more party members and the masses of the study, the acceptance, the master, the use of the theoretical results into a huge amount of material power.The changing job functions, straightening out relations, optimizing the structure, improving efficiency, formation, responsibilities consistent, rational division of labor, scientific decision—making, execution for smooth, strong supervision and administrative management system.I go to the party members especially leading cadres strict requirements, strict education, strict management, strict supervision and supervision; in the inner life of party spirit,, in principle, promote righteousness, crooked against wind.The real political rely on reliable, have the ability to work, the style of the wind hard life, peoples trust, to good at leading scientific development show outstanding cadres at all levels to leadership positions.The general interests of our Taiwan compatriots were things beneficial to the maintenance of peace in the Taiwan Strait Taiwan all things, all to promote the peaceful reunification of the motherland do good things, we will try our best to do well.— sincerely listen to their whirring sound, truly reflect the aspirations of the masses, the truth really concerned about the sufferings of the masses, for the masses of all good things, do solid work, do the power used for the people, love the people, and work for the people.I go on one Chinese principle will not waver, and strive for the mediocre unified effort and never give up, to carry out thorough hopes on the Taiwan people policy will never change, opposing secessionist activities will not crack compromise.There is definitely not to explore and answer what is socialism, how to build socialism, building what kind of party, how to build it, and what kind of development, how the development of major theoretical and practical problems.In accordance with the "adhere to the standards, assure quality, improve the structure, Shen retransmission development" policy, conscientiously do a good job in the workers, peasants, intellectuals, exhibition development of Party members and cadres in the army advanced elements of the work.In the basis of chaos dialedrandomly re established Ma Maxs ideological line, political line and organizational line, with great political and theoretical courage of scientific evaluation of Comrade Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong thought.The use China characteristics socialist common ideal cohesion to God the national spirit with patriotism as the core of the reform and innovation as the core of the time spirit inspire morale, lead the fashion with a socialist concept of honor and disgrace.That any one party, regardless of the strength of more powerful, qualified old ruling time long, if conservative, solid step self seal, ossified, lazy, the creativity will failure, vitality will stop.The building of the party has become the party for the public, the executive party, become the scientific ruling, democratic ruling, ruling according to law, and be realistic and pragmatic, pioneering and innovative, diligent, efficient, honest and clean of the ruling party.I go to improve the democratic system, enrich the forms of democracy, expand democratic channels, to carry out democratic election, democratic decision—making, democratic management, democratic supervision, and safeguard the peoples right to know, right to participate, right of expression, the right of supervision.The Deng Xiaoping theory, "Three Represents" important thought and the scientific outlook on development and other major strategic thoughts with mutual cohesion, coalescence, line bearing and advancing with the times, together constitute the China country socialist theoretical system.There is clearly to adhere to the integrity and both focus on performance, recognized by the masses of the people, adhere to the principle of merit, decent for a line of justice, adhere to scientific development, focusing on character, advocating is dry, pay attention to the grassroots, to encourage innovation, recognized by the masses of people oriented.In order to keep the flesh and blood ties between the party and the peoples blood as the core, to build high quality cadres as the key, focus on reform and improve the partys leadership system and working mechanism, to strengthen the partys grassroots organizations and Party members base construction as the foundation, strengthen the Party Construction.The comrades want to cherish, long—term adherence and development of the party through a China by the hard characteristic socialist road and Chinese characteristics of socialist theory system, emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and keep pace with the times, the courage to change, innovation, never rigid, never stagnant.The ideological liberation is a magic weapon for the development of socialist Chinese righteousness, the reform and opening up is the development of strong power, China socialism scientific development and social harmony are basic requirements for the development of socialism Chinese characteristics, comprehensively building a moderately well—off society society is the party and the state to reach two, two, annual goals.The picture according to the democracy and the rule of law, fairness and justice, honesty and faithful love, full of vitality, stability and order to order requirements and jointly build a harmonious coexistence of man and nature, shared principles, efforts to solve the people most happy, theby landscape terrain, many roads in the mountains along the layout of groups close to the bridge links—free links between, road intersection of multiple malformation, deformity such as y type, t—intersections, especially the old city; branch keys and couldnt get through. 3 city public traffic co, Ltd, Yibin city, public transport system, was。

Writing parallel sentences highlightsWriting parallel sentences highlightsPolitical classI go to enhance the consciousness of active, dynamic, firmness.I go to enhance the strong political identity, identity theory, emotion recognition.The implementation, maintenance support, development of the overwhelming majority of the people all the benefits.That really makes people enjoy people more real, more fully, more extensive human rights.The advance of political consultation, democratic supervision, participation in politics and political system construction.The advancement of social democracy political system, standardize standardization of procedures.The implementation of self—management, self—service, self education, self supervision.— establish socialist democracy and the rule of law, freedom, peace, justice and equality.The efforts to solve the people most concerned about, the most direct benefit directly, most practical problems.That should enhance the consciousness of political power, the overall situation consciousness, suffering consciousness and sense of responsibility.The development for the people, development depends on the people, the fruits of development are shared by the people.The optimization of public resource allocation, innovation of public service system, improve the quality of public services.That respect the principal position of the people, give full play to peoples initiative, the security of the peoples rights.In. Is the mind clear, ready, moving up strong and productive.The leading cadres of the party should strengthen the party consciousness, consciousness of party spirit, conduct, and for example.The maintenance of the party and the partys ruling position, to safeguard national security, safeguard the peoples rights and interests.I go to the urban and rural communities become orderly management, perfect service, civilization and social life of the community.The construction of a reliable political, business proficiency, honest and efficient, high—quality cadres masses satisfied.The implementation of the central on the promotion of the partys seventeen seven spirit into the classroom, teaching materials, into the minds of the students.With the strengthen self construction of the CPPCC, play a coordinating relationship, gathering strength, policy suggestions, the important role of serving the overall situation.The economy must conform to the socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, the construction of the new social situation, new requirements and new expectations of the people.The China characteristic socialism is the national prosperity, national rejuvenation, the peoples fundamental guarantee to happiness, is the history will be inevitable, realistic choice and direction in the future.I go to Chinese characteristics of social socialism as the great banner, to hold, as the correct way to insist, as a scientific theory to use the same as the common ideal pursuit.I go along with the reform of economic system, social structure, profound changes in the pattern of interests profound adjustment adjustment, profound changes in ideas, social contradictions into prone, multiple period.I go to extraordinary will happy to drive, very strong measures to work efficiency, extraordinary, fulfill the Chinese characteristics socialist builders, defenders of the sacred holy mission.I go to take practical action to defend the defending party leadership, defend the socialist regime, defend the socialist system Chinese characteristics, great achievements of reform and development to defend the stability, to defend the fundamental interests of the people.That this kind of big department system is conducive to straighten out the relationship, optimize the structure, improve efficiency, the formation of integrated, consistent with responsibilities, reasonable division of work, scientific decision—making, implementation of smooth smooth, powerful supervision system of administrative management system.I go to love the motherland proud, ashamed to harm the motherland; to serve the peoples pride, shame betray the people;; uphold science, with no ignorance of ignorance shame; proud of the hard work, to shame to love leisure and hate Labour Solidarity and mutual assistance; proud, ashamed to advantage;; be honest and trustworthy, to see the forget Wangyi ashamed; law—abiding proud, ashamed to lawlessness; hard to fight for glory, ashamed to extravagance and dissipation.The partys fine style of promoting stylewith folk.The adherence to democracy, openness, competition, preferred.We understand that, trust and care about the Gulf of Taiwan compatriots.The building up and perfecting the incentive mechanism, care, assistance.I go to do practical things for the masses, the solution is difficult to do good things.The Chinese country will never be selfish, and beggar thy neighbor thing.The glow of self interest, struggle, reform and innovation spirit.The adaptation to scientific governance, democratic governance, to the ruling.The development of inner—party democracy is a lot of levels, multi aspect, multi way.I go to Scientific Outlook on Development in accordance with the requirements of the assessment, evaluation and use of cadres.The advancement of the party building work of the scientific, institutionalized and standardized.The party organizations at all levels to make continuously improve creativity, cohesion and fighting capacity.In international relations, Philip triumphantly democracy, harmony, cooperation and win—win spirit.The socialist democracy political institutionalization, standardization, Cheng Cheng ordered.That adhere to the leadership of the party, the people in power, the rule of law state unity.The ability to follow and focus on performance, people accepted that principle of selection of cadres.The check to prevent and overcome the orders and prohibitions, the phenomenon。

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