
【摘要】 目的观察解酒消脂治疗酒精性脂肪肝疗效。方法将72例酒精性脂肪肝患者分为两组治疗组服用解酒消脂汤,对照组口服复方益肝灵片治疗,比较两组疗效及肝功能、血脂变化。结果治疗组总有效率86.11%,对照组总有效率41.67%,两组比较有显著性差异(P0.01)。治疗组肝功能、血脂治疗后较治疗前显著改善(P0.01),并优于对照组。结论 解酒消脂汤对酒精性脂肪肝有良好的治疗作用。

【关键词】 解酒消脂酒精性脂肪肝 中医药疗法。

Abstract:ObjectiveTo observe the therapeutic effect of Jie Jiu Hua Zhi soup on alcoholic fatty liver (AFL). MethodsSeventy two patients suffered from AFL were divided randomly into two groups: treatment group and control group. Patients in treatment group took Jie Jiu Hua Zhi soup and those in control group took compound Yiganlin tablets. The curative effect and the variation of hepatic function and blood lipid between the two groups were investigated.ResultsAfter a certain time of treatment, the curative rate was 86.11% in treatment group and 41.67% in control group. There was an significant difference for curative rate between the two groups (P0.01). In treatment group, the index of liver function and the level of blood lipid were significantly reduced after treatment(P0.01). The index of liver function and the level of blood lipid were better in treatment group than those in control group. ConclusionJie Jiu HuaZhi soup has a good therapeutic effect on AFL.

Key words:Jie Jiu HuaZhi soup; Alcoholic fatty liver; Chinese traditional medical treatment。


1 临床资料。

1.1 一般资料。


1.2 诊断标准。


2 治疗方法。

治疗组服用解酒消脂汤。药物组成:醋柴胡6 g,白芍10 g,半夏10 g,白术10 g,茯苓10 g,海藻10 g,泽泻10 g,垂盆草30 g,竹茹10 g,陈皮10 g,秦艽10 g,葛根10 g,决明子10 g,丹参10 g,生山楂12 g,五味子5 g。随证加减。上方加水500 ml,浓煎至200 ml,2次/d,1剂/d。对照组口服复方益肝灵片(吉林省博维药业有限公司生产,批准文号:国药准字Z22021425),4片/次,3次/d。两组均服药30 d为1个疗程。治疗期间停服其他药物,禁食肥甘厚味,忌饮酒,适当运动,保持心情舒畅。

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