
作者:李刚 崔丽芳 郑升法 张念亮 魏伟 王会强。

【摘要】 目的 比较大容量零平衡超滤(ZBUF)应用于体外循环(CPB)下冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)与非体外循环下CABG(OPCABG)的炎性反应和临床效果。方法 45例接受CABG的患者随机分为常规CPB组(A组),常规CPB+零平衡超滤组(B组)和非体外循环组(C组),每组各15例。ZBUF采用的滤器为滤过面积0.5m2,孔径允许65—kDa物质通过,B组体外循环全程采用勃脉力(Plasmalyte)等量置换滤出液。观察麻醉诱导前、术中、术后即刻、术后4 h、24 h血浆中白细胞介素(IL)—6、 IL—8、 肿瘤坏死因子—ɑ(TNF—ɑ)浓度,术后肺泡—动脉氧阶差、呼吸机支持时间及ICU停留时间。结果 与麻醉诱导前相比,三组炎性介质术后均显著升高,持续到术后24 h,A组最明显,与另外两组比较有统计学意义。B组平均超滤4015 ml,术后早期炎性介质浓度明显低于另两组。B、C两组术后呼吸机支持时间和ICU停留时间显著少于A组。结论 大容量零平衡超滤可有效滤出炎性介质,减轻CPB所致炎性反应,与非体外CABG相比,同样可缩短机械通气和ICU停留时间

【关键词】 零平衡超滤;炎性介质;体外循环;非体外循环下冠状动脉旁路移植术

Abstract: OBJECTIVE This study was performed to compare clinical effects and inflammatory mediator removal by high—volume, zero—fluid balance ultrafiltration(ZBUF) between on pump CABG and OPCABG. METHODS Forty—five adult patients undergoing CABG open—heart procedure were randomized to three group. A: conventional CABG(on—pump, no ultrafiltration) ,B group:on—pump CABG with the zero—balance ultrafiltration (ZBUF) and C group:OPCABG. ZBUF was performed by using a 65—kDa ultrafilter with 0.5 m2 surface area,A volume of a balanced salt crystalloid solution (Plasmalyte) equal to the filtered blood volume was given to replace the fluid removed. Plasma interleukin IL—6, IL—8, and tumor necrosis factor(α—TNF) were measured at before induction (T1),10 min after onset of bypass (T2), terminal of bypass (T3), 4 h(T4) and 24 h (T5) postoperative. Postoperative alveolar—arterial oxygen gradient, time to intubation and ICU—stay were monitored. RESULTS The plasma concentration of inflammatory mediator were increased notably in three group after operation. Average volume of filtrate removed was 4105 ml in group B during ZBUF. In B group( ZBUF), the patients had a significant lower in IL—6,8 and TNF compared with group A and C in the early postoperative. The mechanical ventilation supporting time and ICU—stay in group B and C were significantly shorter than that in group A.CONCLUSION This study demonstrates that high—volume ZBUF is a effective strategy that can remove significant amounts of inflammatory mediators during ECC in on—pump CABG,and reduce the ICU—stay and duration of mechanical ventilation as same as in OPCABG.

Key words: Zero—balance ultrafiltration,Inflammatory mediators,Cardiopulmonary bypass, OPCABGfluid balance ultrafiltration,ZBUF)已广泛应用于小儿体外循环(cardiopulmonary bypass,CPB)中,并取得了较好的临床效果。但在成人有关报道不多或是否从中获益尚无定论。本实验意在观察大容量零平衡超滤对CPB炎性介质及临床结果的影响,并与非体外循环(off—pump)下的冠状动脉旁路移植术(coronary artery bypass grafting,CABG)进行比较。

1 资料与方法。

1.1 临床资料 病例资料及分组 45例冠心病患者在CPB下行CABG,随机分为A组:常规CPB组;B组:ZBUF组;C组:OPCABG组。各15例,性别比例、病种分布见表1。

1.2 CPB及超滤方法 各组均采用Stockert Shiley人工心肺机,Medtronic膜肺,预充液使用乳酸钠林格注射液和血定安,预充总量1 500~2 000 ml,根据血气及电解质检测结果加入5%碳酸氢钠、10%葡萄糖酸钙及10%硫酸镁,速尿0.5 mg/kg。肝素经中心静脉注射400 IU/kg,CPB中ACT维持在480 s以上。均采用浅低温,转流中灌注流量为1.8~2.4 L/(min·m2),维持平均动脉压40~70 mmHg,以α—稳态管理血气。

CPB开始至结束持续超滤,流量300~400 ml/min,出水口负压不超过150 mmHg,采用勃脉力(Plasmalyte—A)等量置换滤出液。所用滤器为Terumo Capiox HC05型,预充量35 ml,有效膜面积0.5 m2。

1.3 观察指标 每例患者均在麻醉诱导前(T1)、转流10 min(T2)、停机后/术后即刻(T3)、术后4 h(T4)、术后24 h(T5)分别采集2 ml血液。放入含乙二胺甲乙酸(ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid)的无菌空管内,经3 000转/min离心20 min后,取上清液置入管内,—80℃冰箱保存。采用美国Biosource公司提供试剂盒,经ELISA法检测肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)—α,白介素(IL)—6,IL—8的变化水平。记录每例患者于术后1 h、4 h、 6 h、 12 h及24 h的氧合指数(OI)、术后呼吸机辅助时间、ICU停留时间。根据以下公式计算肺泡气—动脉血氧分压差。



注:PAO2:肺泡气氧分压; PB:大气压760 mmHg;。

PH2O:水泡气压47 mmHg; FiO2:吸入氧浓度;。


1.4 统计学分析 采用SPSS 11.0统计软件进行统计学处理。计量资料用均数±标准差(±s)表示,组间均数的比较应用两个独立样本t检验,组内资料应用双因素方差分析,率的比较用X2检验。P0.05为差异有统计学意义。

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