【衡阳市孕妇保健状况及心理的分析】 孕妇初期心理状况





【关键词】孕妇保健状况心理分析      Hengyang pregnant woman health care condition and psychological analysis.Jiang Fanglian.(Hengyang mother and child health care hospital,Hengyang 421001 China)   【Abstract】Objective:Whether before the woman of child—bearing age does obtain good is pregnant,and the gestation period health care,direct relation human quality enhancement.Methods:To Hunan Hengyang pregnant woman health care condition and psychological investigation,investigation content:The pregnant woman age,the occupation,do the years of schooling,whether there is prepare the pregnancy,to be pregnant the time,to produce inferiorly,primary,look up are pregnant the time,to construct the card time,to postpone construct the card reason.Results:Has,in the non—preparation pregnancy 776 examples pregnant women,has the preparation pregnancy 570 examples(73.5%),the non—preparation pregnancy 206 examples(26.5%),the pregnant woman age scope is 21~39 years old,21~30 years old of group occupies 95%,≥30 the year old group only to account for 5%,before being pregnant,and is pregnant the early time to have the unusual condition formation rate is 10.7%,including,the non—preparation pregnancy group respectively is 0.9%,9.8%,the years of schooling,have,the non—preparation pregnancy group,the high school following years of schooling respectively are 35%,65%,above the high school md the high school the years of schooling respectively are 87%,13%.Before being pregnant,and is pregnant the early time to have the unusual condition formation rate is 10.70%,including,thenon—preparation pregnancy group respectively is 0.9%,9.8%.Psychological reason:The fear is in labor the ache 73 examples (to account for 94.2%),the fear c—section 56 examples(account for 7.2%),the fear birth baby sex,the family member not satisfactory 48 examples(account for 6.2%),and so on.Conclusion:Has the preparation pregnancy,is advantageous in guaranteed that the pregnant woman obtains good is pregnant the earlier period and is pregnant the early health care,thus safeguards the maternal infant health.   【Key Words】Pregnant woman;Health care condition;Psychological analysis      随着社会的发展,人们对健康和计划生育的要求不断提高。



1 资料与方法      1.1 调查对象:2007年3月~2008年2月来院就诊的570例建卡孕妇

1.2 调查内容:孕妇年龄、职业、文化程度、有无准备妊娠、未准备妊娠原因、孕次、产次、初次查孕时间、建卡时间、推迟建卡原因。

1.3 调查方法:在建立《孕产妇全程保健手册》[3]进行逐个询问,详细问诊,采用统一调查表。

1.4 分类标准:①有准备妊娠组:夫妇双方有意识地选择在身体、精神、心理、社会环境、营养状况较为适宜的时期妊娠;②无准备妊娠组:夫妇双方未做好妊娠准备

2 结果      2.1 孕妇职业:见表1。

2.2 孕妇推迟建卡原因:见表2。

2.3 围产早期异常状况分析:见表3。

2.4 影响孕妇心理原因:见表4。

3 讨论      3.1 无准备妊娠:育龄期妇女生育期有30多年,有充分选择生育时机的权利,因此要做到有准备妊娠,否则就会因孕期出现的疾病、孕前孕早期接触某些有害物质而影响胚胎和胎儿的发育及孕妇的健康,甚至由于心理问题影响到胚胎和胎儿的发育[4],有的还因此被迫终止妊娠


3.2 初次检查及建卡时间推迟:从围产医学对母婴进行统一管理的特点出发,围产保健必须从孕前开始,因为母体的内外环境始终在影响着胎儿的正常发育,尤其是早孕对外界因素的干扰更加敏感,极易受物理、化学、生物因素影响而发生胎儿畸形。




3.3 干预措施:育龄妇女是否获得良好的孕前孕早期保健,直接关系到人口素质的提高,而此项工作不仅是医疗保健部门的事情,而且需要多方面的协作,尤其是政府的关心、广泛的科普宣传、围产期孕妇的职业保护、医疗部门的知识更新及职业培训。


【参考文献】   [1] 乐杰.妇产科学[M].第6版.北京:人民卫生出版社,2004:83.   [2] 丁炎明.以人为本护理服务的探索与实践.中华护理杂志,2004,1(39):39~41.   [3] 邢淑敏.孕产妇全程保健手册[M],北京:金盾出版社,2006:20~21.   [4] 潘君玲,倪小娟,梅映台等.女性抑郁患者的心理特征及护理对策.护理研究,2002,16(1):21~22.   [收稿 2009—02—16]      注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文。

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