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关于gps的英语短文 which also provides practical information on GPS and maps that everyone can use. The website includes product reviews and a maps/GPS glossary.


The everyday use of a GPS device might be to find your way around town or even navigate a hiking trail, but for two physicists, the Global Positioning System might be a tool in directly detecting and measuring dark matter, so far an elusive but ubiquitous form of matter responsible for the formation of galaxies. Andrei Derevianko, of the University of Nevada, Reno, and his colleague Maxim Pospelov, of the University of Victoria and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada, have proposed a method for a dark—matter search with GPS satellites and other atomic clock networks that compares times from the clocks and looks for discrepancies.

"Despite solid observational evidence for the existence of dark matter, its nature remains a mystery," Derevianko, a professor in the College of Science at the University, said. "Some research programs in particle physics assume that dark matter is composed of heavy—particle—like matter. This assumption may not hold true, and significant interest exists for alternatives."。

"Modern physics and cosmology fail dramatically in that they can only explain 5 percent of mass and energy in the universe in the form of ordinary matter, but the rest is a mystery."。

There is evidence that dark energy is about 68 percent of the mystery mass and energy. The remaining 27 percent is generally acknowledged to be dark matter, even though it is not visible and eludes direct detection and measurement.

"Our research pursues the idea that dark matter may be organized as a large gas—like collection of topological defects, or energy cracks," Derevianko said. "We propose to detect the defects, the dark matter, as they sweep through us with a network of sensitive atomic clocks. The idea is, where the clocks go out of synchronization, we would know that dark matter, the topological defect, has passed by. In fact, we envision using the GPS constellation as the largest human—built dark—matter detector."。

Their research was well—received by the scientific community when the theory was presented at scientific conferences this year, and their paper on the topic appears today in the online version of the scientific journal Nature Physics, ahead of the print version.

关于gps的英语短文:With the widespread use of technologies like GPS and Internet—connected cameras

With the widespread use of technologies like GPS and Internet—connected cameras, parents can now keep an eye on their children wherever they are.

The combination of high—tech tools and highly—protective parents has set off the creation of a GPS—equipped wristwatch that allows parents to listen in real time to what their children are doing. The device has caused complaints from teachers since some parents began equipping their children with the watch so they can listen in on what happens at school.

A teacher surnamed You at a well—known primary school in Pudong New Area discovered someone was eavesdropping(偷听) on her lessons after a parent of one of her students posted something she said online while class was still on. You soon found out the parent had given her child a watch that could send out the sounds in the classroom to her mobile phone. Soon, other parents decided to equip their own children with the devices.

You was annoyed to find out her students' parents were spying on her. It made her feel as if they distrusted her. After You told her fellow teachers what had happened, they discovered that some of their students were also wearing the watches.







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